Who Is This Little Girl Part 5

"What is she doing?" asked Duo as the group watched Elena take out some kind of contraption. She pressed the button and an image appeared before them.

It was the 16 year old girl from the beginning of this story. Then the girl said,

"Hello everyone, especially you mother and father."

"Mother? Father?" asked the whole group.

"Let me explain. Elena and I are from 16 years in the future. I am your first child who is in you right now. Well, about three months ago our dear father caught a dreadful disease. One month after, he died. A month later, our dear mother died of grief. Her last words to us was that she wished we had a happier childhood and something about wishing he was going to live. We thought she meant father, but after the funeral the family doctor came up to Elena and I. He said that he promised mother he wouldn't tell, but since she was dead, he decided to tell us. It seemed that before Father had caught his disease, he had a night with mother. She was conceived with a child. Since she died, the child died too, so that was the he Mother was talking about. Since we wanted her wish to come true, I, the brilliant girl that I am."

"Get on with the story stupid." Said Elena.

"Oh shut up you little pipsqueek."

"You can't make me. I can do whatever I want."

"No you can't, I'm the older sister and I get to tell you what to do."

"No you don't." then Elena kicked the image somehow and the strange girl said "Ouchh!!!!!!!!!"(you just gotta love sisterly love. I know I don't though).

"Stop it you two. Now go on with the story." Said Relena in a motherly tone.

"Yes Mother. Now, before I was rudely interrupted by a lil annoying brat, I made a time machine to send Elena to the past. She was to give you guys a lil push and give you a special medicine to kill the disease. It will probably expire, but I made sure it wouldn't so just keep it in a cool spot that below 0 degrees celcius. Now that we have fulfilled mother's wish, we shall go." Said the girl.

"Whats your name so I know what to name you?" asked Relena as she stroked her stomach.

"As soon as you see me, you'll know exactly, so don't worry about it. Good bye everyone." Then she was gone.

"Bye!!!!!! See you in 10 years." Then the little girl vanished too.

"Oh Heero, we're gonna have such beautiful children, 3 to be exact."

"I think we might have more." Then Heero picked up Relena and carried her to their room leaving the group wide eyed about the past 5 minutes,

"What about us?" called Duo.

The End