Leonardo: Welcome to my Anime Fanfiction website. It will be filled with all kinds of stories, but for now, it mainly Slayer romance. Come on people. Send in some guest fanfiction. I could use the help. Now Mika here to tell you more while I go to work.
Disclaimer: All character in the stories and on this page belong to their creators'. Well, I do own Leonardo and Alex and Mika are living people. If you count a She-male and an hentai as people.Can you please...
- Send your stories to Leonardo83105206@aol.com
- Sent all comments there too.
- DON'T sent any Lemons unless it proper inserted into the story. No Just huge pointless Lemon fic. Lime is included to.
- Read and rate my stories.
- Please, no Yuri or Yaoi. I don't want Mika and Alex getting Ideas.
- Officially opened on March 25, 2001
- Update: January 27, 2005. Cleared old update board and posted a new fic in My Fanfiction section. Rejoyce people, I have returned.
- Update: February 3, 2005. Added Knights of Hellsing Page and also my friend Nick side story.
- Update December 8, 2005, Added Songfics page and A New Songfic.
This way to...
Links- Good bye.
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My Fanfiction- Read Me!
My Songfics
Guest Fanfiction - Thank you for helping and sending in stories
.The First Guest Honor Page
The Second Guest Honor Page
Email: Leonardo83105206@aol.com