Wedding Peach Story


Long Ago:

Reine Devila had finally found what she was looking for: A Passage that linked the two worlds together, Akuma Kai and Tenshi Kai. She lived in Akuma Kai so she discided to enter Tenshi Kai, she flew around the peaceful land, and soon found a love interest, only this man, Nitamiinu, was taken by Pisuteiru. She was furious and vowed revenge. Pisuteiru she saw, was wearing the Saint Something Four. The Powers she had thought balasted her back to Akuma Kai and bounded her to a tree to prevent the choas that was about to befall them.When she had lost her bonds, she created choas on the one mirror image world of Tenshi Kia, Akuma Kai and the peacefulness it had once been.

At the time of Momoko's Mother:

Aphrodite was the ruler of Tenshi Kai, when it looked like Tenshi Kai was losing because of the war they were having with Akuma Kai she sent her sister Celeste, and the three other Ai Tenshi, along with the Siant Something Four. The Ai Tenshi's power was great and Akuma Kai was almost distroyed. Uragano, a great solder of Akuma Kai power was also great, he basted the Ai Tenshi, killing Angel Lily and Angel Diasy, and also leaving Angel Salvia badly injured. Celeste and Uragano faced each other and were equally matched, they fought hard but in the end there was no victor, they were basted back on to the earth's surface.

Celeste was saved by a man, Hanasaki Shouichirou who took her in and gave her a name,Sakura. Two years when by and they had a daughter, Hanasaki Momoko. About two years after Momoko was born, Sakura regained her memorys as Tenshi Celeste, Tenshi Limone finally found her and explained to her fully what happened. Celeste knew she had to return, Sakura vanished, the only things remaining of her was her wedding ring.

Uragano had also had a family, and a son, Fuuma Yousuke. Uragano was also brought back, to Akuma Kai, this time he would not return, nether would Celeste.

Present Time:

Momoko has inhairited her mothers powers, and as Wedding Peach she, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and later joined by Angel Salvia, must save her world from demons and the lunitic Dark Queen that threatens her World.
