Who IS This Little Girl Part 4

(After the picnic)

"Wow, that was fun. But too bad that something happened to the food." Said Elena as the group stepped into the mansion.

"Well, they're would be enough if a certain someone didn't eat 75% of it." Replied Trowa. Soon everyone was looking at Duo.

"Is it my fault that the chefs didn't prepare enough, or that I'm just a growing boy." Said Duo as ah headed towards his and Hilde's bedroom.

"That boy's gonna learn a lesson in manners and sharing when I get there." Said Hilde as she got a frying pan and headed towards their room.

After 5 minutes of yelping, ouching, and endless arguing the couple came out quietly. Their clothes were messy and Duo had lipstick and scents of perfume on him.

(A while Later)

"Guys, lets go out to a nice restaurant and eat." Announced Noin to the group who was sitting in the living room. They were watching the Wheel of Fortune and yelling at the people who didn't know the answers.

"Ok!" announced everyone except Heero and Relena.

"No thanks, I'm still tired after today, and I have to finish off some work." Said Relena as she headed towards the room she shared with Heero.

"I don't feel like going out, again." was Heero's answer, and they didn't want to convince him, so they didn't really care.

"Well, I wanna go out, so bye Mommy and Daddy!" shouted Elena as the group went out the door. "It's so good to have the house to ourselves. Even the maids and servants have the night off. So, its just the two of us." Said Relena as she looked out the window watching everyone leave the mansion. Heero was on the bed reading a book. Relena crossed the bed and put her arms around Heero.

"So what do you want to do Heero?" asked Relena.

"I think I know what you have in mind." Then he grabbed Relena and started to passionately make out with her. Then they dimmed the lights and,…..(I'm not 18 and I'm not good at that, sorry. Lets just say they have a good night of intimacy). (3 weeks later.)

"Hi Relena, are you feeling better?" asked Hilde as Relena came into the kitchen with her robe still on.


Duo, oblivious of what going on, says, " Hey Relena, would you like some of my famous pancakes?" The pancakes looked like soup on a plate though.

Relena took one glance at it and ran into the bathroom with her hand over her mouth.

(Half an hour later)

"Are you ok sweetie?" asked Noin who was standing outside the door. She really had to go, and was close to practically tearing it off its hinges.

"No." then Relena came out of the bathroom looking like hell.

Her hair was messed up, she had no makeup on, her robe was dirty and had something nasty on it, and her eyes still had crust around them (not a really pretty site).

"I'm going to the doctors, got me my limo." Relena told Noin who was about to rush into the bathroom.

"Ok." "Congratulations Ms. Peacecraft. You are bearing a healthy child. It's to early to see its gender, so we have to wait a month or two." Said the doctor.

"Ohh, that's so great. Thank you very much." Said Relena happily.

"Might I ask who the father is." Asked the doctor who got Relena's coat and was putting it on her.

" No one but the best man who will be the most wonderful father ever." Replied Relena as she left the hospital.

"Now how am I going to tell Heero?" thought Relena to herself as she climbed into her limo.

"Are you ok Miss Relena?" asked Pagan.

"I'm ok. I'll tell you later."

"Hello. I would like to buy an engagement ring, which do you think is the best?" asked Heero. He was in a Jewelry store trying to find the perfect wedding ring for Relena.

"Might I suggest this diamond gold one. It's one karrot and it has blue emeralds on the side. If you want, we can inscript the inside saying your girlfriends name." Said the jeweler.

"Ok, I'll get that. Please inscript, "Heero and Relena Forever".


(Two nights later)

Relena and Heero both have surprises for everyone. Right now, everyone's having dinner.

At the same time, they stood up and said, " I would like to make an announcement."

"Why don't you go first Heero." Said Relena after they stared at each other with puzzled glances.

"Ok, Well Relena. The first time I ever saw you, I knew immediately that you would be the person I'd love. For 5 years you've changed from the young girl I wanted to hate to the woman I've tried so hard not to hate. Well I just wanted to say that I love you Relena Peacecraft." Said Heero.

Then he got down on one knee in front of Relena and said," I would be honored if you would marry me so I can protect you forever." Then he slipped the finger on her ring, stood up, and kissed her passionately.

"Ohh, I love you Heero Yuy., " said Relena with glee once the kiss was over.

"Congratz you guys." Shouted Duo as he crossed the couple to hug the couple.

"What was your surprise Relena?" asked Dorothy after hugging her.

"Well, since we're gonna be like family, We might as well start one. Heero, I'm pregnant with your child." Said Relena teary eyed as she hugged Heero,

"I'm gonna be a dad? I'm gonna be a father!" shouted Heero as he kissed Relena on the cheek.

"I'm gonna be an uncle." Said Zechs.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" asked Catherine.

"Ohh, the docter says its too soon to find out, and we have to wait." Replied Relena.

"I know that answer." A voice said. It was a calm girls voice that was a bit above a whisper and yet loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Who was that?" asked Heero. Everyone was also thinking that.

"Well's its about time you made your entrance sister." Said Elena in a "your stupid" tone of voice.

"I can see you, so you shut up Elena."

"I don't have to. But anyway, c'mon mommy, daddy, everyone I have a surprise for all of you. So follow me." The she headed towards her parent's bedroom.