While they were getting ready to go to the restaraunt, Dorothey and Sally stopped by. Diana and Relena were very happy because just a few days earlier, the two of them had gone shopping and bought two similar dresses, both beautiful. Noin, Catherine and Hilde had gone shopping 3 weeks earlier. Since the guys dressed in tuxedos, they were dressed quicker. The pilots were in the living room talking to Sally and Dorothy. Dorothy mostly talked to Quatre (everyone knew she liked him, Quatre wouldn't listen). First Noin and Catherine came out with two awsome dresses. They also did their hair. Then Hilde came out. She had a nice long blue dress on. She had also done her hair. Last came Diana and Relena. When they came out a few jaws dropped. Not Quatre and Heero though. The two of them had a large grin on their faces because they new they had the icing on the cake! They both had chinese dresses, red with small flowers on them. They had matching shoes and purses. Their hair was straight back with little curls and bangs coming down. This site was worth the wait. Then, one of the jaw dropped faces turned into a jealous face. Of course it was Dorothy. Diana looked at her, gave her a dirty look, and walked straight to Quatre. Quatre got up and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek so he wouldn't mess up her make-up. Then all the pilots did the same. Dorothy was now furious of what happened.
Then she said,"Hey Sally, I think we should go now, they are leaving!"
"We'll wait until they leave then we will," Sally replied. Dorothy gave her a dirty look and walked out the door. On her way out, she passed by Diana and Quatre holding hands. She wouldn't dare give Diana a bad or dirty look, because she new Diana could whoop her behind in any clothing. So she just walked out of the house almost crying.
"Even though I don't like her, go talk to her!" Diana told Quatre.
"And tell her what!?!" He replied.
"I would tell her she wins drama queen of the year, but i don't know give her a kiss ON THE CHEEK!" She answered.
"Are you sure?" Quatre questioned.
"Yeah i'm positive she'd win drama queen, Relena is no match! But if your talking about the kiss, yeah! After all she likes you, therefor that would make her happy!" Diana replied.
"Ok, whatever" Quatre said in disbelif. Then he left to find Dorothy. After a minute or two, Dorothy came back inside happy. Quatre followed having a look on his face expressing "shoot me"!He then walked over to Diana and said "I hate you! why are you always right?"
"I'm lucky I guess. So now you believe she loves you?" Diana asked.
"No she does not love me. But yes, she may have a small crush on me." Quatre answered as if trying to say shut up.
"Don't worry. I'll never let you go. I will only let her flirt a little, but if she tries to flirt like Heero and Relena used to, I am going to say or rather do something!" Diana made clear.
Sally and Dorothy left shortly. Then they all finally decided to finally go to the restaurant. The ride there was short. The whole time Diana and Duo were pestering Quatre about Dorothy.
"Why are you two annoying Quatre so much?" Hilde asked.
"He finally admitted to DOrothy liking him!" Diana answered.
"Awww, you did. You two look so cute together......" Hilde was stopped by the silence that overcame everyone."...but you and DIana look better!" she finished.
"What's up with her eyebrows??" Duo frequently asked. "Hey Dorothy is nothing compared to Diana! Diana can fight better than Dorothy. In a MS or hand to hand. She sure as hell looks better...." Duo said looking Diana up and down,"...and I bet she is better in be...." Duo was cut off. He was kicked by Hilde who then whispered to tell him to mind his business. Then they finally got there.