The Workroom - Insanity #6

((First off, i'd just like to say "Thanks" to Sis, who helped me with this one, by RPing Carr, Kaoko, and Lynx. Thankee, sis!))

PK> ::Sitting at her computer, listening to KKJ music while fixing the page::
Lynx>::Cries:: Are you guys going to unplushie me?!
Carr> ::Going nuts over her hurt leg and watching sis::
Xelloss> ::poking PK in the back of the head, trying to get her to have an mental breakdown::
PK> ::Mumbles something, and pulls out her plushie wand, wacking Lynx with it, and turning her back to a human:: Now stop causing trouble. ~.~ ::hits Xelloss while she's at it::
Star> ::playing solitare in one of the corners of the room::
PK> ::throws the Xelloss-now-plushie at Stars' head::
Star> ::ducks, letting the plushie hit the wall::
Xelloss> OW!
Carr> O.o ::Laughs::
Lynx> OW! ::rubs the back of her head:: Yes Ma'am!
Kaoko> I told you not to call her insane....
PK> ::goes back to typing, clawing annoyedly at several typos, she copys and pastes some text and....::
Xelloss> *cues dramatic music*
Star> ::falls out of her chair::
Carr> ::Screams:: YEY FOR SIS!!!!! ::Flips open webpage again::
PK> ::Twitches as Gourry leans over her::
Gourry> O.o Priddy pictures....... What are they?
PK> ::thud, starts repeating to herself:: I will NOT have a mental breakdown.... I will NOT have a mental breakdown...
Xelloss> ::the plushie holds up a mangled piece of paper:: PK? Is this yours?
Star> ::laughs histericlly:: Oh yeah... I wanna be there when you say; "My Plushie Tore up My Homework."
Carr>::Laughs:: You should get about about 6 100s for that one! You made a plushie come to life... Thats sort-of like science!
PK> ::blink::
Carr> I'va actually HAD to tell my teacher this one... "My boy-friend ate my homework..." And I wasn't kidding... lol

-=The Next Day...=-

PK> :finishes her speech:: ...and that's how I brought a plushie to life. ^_~ ::listens to the teacher tell her how that's very nice and all; but it wasn't the assigment. she gets big teary eyes as an huge "F" is stamped on Xelloss' head::
Xelloss> ~.~
