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Final Fantasy 9 Characters - Page 1




ZidaneZidane Tribal- Zidane is our monkey-type hero, of which thinks himself to be a ladies man. He dosen't exactly know who he really is, or where he came from (you find a find all that out later), but he seems to be quite self-confident and carefree. However, he blunders often, especially with girls around. He has his sights set on Princess Garnet, of whom he is supposted to kidnap, but Steiner, the Princess' Bodyguard, hates Zidane and thinks him no more then a stupid common theif.

/ Dagger Princess Garnet Til Alexandros/Dagger- Garnet is the well brought-up princess of Alexandria, of whom longs for adventure. People in her kingdom, of whom don't know her very well, think her to be a snob, but nonetheless, she wants to see the outside world. Having planned, and practced her own esacpe from the castle, she tries to escape during Tantalus' preformance of "I want to Be Your Canary". She runs smack into Zidane, who coincidently, was there to kidnap her.. At first she's a bit aviodent of Zidane, and not too sure of him, but she grows accostomed to him over time.


SteinerAdelbert Steiner-Steiner.. Also known as Rusty, or in my eyes, Clanky, is Princess Garnet's Bodyguard. He wears loud, rusty armor, so Zidane, of whom dispises him just as much as Steiner despises him, calls him 'Rusty'. He hates it, and dosent' trust Zidane AT ALL. Garnet always has to step in to Get Steiner to lay off, and he gets reprimanded a lot for running around screaming "PRINCESS!!!" I mean.. The girl escaped from the castle, and is being hunted for.. Screaming "PRINCESS!!!" in front of lotsa people is gonna give SOMETHING away, dontcha think?

FreyaFreya- Freya is a rat-like girl whom comes from the city of Burmecia. Having shamed Burmicia, or I think she said she did, she has left Burmecia, and has been wondering, in search of her lost love, "Iron-Tail" Fratley. Even though she has heard multible rumors of his death, she refuses to believe, and holds her search everstrong. She meets up with Zidane, them having met already, sometime before, and joins against him in the festival of the hunt. Shortly after, she joins your party, returning to defend Burmicia from Evil.
