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Page 2 of The Rebels Page



This is Tae and after a rough game of chase the basketball, it makes a rather nice pillow.

Tae owns:PiggDen


"PLEASE Mom!!! Chopper gets to use his Momma's puter! (9 months old)" Tae again


Bowie at age 2 laying down like a good boy.

Bowie owns: PUGDOG51


How can anyone resist that face? This is Bowie again!


Penny Lane looking gorgeous as always!


Penny Lane, at one year old. She loves her toys and loves chasing her fluffy, Maisie. Here they are taking a break from dashing all over the house. Penny Lane owns: Gracietcat


MuShu doing his head tilt while listening to his daddy whistle.

MuShu owns:BeanieB565


This cutie is Wicket waiting for his turn on the trampoline and yes, he really does bounce on it. Wicket also owns BeanieB565

Wicket in his tux for Halloween.


This is Zoey, sitting back and realaxing. Zoey owns: NFitz59


This is our littla masacot, Keaton. Isn't that just the cutest face you have ever seen?

Keaton owns: Paisan28


This is also Zoey, she is 8 months old now.


This cutie is Artemis.....aren't those beads fancy?

Artemis owns:Paisan28


Here is a picture of Zoe saying,"Mmooommm! I'm sooo embarrassed!"

Zoe owns: EJHir