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Feelin' Froggy Footnote 6

This page is dedicated to:

To my friend...


Of all the people in my life,

From the beginning to the end.

You've been a special blessing.

My dear and faithful friend.

You've filled my life with laughter,

Shared sorrows, joys and tears.

You've stood by me & held my hand,

Walked with me through my fears.

When I needed someone to listen,

I knew you would always be there.

When I was weathered the storms of life,

You was always the one who cared.

So in this circle we call life.

From beginning to the end,

I was blessed to have you beside me,

My dear and faithful friend

Author: Allison Coxsey

Froggyhuggerz @ Aj

Always *~*hoppin*~*

Feelin'froggy TM


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