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Great places to go!

Okay, so I got an email from this girl saying she loved my site. Not only that, but when I begged, she made a pretty banner for me! So I am declaring this site LINK-FREE, and you can use my brand new banner to link up to me. Please link to However, please do tell me you linked to me so I can return the favor!

Now here are the linkies!

This is the Knives shrine. It's in Japanese, but don't be scared, it's done really clearly, so it's easy to navigate.

This is Plant Huggers, the BEST place to find Trigun info in English. It's got a very, very, VERY thorough links list.

This is the home to the only other Knives shrine in English to my knowledge. Great for newbies, because it has very few spoilers. Also has a very nice photo gallery.