"I think this is the place?" Quatre told Duo as he piloted the plane onto the clearing.
"I think it is. Wanna know why it is? Well maybe because there's a whole bunch of circles on the ground." Duo shouted at him. Duo was very mad with the whole situation.
"Calm down Duo. I don't like this any better then you do, but we have to go through with it to save our friends." Quatre said trying to calm him down.
"I know but,.." Duo started.
"Shut up for a second Duo and listen to this." Quatre told him turning up the volume on the TV.
"We interrupt the daily broadcast to report thus tragic news. Earlier today, ex-princess, Relena Peacecraft, was shot today. When the ambulance delivered her to the hospital, she was put instantly in the emergency room. When they were about to do the operation, loud gunshots and screams were heard. Then someone threw a smokebomb. When the smoke vanished, the princess's body was missing." The reporter said.
"Oh My God!" gasped Quatre as she shut off the TV.
"Miss. Noin took the her, and she has Heero to, oh we should have been smart enough to send soldiers to the hospital." Duo said.
"There were already soldiers their Duo. Maybe they were working with Miss. Noin or she shot them." Quatre replied.
"I think our carrier is here to pick us up." Duo said as he glanced up. When Quatre looked up, he saw a carrier plane heading towards them.
"C'mon lets go. Make sure things go according to plan." Duo winked at Quatre, then walked toward the landing carrier.
"I hope it does." Quatre replied as he followed Duo.
"Excuse me fellows, but we have to search you for weapons, tracking devices, and anything suspicious." A man who got off the carrier told them.
"Damn!" muttered Duo.
"Shut up, you still have that one in your mouth rite?" hissed Quatre.
"Yep, you placed it in my tooth." Duo said angrily thinking of a flashback.
(Flashback sequence)
"What in the hell do you want to do me?" shouted Duo angrily at Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, and Milliardo.
"We have to put a device on you so we can know where you are. Even though we can't leave the kingdom, we'll just contact some armies to go after you guys. Knowing Noin, she's going to search you." Milliardo told him.
"Well why not Quatre?" The American pilot said pointing at the Arabian.
"Because, they will least suspect a goofball like you." Wufei told him hurriedly.
"C'mon Duo, please." Quatre pleaded.
"Fine, but you guys so owe me." Duo said sitting down.
"Ok, now that he's strapped, get the scientist to implant the chip in his tooth." Trowa ordered.
"What?" shouted Duo, then fell sleep after inhaling laughing gas.
(End flashback)
"Damn." Muttered Duo as he walked into the carrier with cuffs on.
"Are there really necessary?" asked Quatre to the man.
"Of course it is Quatre. If not, than you would do something drastic like blow up this carrier. And if you did that, then you couldn't play the wonderful game I planned for you and your comrade to play." Noin's voice said.
"Noin? Noin where are you?" asked Duo.
"I'm speaking through a TV phone." Noin said.
"Oh. What game?" Duo asked facing the mini TV.
"Why it's a little game I like to call 'Find your friends in two hours or you and they die'. Isn't it such a wonderful game?" Noin said crazily.
"What are the rules?" asked Quatre.
"The rules? Why, they're quite simple. As soon as you land, you will be right in front of a garden maze. You have to get through the maze and will approach a mansion. In the mansion, your friends are hidden. I didn't want to be to mean, so they're going to be with each other. Now, you have to find your friends in two hours, also consisting of the time trying to get out of the maze. But, there are hidden doors. To find the hidden doors, you will have to answer the riddles. The first riddle will be on the door entering the mansion." Noin told the wide-eyed pilots with a grin.
"And how do we know that you still have Heero and Relena with you alive still?" sputtered Duo.
"Ohh, here's the proof." Noin said pointing at the unconscience Relena on a bed and a bound and gagged Heero on the floor next to her.
"Let them go!" shouted Quatre into the mini TV.
"And just for yelling, your princess and comrade are going to have to pay." Noin said as the pilots watched in horror as she kicked Heero in the chest and then took a knife and stabbed Relena in the chest, not caring to Heero's protests of murmuring.
"You monster! Stop it!" Duo ordered trying hard not to cry. But Quatre already was.
"Stop it, she used to be your best friend. Now look at what you're doing to her." Quatre said teary eyed.
"No, Milliardo was my only best friend, and I'm just protecting him from this witch." Noin told them then took a gun and shot her in the leg.
"Well, I have to go and clean up this blood off the floor. Ja ne!" and the TV shut off.
"She's crazy." Duo said as he watched his friend dry up his tears.
"She's going to have to pay. And she's not going to be Milliardo's friend after this." Quatre said steadily.
"Now, c'mon we have to make another plan." Duo told his friend.
"Yeah." Replied Quatre.