OZ Mobile Suits

The OZ Mobile suits are rarely desciribed throughout the series, but I'll do my best to give (brief) descriptions of them.


The most basic of the mobile suits, and the first OZ used. Zechs Marquis actually damaged Heero's gundam with one of these, but he was good. Leos are weak suits, and almost stop getting used completely by the end of the series.


Cancer is one of two underwater gundams released in episode 2. It is fast, strong, and can fire missiles. Zechs used one of these to rip another mobile suit's arms off (using the claws, one on each arm). Like the constellation, Cancer looks like a crab.


One of two underwater gundams released in episode 2. This one looks more like a mobile suit than the cancer, but is about equal in strength. It has the advantage of more human-like characteristics, but does not quite match the power of the cancer.


Taurus is the most powerful mobile suit before the addition of the mobile dolls (which I'm trying to get a good picture of so I can add to this page). The Taurus is fast, agile, and has a beam cannon. It is the chosen mobile suit of the Sanc Kingdom. It is Lieutenant Noin's mobile suit. Tauruses prove to be important throughout the series.

Mobile Dolls

The mobile dolls are the most powerful of the mobile suits. The reason is obvious: they're unmanned. I'm not quite sure who invented the dolls, but general Tuberoph was the one that kept them in production. They were the main reason Treize Khushrenada quit from OZ. He knew that there was no pride in unmanned suits, and quit.