The Workroom #4

Princess Kimberly> *dressed entirely in black, with the exception of a small red rose pin near the top of her shirt*
Xelloss> *snigger* Who died?
Princess Kimberly> Nobody. Why do you ask?
Edward> Well, you're dressed all in Black for one thing...
Princess Kimberly> So? I like the color black. Why do you think i have all Black BGs on this site, except for the Sakura, Sailor Saturn, Hotaru shrine?
Lina> *sourly* I don't know.. Because you're a psychopathic vampire thing?
Gourry> SHE IS!? AAHHHH! *hides*
Lina> *grumbles* Jellyfish brains..
Star> *eats a chocolate* Well, Acutally.. P.K. don't like light.. So mabye that would make her a vampire...
Princess Kimberly> *groan* I live in FL.. And I hate Sunlight.. *thud*
Vivi> She's not a vampire, guys..
Rydia> *yawn* yeah, she woulda bitten us already if she was..
Xelloss> ooooh biting.... *grin*
Star> *moves away from Xelloss, and sits next to Edward*
Edward> *looks at Star and shrugs*
Princess Kimberly> *grunts, and wacks her monitor* Whatever ye do, don't get a new monitor.. It makes yer webpage look like crap...
Lina> Yer just steemed because you have to go make more graphics. *sticks tounge out*
Vivi> It dosen't look bad..
Princess Kimberly> Making graphics is fun... Getting pictures to make grapics out of is the horrid part.. And some of it looks ok..
Edward> Right.. Anyway, what happened to Locke? Is he still in the dungeon?
Star> Actually... Celes Bailed him out last week. *pouty face* I wanna new prisoner..
Vivi> ...
Star> *gets up* I'm gonna go look for one. *evil laugh* Buh bai. *runs out*
Lina> *jumps up* Hey, wait for me! *runs out after Star*
Princess Kimberly> *twitch* I Hate it when they do that..
Everyone else besides P.K.> *Get up and walk out*
Princess Kimberly> But I REALLY hate it when they do that... *twitch type twitch type*