Deception - Chapter 2 (PG-13) by Christina Anton Disclaimer: Sailor Moon is not mine. Naoko Takeuchi made it, so it stands to reason that it is owned by her and not by me. However, the characters that are not in Sailor Moon, but are in this story, ARE mine. Warning: Cursing After Haruka and Michiru left Maria's room, they went down to their usual communal spot, the living room. Setsuna and Hotaru were waiting for them. "So, what does everyone think of her?" Haruka decided to start the conversation. Setsuna poured tea for Haruka and Michiru before answering. "She reminds me of when Ami-chan was younger. Very polite and self-conscious." "She was hurt, did she tell you why?" Hotaru asked her surrogate parents. "She said she fell down the stairs last week, which seems a plausible excuse, but she was lying." Michiru said with certainty. "Did you see her flinch when you touched her? It's like she doesn't like being touched." Hotaru put in. "Hai, and it wasn't because of my preferences. I sense no prejudice in her at all, just a wariness of people." Haruka took a sip of her tea and considered the information that had just been put out in the open. "Maybe she does need our help after all." "How so?" Setsuna asked. "As Michiru said, she lied about her injuries, she's uncomfortable around people, and very timid. Well, except for when she realized who Michiru and I were, then she was just stunned. It doesn't seem as if she has many social skills. She's barely talked since she came here, though that could just be because she was tired, and strangely, since I don't have the empathy you three seem to have, I feel a sense of hurt whenever I look in her eyes." Haruka explained. "She reminds me a little bit of you Haruka-papa." Hotaru said softly. Haruka looked quizzically at her adopted daughter. "I've seen pain in your eyes before," Hotaru went on. "and they look a lot like Maria-chan's eyes. You can see pain there, not just physical, and a stubborn resolve to not let it show. Don't look at me that way, you know you do." Haruka made an unintelligible sound that the three took as agreement. "You didn't like her much at first, but now it seems like you do. What has brought on this change?" Michiru asked her partner. Haruka shrugged and groped for the words to express what she wanted to say. "I... I really don't know why myself. I just saw... a need for something in her. Maybe I saw a little bit of myself in her like Hotaru did." "What do you think Setsuna? After all, you were the one that suggested we house an exchange student." Michiru looked at her green haired friend. Setsuna put her teacup down on the end table next to her seat on the couch. "I think we should just make her feel at home. Yes, I did suggest this, and Maria-chan is here for a reason. To tell you the truth though, I don't know exactly what will happen while she is here. All I know is that what needs to happen is happening by what we are doing now. Contrary to common belief, the Guardian of Time does not know everything. If I knew everything, I'd probably go insane." "A wacko Guardian of Time would not be a good thing." Haruka mused. "Haruka!" Michiru chastised her partner. Hotaru giggled. "That was... eloquently said," Setsuna said, then switched from sarcastic to a normal tone. "But you are correct, it would not be a good thing." The senshi of death and rebirth chewed her lip thoughtfully. "So we just do our best to make her feel at home? That's it?" Setsuna nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard. We should introduce her to Usagi-tachi. They'll make her feel at home." "Sounds like a plan Hotaru-chan. Though let her get settled in first before you do that. With Usagi-chan latched onto her, she might never get a chance to." Haruka chuckled. * * * Cracking open an eyelid, Maria wondered where she was. This bed felt too comfotable to be hers. She didn't have a comforter this color. And why had she been sleeping in her clothes? She sat up as she remembered her trip to where she was now. Maria felt like crying. Not in grief or frustration like she usually did, but in pure joy. She had actually gotten a full night's rest. And most important of all, Anthony wasn't there. For the first time in what seemed ages, she didn't feel tired after waking up in the morning. Instead, she felt completely awake and refreshed. Throwing back the covers, she got out of bed, grimaced at her rumpled clothes, and got some fresh ones from her bags. She would put her things away after she took a shower. Walking into her bathroom, she grinned in delight. It was spacious, and had a tub big enough to fit two people with room to spare. Deciding that she would rather have a bath than a shower, she turned the knobs until the water was at a suitable temperature, and let the tub fill. Careful of her injuries, she undressed, relishing the freedom she felt. She felt perfectly safe here. Safe enough to not worry about _him_ coming in unexpectedly. Quickly getting her mind off that disturbing subject, she slipped into the warm water filled tub and turned the still running water off. Since it was a Saturday, she had as much time as she wanted to relax in a tub of warm water. So she leisurely lathered her body, and washed her hair, settling the back of her head on the edge of the tub afterward, looking at the ceiling through half-closed eyelids. Now that she was away from Anthony, what would she