
Here is the Z Store where you can buy items to help in battle, and to help train. You can only buy one thing a day. Once someone buys a Dragon Ball it is taken off the list and no one can buy it until the person who bought it collects all seven makes there wish. You can sell items that you buy to other members if you want.

Senzu Beans-allow you to train or battle more than once a day 1:$20,000; Small Bag(3):55,000; Big Bag(5):$90,000
Sword-use in battles $50,000
Weighted Clothes-increases pl more when training 10 lbs. hat:$5,000 pl+5%; 20 lbs. robe:$10,000 pl+10%; 50 lbs. shoes:$50,000 pl+20%
Armor-blocks a certain % of damage in battle Saiya-Jin:$20,000 blocks 10%; Ginyu:$30,000 blocks 15%
SOLD! Dragon Ball-7 brought together allow you to make a wish $50,000
Dragon Ball-7 brought together allow you to make a wish $50,000
Potora Earrings-allow you to fuse with someone indefinetly $50,000
False Moon-allows a Saiya-Jin with a tale to go Oozaru (giant monkey form) $100,000
Training Dummy- an android with the same power level as you to fight and get stronger(its power level will go up along with yours), you can control it $100,000

DBZ stuff

Email: pheadrus_2000@yahoo.com