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a special  MYIS  dedication  to...

VA  Information

My, now here's a very small section. ^^ Here's just some tidbits of info of some of the VAs. A very small fraction of the VAs. Well, bye bye and enjoy! ^^

This site is just absolutely wonderful. ^_^ It has info on everything you need to know about the voice actors and actresses. Visit this place now. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. I leave all the info below from other sources I've gathered from the net.


Lara Jill Miller

Birthdate: April 20, 1967
Birthplace: Allentown, Pennsylvania
"Gimme a Break" as Samantha (TV)
"Chicken Soup For the Soul" (TV)
"The Daly News" (musical)
"Jerry Finnegan's Sister"
"Barefoot in the Park" as Corey Bratter
"Peter Pan" as Peter (musical)
"The Music Man" (musical)
"Touch & Go" (movie)
"NAGS" (TV movie/special)
Wendee Lee
Dirty Pair Flash as Yuri
Fushigi Yugi as Yui
Robotech as Vanessa Leeds
Magical Knights Rayearth as Umi and Princess Emeraude
Power Rangers in Space as Alpha 6 (^^;)
Saber Mariontte Jagain as Luchs
Silent Mobius as Nami Yamigumo
Tecknoman as Shara
Zillion as Amy
3x3 Eyes
The Descendant

Philece Sampler

"Days of Our Lives" as Renee Dumonde (soap)
"Rituals" (TV Show)
"Another World" as Donna Love (soap)
"TJ Hooker" as Sue Ann
"Hunter" as Casey
"The Incredible Hulk" as Betty Ross (cartoon)
"Real Monsters" as a voice over
"Rugrats" as Emma in the episode "He Saw, She Saw" (cartoon)

Joshua Seth

Age: 31

Occupation: Comedy Magician Extraordinaire (Yay! ^_^)

Joshua Seth, a proud member of the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, has thrilled audiences at over 1,000 events. His captivating slight of hand illusions and interactive comedy magic commands attention at any important event. Regardless of size, location, or other special requirements, Joshua will tailor his presentation to your specific needs. From intimate strolling magic to high energy, comedy stand-up shows, to mesmerizing illusions, you'll get an absolutely unforgettable experience Guaranteed! (That's what it said on the web site ^_^)

Well, that's all for now. Bye bye! ^_^

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Dislcaimer: This page was created on May 13 and released to the public on May 14. All credit for information is given to many of their fan websites. Please do not steal the infro from here. Thanks for reading this.