Macross Pics! >_<

These are my fave Macross pics. This is one of my favorite shows for, er, certain reasons which is none of your business :P. I'm not going to put in the average image you could find anywhere. Most of these are special in some sort of way. Cute, pretty, rare, or odd in some sort of way. Anyway, enjoy and such.

Only the original

Group pic; I have no idea what's going on here
The newer Minmay complete with bathing suit
DYRL Misa in pretty-pink flight suit
I think the file name says it all...
Misa dressed like a housewife (O.o)

Macross 7

Basara and Mylene rocking out (o.o)
Sivil and her skanky outfit
Mylene dressed like her father (it has its charms)
Rocking out yet again
Basic Mylene shot
Basara in a poncho, FINALLY without the glasses
Be afraid, very afraid...
Mylene actually looks intimidating!
I'll let you figure this out...
See now, this is where all the pedophile rumours come from!
Mylene's Gunda-er, Valkyrie. It has boobs! Boobs!


All the idols of Macross
Minmay and Mylene from the covers of the
Macross 15th Anniversary ^_^
Sharon Apple about to fall out of her dress