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Senshi, Scouts, Unite!

    Attention, all Japanese Sailor Senshi!

    Attention, all American Sailor Scouts!

    We are one and the same (with the exception of about 100 episodes), and we should work together to form a more perfect union, and all that sort of stuff!

    What I'm pretty much trying to say is that I'm an American who's being deprived of the actual Japanese version of Sailor Moon. Everything I know about it comes from the web and from my best bud, Jeremy. Therefore, let it be known that everything on this page is all that I have come to know about the series in its entirety, and if it's really wrong, deal with it.

The Main Site (So Far):

Sailor Profiles: Where I tell you as much as I know and everything I think about the Senshi that I know about. I think I know about them all. Well, I don't read the Manga so I can't be sure, but at least I'm trying!

Sailor Sounds: I have a whole bunch of midi files, and some wavs as well, so if I can fit them here, they're going here.

Sailor Gallery: Fanart, real screenshots, anything that I have that is fit to be seen by human eyes.

Sailor Stories: Fanfics. This'll start out with mine, and hopefully, I'll finish it.

Sailor Sites: Other sites that have Sailor Moon-type stuff. Otherwise known as the Links page.

Might as well poke in the disclaimer while I'm at it. I do another fanpage for a different TV show, so I know it's necessary to do a disclaimer or you might get sued, which is really stupid if you ask me. I didn't create any images on this site unless I say that I did, which is quite possible considering I'll probably be putting up some of my own artwork - which isn't that great so don't get your hopes up - and maybe other peoples if I'm lucky enough to have enough room on this server. Also, to clear a whole bunch of things up: I like Sailor Moon. I am a fan. I have opinions. This is where I express those opinions, and if you don't like it, then go somewhere else. I don't have time for flames, and I doubt the Fire Department really wants to come to my house just to hose down my computer every so often. Okay, so now on to the rest of the page.

What is Sailor Moon, you ask?
Sailor Moon is an anime show about a girl, Usagi, who finds out that she is actually a superhero, Sailor Moon. With the help of her counselor cat Luna, the two find the other four sailor scouts, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. And then they save the world by beating the crap outta Queen Beryl. And then they save it again by showing the aliens what love is. And then they save it again by beating the crap outta the Doom Phantom, and they found out that Usagi ends up marrying Mamoru in the future and they have a kid named Chibi-Usa who's a real pain in the rear end. That's where the American version stops, because they're too wussy to venture into stuff like homosexuality and death. In the Japanese version, two new senshi come along, Uranus and Neptune, and they're lesbians, which is really funny because some of the original senshi end up getting a crush on the normal form of Uranus, and anyway, back to the point. And then they find out that the bad guy they have to beat is actually the next Sailor Senshi, which reminds me that I forgot to mention Pluto, who helped the original five out in the fight against the Doom Phantom. So the last Senshi is Saturn, and everything's cool and stuff, and we move into the next season, in which they beat even more bad guys into dust, and everything's blurry from there on. I'm working off summaries here, gimme a break!

Well, hope you like the page.
Here's a little guide to the rest of my sites:

Somting Elxe's House: This is my first homepage. It really shows cuz I just threw stuff on there left and right. From there, you can get to my midi collection, marching band quiz, anime page, and some french stuff from three years ago.

Red's Hidden Crypt: This is a fanfic archive for Willow/Angel fanfiction from the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's real small, all that's there is my stuff right now, but I hope to get more someday.

Welcome to SunnyHell: This is my Buffy page. It was originally supposed to be a site for newbies to pick up on the BtVS show, but I haven't updated in a year, so it's a bit behind the times. Oh well.

Jvillegrl's Writing Gallery: Whole bunch of my poetry and prose. Some of it's award-winning. Really!

If you want to link to this site, feel free to use the above banner to do so with!

Mokushin Kako
March 2000