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AM Header


"We Feel Your Pain"


- Feeling neglected?
- Do you have a strange arangement of content?
- Just feeling useless, abandoned or unwanted?
- Feeling like a sidekick?
- Can't get into other web-rings?

We here at the Ray of Hope 2 and Adopt A Villain have gone through what your feeling.

After searching for hours for a web-ring we may fit in with, we come to the conclusion. The only solution was to make our own ring. Here we would like others like us to band together and call this place home.

We hope you will like our ring. It is just starting so please don't be prejudice to the small amount of members...
Go ahead and join. It doesn't hurt or cost anything.

MELANGE - a mixture often of incongruous elements.
INCONGRUOUS - not conforming, disagreeing, inconsisting within oneself, lacking propriety, unsuitable.


Requirements to Join;

  1. You must have a web-site ;p

  2. Your site must contain some sort of anime.

  3. Sorry, no Hentai.

  4. No HATE sites.

  5. Must fill out form.

  6. Must put up our HTML code.

  7. Have to sign our guestbook.

  8. Must feel neglected.


As for the logos....
You may use;

  1. One of your own.

  2. Swap with others.

  3. Feel free to use one of ours.

  4. Submitting logos is welcome just e-mail us.

AM Logo

Notes: You must e-mail us when you get the HTML code up. So we can make sure it is correct.

Click to get logos.Click to get HTML codes.Remember to sign.E-mail Us.

Click to Join Ring.

Webring braught to you by "Ray of Hope 2" and "Adopt A Villain".