do? The schools there had started about a week ago, so she would have to go to school on Monday. She had always gotten good grades in school anyway, so school wouldn't be a problem; she had always worked doggedly on her schoolwork. But now that she had attained her goal, what would she do? She let out a soft, humorless laugh. She had a bunch of knowledge and she still didn't know what she wanted to do. I guess I should have thought of what I really wanted to do in life, instead of just getting away from Anthony before I came here, she thought. Sean always said I had a knack for being able to focus on one thing so intently that I could forget everything else. She felt tears prick her eyes as her thoughts turned to her older brother. She missed him more than her own lost innocence. Sean wouldn't have wanted her to submit to Anthony. Hell, if Sean were still alive, he would have kicked Anthony's ass out of the house himself. But Sean was dead. Even though Maria knew it wasn't her fault, she still found herself blaming herself for his death. It was she who Sean was protecting that day. She who watched him get hit by that car while she layed stunned on the pavement where he had pushed her. Shaking her head as if to throw the painful memories off, she rose out of the now lukewarm water and toweled herself off. She could start over here. No one knew her, no one would whisper about her behind her back. No one here knew of her past. She would just be another American exchange student. Perhaps she could make some friends here. Practice her atrophied social skills. Hotaru seems like a good person, she mused. Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna seemed nice also, though Haruka hadn't seemed to like her at first, it had been in her eyes. She had seen the shadow of distrust in Haruka's eyes when they first met. Michiru on the other hand, had been very nice and polite, but at the same time assessing and examining. When Maria had seen Setsuna the night before, she had immediately noticed the near agelessness she had. She had ancient eyes. Eyes that knew many things. Hotaru was a gentle person. She could tell by Hotaru's compassionate violet eyes. Violet eyes are an odd color, Maria thought. Maybe they have genes that we just don't have over in America going around here. The people here seemed to have a lot of traits that she had never seen before. Such as Michiru's turquoise hair and Setsuna's dark green. Finishing drying herself off, Maria got dressed. Nice comfortable blue jeans and her favorite gray Harvard sweatshirt. It had been a hand-me-down from her father. She smiled at the thought of her father. She hadn't seen him ever since her parents divorced, but he still sent her birthday cards and presents here and there, even though they were small. Maybe after she got out of this mess she could go visit him. The problem was, she didn't know where he was living. There was never a return address on his letters or gifts. One of the best things about her father's letters and gifts, was that it aggravated Anthony. She had gotten used to him hurting her after a while, and the look on Anthony's face was a better gift than the letters and objects themselves. She chuckled at the thought. Running a brush through her damp hair, she looked at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed. Almost eight o'clock. She'd get her stuff put away and then go down to get some breakfast. I wonder what they have for breakfast here. Sushi? The thought of raw fish didn't really appeal to her, but maybe if she tried it, she'd like it. Going to her bags, she started putting her things away. T-shirts in one drawer, sweatshirts and sweaters in the next, jeans in another, and socks and underclothes in a bottom drawer. There were six drawers, but each was large enough to fit all of one type of clothing in one drawer each, consequently leaving two drawers empty. Going along to her personal effects, she put a picture of her mother, father, Sean, and herself on her nightstand. It had been taken a year before Sean died. That done, her new room still looked a little bare. She guessed she'd get more to put in it after a while. A rumbling from her neglected stomach reminded her that she needed to find some food for it. Deciding to agree with it, she went out into the hallway to find the kitchen. As she entered the hallway, she saw Hotaru step out of the room next to hers. "Ohayo Maria-chan. Did you sleep well?" The dark haired girl asked her. "Ohayo Hotaru-chan, I did sleep well thank you." She responded pleasantly, because it was absolutely true. "Come on, lets go get some breakfast. Michiru-mama should be fixing it now." Hotaru chattered away happily, leading Maria down the stairs. When they got downstairs, the smell of coffee greeted Maria's nose. She had gotten into a habit of drinking coffee from her long study hours and trying to wake herself up in the morning from unbearably long, sleepless nights with Anthony. Though she didn't feel like she needed the extra caffeine, the smell of it was too hard to resist. As they entered the kitchen, they saw Michiru at the stove flipping pancakes. The turquoise haired woman looked back at them and smiled. "Ohayo Hotaru-chan, Maria-chan. Breakfast is almost ready." Seeing Maria's expression, she laughed. "If you are wondering why we are eating a western breakfast, we've spent quite a bit of time in