Hiroko's Hideout
Updates: |
Oct. 24, 2001-Update by: Hiroko -Hi there buckos. Just checkin in to say hi, and that I haven't been online for about a month. With the whole 9-11 happenings, I just sort of realized how nothing is really that important anymore. Sooner or later, I will return to my old self, but maybe not for a few more days. Stay tuned.. -For the Anime Club members.. remember that our dinner at Shogun is Saturday at 4:30. Try to come to the school around 4 so we can leave together and make a huge line of cars and clog the highways. Mkay? Mkay. One more thing, keep the weekend after Thanksgiving open for the anime party at Evan's house. That's all. Monday, Sept. 3, 2001-Update by: THE NEW WEBMISTRESS, HIROKO (^.^) - Ah, so a new era of this site begins. Feels so fresh and clean in here, no? I'm sorry to see Ashley go, but hey, we all move on. I guess she'll be keeping in touch.. with one 'hello' note a month or so. Well, on with actual updates. -As you may have noticed, the color scheme is completly different throughout the site. Black, grey, white, instead of pink, blue, and purple. Ashley would have my head if she was still in charge. Heh heh. You may also have noticed that I've changed most of the sections and added witty comments making fun of Ashley, but then again, maybe you haven't noticed a thing. Hey, whatever floats your boat. Images/Fanart was updated, along with Funy Page, and About Me. Saturday, September 1, 2001-Update by: Ashley -Well, I guess you all saw the little note from Hiroko up above. She's right. This is my last update as head webmistress. I felt like doing one last something today, so, here's Japanese Lessons-Page 3. Perhaps I'll pop in every once in a while to say hi, but that's about it. I'm sorry, but it's time. I want to thank everyone for the past two years. Your love & support kept me going through the tough times, and now that Hiroko is taking over, expect good things to surface. She was always the one to suggest outstanding ideas... and I was always the one who couldn't pull through with them. Now that she has complete control, I'm sure you'll see a difference here. I can't wait to see what she'll come up with. So, here is my final goodbye, and my final thank you. I love you all. Sayonara.
Friday, August 3rd, 3:34AM -yikes! another late-night update! i'm just so excited for otakon tonight.. ah well. it will be here soon! okey doke, the update for tonight is another few sections in the JAPANESE WITH HIROKO section. -today, i went to the studio and scanned a few recent fanarts of mine. i'll post them tommorow morning, but for now, im goin to sleep! nighty! Friday, June 8th, 3:01AM -Yurt! Hi Guys! I'm back! I took an extended leave of absence again, yes, I know, but did anyone actually miss me? ::silence:: thought so! : / -So, I've been doing a little drawing in my free time... and its all posted in the ART BY HIROKO section! Now, in here, you'll find about 10 new drawings, all of which are my own characters. You'll even find a portrait of myself in there too! Enjoy! Saturday, May 26, 11:34PM -Hey kitties. I'm quite sick today, so I had a little bit of time inbetween sleeping to make a new section! Go me. If you have ever wanted to know a little bit of Japanese, just for the heck of it, I have compiled my knowledge into the new JAPANESE WITH HIROKO section. Enjoy! Sunday, May 13, 1:18PM MOMMY'S DAY!: -The entire image section of this site has been revamped! ALL IMAGES are now situated in one handy place. A new subsection of the image section (confusing, I know) has been added as well! Check it out! -The main image, above, has also been changed to my most recent fanart! ^-^ Saturday, May 12, 1:07 am: -Ohayo gozaimasu! Well, let's get right into it! -The FANART section has finally been updated! Lots of new pics drawn by me have been added.
My screename: 'Kawaii Hiroko'