About TSK

About The Star Kingdom
So You Really Wanna Know?

* General Info

Day This Site Was Born:

Uhm.... I don't know. 'Twas a long long time ago.. The Earliest Record I have of it is 4/19/00.. Of course back then, this Page was nothing like it was today, and I left it alone for long periods at a time..

Why This Site Was Born:

Uhm.. There really isn't any particular reason why this site came to be.. I guess it's becaused I really wanted something that I could be proud of.. And also, this way, I wouldn't have to go all over the internet for a few simple pics of the things I love.. Also, I guess, I did it for the extra credit in my computer class that I never got. *laughs*

Why Does It Take Me So Long To Update? :

I'm asked this alot, belive it or not... Sometimes I'll update like 3 or 4 days in a row.. And sometimes it takes nearly a month(or four) for me to update.. It's merely a matter of what I'm doing, and how much time I have to do it in. I usually make my webpages off Mere HTML.. Folks, Angelfire is not like Homestead.. You can't do everything the easy way, it takes a lot of knowledge of HTML to be able to run a website, and I admire those who have the courage and knowledge to keep wonderful websites going.

Why Don't I Use Midis On My Site? :

This is an easy one to answer, but it's another one that i've heard alot.. I simply don't use Midi's because I have had bad experiances with them... Some are too loud, others too soft, and if you're not aware if the volume on the school computer is on maximum while yer goofin' off and are supposted to be doin' research, then you go to the site, and the Midi blasts really loudly, drawing the attention of a lot of people, it's just not worth the aggrivation. YES, this page is an exception, because it just is, and not that many people are gonna look at it. So there.

What Graphic Programs Do I use?

I use a lot of different things, which is why my graphics all look weird.. LoL. At school, I use Adobe Photoshop. At home, for a time, and a trial, I used Paint Shop Pro 7, and I started out using Professor Fanklin's Instant Photo Effects. Most of the slightly less-nice graphics on the site were made with Instant Photo Effects at one point or another, either with that, or with Adobe Photodeluxe 3.1. Gifworks, Microsoft Paint, and the defaults are also used on occasion, but now I have Photoshop, and that's all that tends to matter. *laughs*

Want me to address anything else? Tell me here ^.~

* About The Webmistress

About me:

Real Name: Kimberly B.
Age: Like I'd tell you... You wanna know? Email me.
Hair Color: Brown/Strawberry-Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Colors: Pink, Midnight Blue, Light Blue, Black, Silver, Gold, Green, Purple, White, etc..
Favorite Type Of Music: It varries.
Favorite Dubbed Anime: Slayers
Favorite Song: I don't know.. Too many to choose from...
Favorite Food: Salad
Favorite Game: I'm not sure.. I like all the games I've put on this site, plus many, MANY more..
Hobbies: Role Playing, Working on the Site, Working with Computers, Hanging with my Friends, Swimming, Tennis, Sleeping, Drawing, Writing, Making Long Distance Phone Calls {hehe..}, Watching Movies, Reading {Certian} Books, etc...
Favorite Books: hehe.. Return of the Blue Moon, Blue Moon Rising, Guards of Haven, Swords of Haven, The Theif
Favorite RP Charas: Star, Amara, Shin, Serenitan, Serya, Kiara + Vui/Naimh, etc..
Favorite Time Of the Year: Christmastime... Though it dosen't snow here.. ;-;
Race: Serenithean {no, really..}
Nicknames: *word cannot be printed hehe*, Kimmy {I hate that name.. grr..}, Kimithith, Star, Starie, Goddess, PK-chan, Princess Star, Princess Kimberly, Kimmu-chan, Fluffy Penguin, etc..

* Screennames

Need to get a hold of me?:

AOL: Starprincess1850
Neopets: Starprincess13
Greatestjournal: pkstar
Livejournal: pkstar
Email: Starprincess1850@aol.com

Any Other Questions? Send them here

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