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undefined Lacrosse
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The sport of lacrosse was first developed by the American Indians. The game was played both for recreation and to settle disputes between tribes without going to battle.

Today's sport is basically the same as the original game, although the number of wars it has helped us avoid is considerably less. Each team tries to move the ball into the goal using only a lacrosse stick in which to catch, throw and carry the ball. The team with the most goals at the end of an allotted amount of time wins the game.

Today there are a number of different "types" of lacrosse we are able to enjoy. Varying in sex, age group, indoor and outdoor, the sport offers an exciting playing and watching experience for all. Youth teams start as young as age 6 and there are both girl's and boy's lacrosse offered in most areas. School teams begin as early as 7th grade and go through college level. Men's college drafts go on to the Professional Lacrosse League, an indoor box lacrosse league centered on the East Coast. Until recently the box lacrosse league has been the only professional lacrosse league in the country. In the spring of 2001 a new outdoor men's field lacrosse league (Major League Lacrosse) was established in many of the same cities the box lacrosse league already resides.

The game is fast and requires skills of passing and catching the ball with the stick. Like all team sports, it is necessary that much attention is payed to plays and team work. It is a great sport for kids to be involved in because, unlike some other sports, "body design" is not important. Height, weight, build or speed are not necessary to achieve success. Any kid with an interest and an ability, and who is willing to practice the skills, can do well in the sport.

Check with your local schools to see if they have lacrosse teams as part of their sports program. Chances are, if they do, then the parks and recreation department of your town will have a lacrosse program for younger children. If not, then petition for one to be formed. Be prepared, though, if you are a parent of a potential lacrosse player! The "regular" season for lacrosse is in the spring, when in our area anyway, it's cold, wet and sometimes snowy. The real season for lacrosse is all year long, with regular season teams, travel and tournament teams, and indoor box league. We have only the months of August and December "off"! So, be prepared to be sunburned in the summer and windburned and frozen in the fall and spring. Buy stock in the Coppertone, Swiss Miss and Acme Hand-Warmer companies! But most of all, be prepared to cheer and laugh and cry and watch your kids grow with a sport that will never let them down. Enjoy!