Bad Day to Let Go (PG) by Christina Anton Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is not mine. It is owned by Naoko Takeuchi and some other people that I can never remember. It was stupid. I know that. I couldn't stop myself though. After all the years of patiently enduring all the crap I get from people who don't understand me, I snapped. It happened in gym class at about 9:30 AM. We were playing basketball, which I don't like much and am not very good at, but I tried my best. There were three others on my team. One was a friend of sorts, and the other two were people that I thought might actually do something that class. The first game we played, the two only caught the ball when it was thrown to them and hardly ever moved their feet. The second game was like that, as was the third. By the fourth game, I was very frustrated with them. Through all the games, my friend and I did all of the work. The other two just stood and watched, only playing if they were forced to. Here is how the fourth game went: the two just stood in the middle of the court while my friend and I did our best to play against three other people. In order for one of our opponents to not make a score, I knocked the ball out of bounds when it left her hand before it would make it to the basket. One of the girls doing nothing said to me, "Baka, even I know you're not supposed to make the ball go out of bounds." I then told her in a heated voice why I did it and just kept playing. Here comes the start of this mess. After watching the ball come two feet near them and them not even trying to get the ball, I tell the one closest to me, which just happened to be the one that had spoken to me before, "Would you two move around and actually play the game?" I admit that I used a harsher tone than I should have, and I knew the girl liked to fight. She responded by saying, "We would if you'd actually pass the ball to us!" That made me angry. I should have let it go and kept on playing, but everything I had had to deal with for the past several years seemed to come crashing down on me. I shot back, "I would if you would actually move around and get the ball!" By now, she was in my face and I was in hers. All of the other girls were watching, and the sensei was over on the other side of the gym with the boys. The girl said, "What are you gonna do about it, ne?" She shoved me. I guess I hadn't moved back as far as she wanted me to, mostly because I hadn't wanted to. She shoved me again. I was almost to the wall and didn't want to be shoved into it, so the next time she went to shove me, I put my hand up to push her hands out of the way. I guess she thought I was going to push her back, because she then started hitting me. I was very angry then, so I started hitting her back. The fight was all a blur to me. I know I kicked her in the abdomen a few times and I was hitting her with my fists. I later learned that I had hit her in the jaw and bruised her ribs. By the time the sensei had broken us up, I wasn't hurt at all except for a scratch on my knuckle that probably had come from hitting her in the jaw. I couldn't stop shaking. The sensei sent the other girl to the office and told me to stay where I was while he got the class to calm down. Class was ending then, and the sensei sent everyone to get changed. He walked me to the assistant principal's office. I walked in and the assistant principal and the girl were sitting across from each other. I was still shaking, and when the assistant principal gestured for me to take a seat, I was releived. The sensei told her what he saw happen, and he even defended me a little. He then left the room and closed the door behind him. The assistant principal then asked me what had happened. Apparently she had talked to the other girl before I had come into the room. Our views on what happened mostly matched, and the assistant principal ws happy that we were honest with her. The other girl and I apologized to each other, and because of that, we weren't sent home that day. However, we both did get a three day out of school suspension. Needless to say, I really didn't like that. I kept thinking, "How will my mother react?" She had said to me once that if someone were to start hittin me, I was to defend myself. But I was NOT to start the fight myself. I hadn't thrown the first punch, but I guess my words had. All that day, people were talking about it. A few of my teachers hadn't heard about it for which I am glad. I worried about what my mother would say when I got home. The assistant principal had called the hospital that my mother works at to tell her about what had happened and what the consequences were. When my friends had heard, they were shocked to say the least. Usagi-chan said to me, "YOU got into a fight like THAT Ami-chan!?! What got into you!?!" What got into me? Everything is what got into me. People don't seem to think that I have a breaking point. I guess the girl's refusing to do anything was the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. When I got home that day, my mother was waiting for me. The first thing she said to me was, "Explain yourself young lady." I put my books down, and explained to her what had happened. Even though I hadn't hit her first, she was still very angry at me. My punishments were that I was not allowed to go out with my friends, not to call anyone on the phone unless it was an emergency, not to get on the computer (I have my own private one, but rules are rules), and to do the dishes and clean the house for the three days I'm suspended. I was also to get up and do everything just as if I were going to school every morning. Later that night though, she had calmed down and been a bit more lenient. She changed the punishments to: not going out with my friends, not getting on the computer until school would be out for the day, doing the dishes and cleaning the house, and getting up early. At least now I can call my friends, and I don't use THAT computer much anyway. I admit I do deserve the punishments. Mom won't be there to see that I follow them most of the time, but she trusts me enough to follow them, and I will. It is just going to be hard to go out with my friends and fight evil monsters. It is morning now and my mother is at work. Luna and Artemis are at the window waiting for me to let them in. They don't look happy. It's going to be a long three days. End Author's Notes: A lot of the things in this story really happened to me. I did get into a stupid fight and that is how it started and what I remember of it. I picked Ami for the character for it to happen to because she's my favorite SM character and she is a lot like me. I read alot, am smarter than alot of the other students at my school (though I don't have an IQ of 300), and I'm also a virgo. Remember everyone, fighting is not the answer for petty disputes :) Oh, if you want to know why I put the no computer punishment in, it's because my mom really did do that to me. It was one of the worst ones for me because I love my computer so much. Started: 12/5/00 Finished: 12/7/00 Email me at and tell me what you think.