The Workroom - Insanity #7

PK> *sitting and gnawing on the end of a pen as she stares dully at the computer screen*
Xelloss> *drumming his fingers on his desk with a zoned out look*
Tsukasa> *chained up in the corner, calm one minute, then screaming the next*
Star> *half asleep, yet still awake enough to poke PK with a stick 12 times in every minute*
PK> *finally just falls out of her chair and is sprawled unto the floor*
Everyone> *STARE*
Xelloss> Oo; Why are we know.. SITTING HERE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!
PK> *sleeping snotbubble*
Star> ><; Ew.. Gross..
Sora> *pokes the snotbubble with the end of his keyblade, and it pops all over everyone*
Everyone except PK> EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
Xelloss> ><; get it off, get it off!!!
Star> You're being a child, Xelloss! Stop it! *inches towards the bathroom door* I call the shower first! *runs in, slams, locks, and bolts the door*
*there's a huge rush of people trying to get in the bathroom, then, after Star gets in, there's a huge rush of people trying to break down the bathroom door...nothing succeeds*
PK> *wakes up and sees the room covered in snot.. she doesn't know what happened, and she raises an eyebrow at the mess.. snapping her webmistress-y fingers, a mop appears in her hand, and she uses it to bash Xelloss over the head with before she hands it to him, expecting the mazoku to clean up the mess for her.. she then proceeds over to Tsukasa, and dries him with an damp rag*
Tsukasa> *shiver, whine, stare*
Sora + Xelloss> *STARE*
Star> *emerges from the bathroom* Shower's free~!
Sora> that was fast.. Oo;
Xelloss> Very fast... *him and Sora look at each other, and both make a mad dash for the door at the same time... Sora, being the younger and faster one, makes it there first, slamming the door smack into Xelloss' face* OW!!
PK> weirdos.. i'm going to take a shower.. *she opens up the door to the other bathroom--which noone else had realized was there until PK's movement reminded them--and she locks the door*
Xelloss> ;-; *starts mopping himself, then the floor*
