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The House of Lunacy
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Dragonball Z/GT Sounds
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Dragonball Z/GT Images
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Thats my cheek.. Owe!
Welcome to The House of Lunacy, a site devised to bring you the wild school girl crushes and just plain cuteness of Sailor Moon to the high testosterone and utter wackiness of Dragonball Z. What does a house such as this have to offer, you ask? Well, I Jen-chan, have put together an odd assortment of nick-nacks and what-nots for your enjoyment. Just wipe your feet on the mat, come on in, and explore.
We gotta love the piggys!

Well this might be my last update to THoL. I don't know what went wrong. At first I lived, breathed, and ate (not literally) my site. It was my whole world. Now I have moved on to others and have forgotten my first... The House of Lunacy. It's been a great learning experience. I have made irreplaceable friends and have had fun. For all my hopes, The House of Lunacy never reached the standards I had in mind. I slowly began working on other things and left my poor site behind. I am now the proud owner of (and yes... it's a REAL domain). There you will find everything I have been working on. I'm not sure of what else to say. The House of Lunacy will be no longer updated, but will be left up for others to see. I might pick her back up some day, but not now. It's not because I have gotten tired of both series... heck I'm more obsessed that ever! I just got tired of this website.

Luv ya all,

Quotes of Wisdom and such: Click to View List Entries.

Plug of the moment- Vidal-chan's Dragonball Z Shrine- This a great DBZ site with lot's to do and see.

What ahve you done to the page Jen-chan?
scented // Strawberry Kool-Aid
Villain! | Pupulan
kawaii// Chibi Trunks
crazy for//Trunks, #17, Pupulan
spectrum *lavender
wwsms?~||~ Pupulan
I ©^-^Mirai Gohan^-^
Peace, punch, and Captain Crunch!!

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Sisters and Affiliates

Sailor Deneb's Outer Scout Mania Magisan Dreams KDBZP DBZ Future Trunks

Disclaimer-This is just a fan website. I do not claim to have created Sailor Moon or Dragonball/Z/GT. They are copyrighted to there owners.
Website design was created by Jen-chan.