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Feelin' Froggy Footnotes 4

We shared many secrets,

the same mom & dad.

We shared lots of good times,

don't think of the bad.

Our memories we'll cherish,

with love without end!

I'm glad your my *brother*,

I'm glad your my friend!!


This is my baby~brother!!


Ain't he a doll??


Don't answer that one!!

I would like to just take this time and say:

I am so proud of you!!


you have done so much and so well with your life!!

**pattin you on the back**

Keep up the good work in college and at your job!!

I will always be here for you if you ever need me, or just need a friend to talk to!!

We have had some bad times but that is expected with brother/sister relationships!!

I wouldn't trade you for a sister, not in a million years!!

I just wanted to make this page to tell you....

I am very Proud of you!!!

and that you mean the world to me!!

I love you!!!

P.S. You really can't beat me up!!


I let you!!


Love you,

your one and only sister

Always *~*hoppin*~*



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