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Rikku's Overdrive Mix List

Where and how to get the items.
Lightning Element Non - elemental Fire Element    Support Water-Element Restorative

Mix Name

Item Mix

Mix Name

Item Mix

Grenade Fire Gem Ice Gem Frag Grenade  Power Sphere  Power Sphere
Damages all enemies. Damages and Armor Break all enemies. 
Pineapple Map Mana Sphere Potato masher Lv. 2 Key Sphere    Mana Sphere
Damages all enemies. Damages all enemies.
Cluster Bomb Return Sphere Mana Sphere Tallboy  Grenade  Gambler's Spirit
Damages all enemies.  Damages all enemies. 
Blaster Mine Power Sphere Power Sphere Hazardous Shell Grenade  Map
Damages and status ailments to all enemies.  Damages and status ailments to all enemies. 
Calamity Bomb Musk Lv. 1 Key Sphere Chaos Grenade  Poison Fang  Return Sphere
Damages and status ailments to all enemies.  Damages and status ailments to all enemies.
Heat Blaster Grenade Bomb Fragment Firestorm Lv. 2 Key Sphere  Bomb Fragment
Deals fire damage to all enemies Deals fire damage to all enemies.
Burning Soul Return Sphere Fire Gem Brimstone  Musk  Bomb Fragment
Deals fire damage to all enemies. Fire damage and status ailments to all enemies.
Abanddon Flame  Musk  Fire Gem Snow Flurry  Grenade  Antarctic Wind
Fire damage and status ailments to all enemies Deals ice damage to all enemies. 
Icefall Lv. 2 Key Sphere Antarctic Wind Winter Storm  Lv. 1 Key Sphere   Ice Gem
Deals ice damage to all enemies.  Deals ice damage to all enemies. 
Black Ice Musk  Antarctic Wind Krysta  Musk  Ice Gem
Ice damage and status ailments to all enemies.  Ice damage and status ailments to all enemies
Thunderbolt  Map  Lightning Marble Rolling Thunder Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Electro Marble
Deals Lightning damage to all enemies.  Deals Lightning damage to all enemies. 
Lightning Bolt Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Lightning Marble Electroshock  Musk  Electro Marble
Deals Lightning damage to all enemies.  Lightning damage and status ailments to all enemies. 
Thunderblast  Musk  Lightning Gem Waterfall  Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Fish Scale
Lightning damage and status ailments to all enemies.  Deals water damage to all enemies. 
Flash Flood  Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Dragon Scale Tidal Wave Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Water Gem
Deals water damage to all enemies.  Deals water damage to all enemies. 
Aqua Toxin  Musk  Fish Scale Dark Rain  Musk  Water Gem
Water damage and status ailments to all enemies.  Water damage and status ailments to all enemies. 
Nega Burst  Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Shadow Gem Black Hole  Gambler's Spirit  Shadow Gem
Reduces HP of all enemies by 3/4.  Reduces HP of all enemies by 15/16. 
Sunburst Underdog's Secret Gambler's Spirit Ultra Potion Potion  Potion
Deals damage to all enemies Restores HP of party. (Full HP) 
Panacea  Potion  Antidote Ultra Cure  Musk  Mana Distiller
Cures party of all status ailments. Restores HP and cures status ailments of party. (Full HP) 
Mega Phoenix   Power Sphere Phoenix Down Final Phoenix Clear Sphere  Phoenix Down
Revives party of KO Status. Revives party of KO status and fully restores HP 
Elixir Power Sphere Antidote Mega Elixir Soft  Map
Fully restores HP & MP of one character.  Fully restores HP & MP of party 
Super Elixir Soft  Gambler's Spirit Final Elixir Gambler's Spirit  Healing Water
Full HP & MP to party and cures all status ailments.  Restores party to full health (Full HP/ailments)
NulAll Potion Antarctic Wind Mega NulAll Power Sphere  Star Curtain
Defends a character for all elements  Defends party from all elements
Hyper NulAll Star Curtain Star Curtain  Ultra NulAll Musk  Healing Spring
Defends a character for all elements. Adds Cheer & Focus  Defends party from all elements and raised attributes 
Mighty Wall Power Sphere  Chocobo Wing Mighty G Any "Distiller" Any "Distiller"
Casts Shell and Protect on party  Casts Shell, Protect and Haste on party 
Super Mighty G Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Chocobo Wing Hyper Mighty G Gambler's Spirit Any "Curtain"
Cast Mighty G and Regen on party  Cast Mighty G, Regen and Auto-life on party
Vitality Hi-Potion Hi-Potion Mega Vitality Stamina Tablet  Clear Sphere
Doubles max HP of one character.  Doubles max HP of party 
Hyper Vitality Stamina Tonic  Stamina Tonic Mana Grenade  Ether
Doubles max HP and bestows Cheer on party  Doubles max MP on character 
Mega Mana Antidote  Turbo Ether Hyper Mana  Mana Tablet  Lv. 1 Key Sphere
Doubles max MP of party Doubles max MP and bestows Focus of party.
Freedom Ether Remedy  Freedom X Musk  Ether
Reduces MP cost of one character's abilities to 0  Reduces MP cost of party's abilities to 0 
Quartet of 9  Lv. 1 Key Sphere  Gambler's Spirit Trio of 9999 Gambler's Spirit  Gambler's Spirit
Augments on character attack to 9999 damage. (healing HP)  Augments parties attack to 9999 damage. (healing HP) 
Hero Drink Power Sphere Luck Sphere  Miracle Drink Luck Sphere  Stamina Spring
Allows character's attacks to deal critical damage.    Allows party's attacks to deal critical damage. 
Hot Spurs Three Stars  Fire Gem Eccentirck Stamina Tonic  Gambler's Spirit
Accelerates party Overdrive gauges. (Overdrive by 1.5)  Hyper-accelerates party's Overdrive gauges. (Overdrive by 2) 

Outside the Monster Arena