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The Wing Zero and Wing Zero Custom Gundams

Name: Wing Gundam ZERO
Pilot: Heero Yuy
Colony Constructed: L-4
Height: 16.7 Meters
Weight: 8.0 Tons
Model Number: XXXG-00W0
Fighting Ability: 150
Weapon Ability: 150
Speed Ability: 160
Power Ability: 140
Armor Ability:140
Total Abilities: 740
Armor Materials: Gundanium Alloy

Name: Gundam Wing ZERO Custom
Pilot: Heero Yuy
Model Number: XXXG-00W0
Height: 16.7 Meters
Weight: 8.0 Tons
Generator Output: 3732 kilowats
Thruster: 88150 kilograms
Armor Materials: Gundanium Alloy
Armaments: 2x machine cannon; 
1x twin buster rifle; 2x beam saber



