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Shadowhands Gits-O-Fire

Welcome to Shadowhands Realm of fun and stuff WITH shiny things...You best know dat dis git be Shadowhand, and welcome to my site!

This site is much blessed (and cursed) by Reorx (the Dwarf god {and maker god}) who forged the universe long ago...or some such...

Well then, now that all that lil mess is sorted out, look around and have fun on my site! You can gank any of these Pics, I dont really care...But if you gank the Mephisto pic on that sub-section (you'll know when you get there) give credit to DEATHSHRIMP... thats all for now folks!

Gafogal should be a god of some such...


Soon I'll have a link to some MP3's, and fun fun fun!


Im back and better then ever! well... maybe not BETTER, but I'm back! I was dead for a while, but I hace faced the reaper or some such crap, and now I should be updating every once and a while...with neato stuff! But if you dont give me feed back, then I'll Find out who you are and...well, yeah...


I would like to thank James for signing my guest book...and for all you gits who are enjoying this site for free...well, james has won what I like to call the cool British guy award...he will get absolutlety free service from my site...Ofcourse I dont supply anything or anything, but thats all right...


Look for the little gems of advice on my site! It takes no effort for me to put them up!


I have decided that we need a little competition on our little web ring, so with a little half-assed participation you can keep getting the stuff you deserve! Heres what you do:

1. Go to all the sites on this webring ( all 3)

2. Compare and contrast them

3. E-mail ME (use the many email links on my site)

4. Watch the stats that are posted everyday!

this should be easy, fun, and let us know for a fact who is da best! ( ONE VOTE PER PERSON, please)


well, I go to all this trouble to get my text back on and to put my page back up and then NOONE SIGNS MY GUEST BOOK!!.. come one now, just sign it damnit! I know who you ppl are... or E-mail me... I need feedback!


well, I've downsized all the pics so now they fit on the page! plus Everything is back up!! EVERYTHING!...except, ofcourse, my beautiful, beautiful text blockses...


HEY! We are back and as good as ever! the site is almost up, and now all I need to do is replace my beautiful text blocks...

Wheres Da Rest?

My D&D




Red Dragon Web Ring
This site is owned by Shadowhand
Red Dragon Web Ring
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