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Dreaming in Anime
The current mood of at

I don't know why I ever kept this site up after I stopped updating. I was attached to it, I suppose, but I didn't love it anymore. RPing became a chore here, and for the moderator, well, needless to say, that is a very bad thing. ^_~ I think I kept it for the memories, but... we were all outgrowing Sailor Moon, I think, at least... some of us were. But I do miss a lot of the "old crowd"... you guys were great. You were the reason I tried to start up the RPG again. I'm not going to try again, obviously... it's been too long now, and I know I wouldn't have fun. I'm going to keep this page up, though... minus a few links here and there, because I am very fond of nostalgia.

I know this is a stretch, and probably no one will do so, but... can't hurt to try, right? This is my new e-mail address if anyone wants to contact me. It'd be nice to hear from someone again. Yes, that means you, Tan, Alicia, Blaze, Hideko, Ness, and K. :p Don't feel obligated. <3 Chimey.

Last update: 03.16.05

This RPG is now closed

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This RPG was born January 1st, 2000, and belongs to me. All content on this site belongs to me, unless otherwise stated, and no content may be taken from this site without my permission. This RPG is now closed, and will not be accepting new applications. Any and all characters belong to their own creators and may not be taken and/or used by anyone else without prior agreement with each characters' respective owner(s). This site is best viewed on IE 4.0+ and 800x600. Thanks to Lycentia for the graphical inspirations, The Senshi Network for keeping Sailor Moon images alive, Kazushi for logging the old RPs, Alicia for logging the recent RP's, and Mistress Nine for putting me in the RPG Busters' (though no longer with us, it was a wonderful site, in my opinion) site listings.