America. The food there sort of grew on us. There's coffee in the pot if you want some." And with that, she went back to fixing breakfast. "You'll get used to us after a while." Hotaru grinned. Maria had a feeling that it wouldn't take long to get used to living there. She loved it already, and she felt genuinely happy. She went over to the coffee pot and poured some into one of the cups that were already set next to it. Adding a little milk and two spoons of sugar, she went ot the table where Hotaru was already seated. Hotaru poured herself some orange juice. "I'll show you around after breakfast Maria-chan, if you'd like." "Thanks." "Woman of few words, Maria-chan?" Setsuna said as she came into the kitchen, going straight to the coffee pot. Maria found a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Most of the time, I just don't have anything to say. Why say something just to say it? That's just my personal motto." Michiru laughed as she put a full plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. "Wise reasoning, and something that some people should take to heart." She said, aiming a glance at the doorway. Haruka trudged into the kitchen, seeming to not notice the look she had been given, and made a beeline to the coffee pot. Hotaru leaned towards Maria and said in a low voice, "Haruka isn't much of a morning person." "Hmm and what's so good about the morning?" Haruka said after sitting and taking a sip of her coffee. "Oh the birds chirping--" Setsuna started. "The window was closed." Haruka interrupted. "Ok, then how about getting to wake up next to me?" Michiru asked. "Ahh, but you weren't next to me when I woke up this morning." Haruka stated. "I woke you up, you just decided to be lazy and sleep in." Michiru said with a smile. As Maria watched and listened to the conversation going on around her, she came to realize that there was a lot she never knew she missed. The last time she had heard a conversation such as this was before her brother died. Her mother and Anthony teased each other sometimes, but she never really listened because it wasn't real to her. Real kitchen table talk was a novelty to her. It was like watching a mother giving birth, which was something that Maria thought was wonderful. The conversation continued on as everyone sat down to eat. The conversation quickly turned to Maria when Setsuna leaned back in her chair and looked at her. "Well, it's time for you to learn some house rules Maria-chan." Setsuna said. "The first rule, and these rules aren't in order of importance, is that if you need anything, just ask. We will do our best to accomodate you. Second rule: don't do anything that will damage this house or anyone in it. I'm sure you didn't need to know about that rule, but some people," She looked pointedly at Haruka. "need to be reminded sometimes. I have not forgotten the paintball incident." Haruka looked down at her food and a faint blush came to her cheeks. "The third rule encompases common sense. Use your common sense and you won't break it. Any questions?" Maria shook her head. "Good. Now what were you saying Michiru?" Oh yes, Maria thought, I could definitely live here the rest of my life. *** After Hotaru gave her a thorough tour of the house, which consisted of five bedrooms, each of which had it's own bathroom, a kitchen, dinning room, living room, den, library, music room, and garage, Hotaru asked her if she wanted to go out and explore the city. Maria figured she should probably get to know the ciry she would be living in for a while, so she agreed. Little did she know that she would be meeting five girls that would turn her life upsidedown. "Come on, lets go to the arcade. That's where most of the students go to after school." Hotaru led her to a building with the words 'Crown Arcade' on the front, heading towards the glass doors. The first thing Maria heard upon entering was: "Noooooo!!! Not again!!!" "Usagi-chan, it's only a game." "Yeah, it's not the game's fault that you're so bad at it." "Rei-chan!!!" "Dammit Rei-chan, you're gonna make things worse." Maria looked in the direction of the wailing and arguing to see three girls, one of which was a blonde that had one of the strangest hair styles that she had ever seen, gathered around a Sailor V game. Hotaru saw Maria's expression and giggled. "I'd like you to meet some friends of mine." The dark haired girl looked back over to the three girls. "Well, when they're done fighting. It's sometimes entertaining to watch. I wonder how Ami-chan manages to not blow a fuse when they do that. Then again, she isn't here right now." "Who's Ami?" "Oh, she's sort of the mediator of the group. She and Minako-chan don't seem to be here, but that's ok. They've all been wanting to meet you ever since we told them that we were housing an exchange student." The conversation was ended by a joyous yell from the blonde with the strange hair. "Hotaru-chan!" "Hi Usagi-chan, I'd like you all to meet someone. This is Maria-chan, the exchange student I told you about." Hotaru said, giving them a clear view of Maria by stepping to the side. Maria was nervous. She'd never liked having much attention trained on her, and having three girls she didn't know staring at her sort of scared her. Well, the blonde didn't stare at her so intently, but the other two looked like they were sizing her up. Maria just stood as she was, and endured it. She'd been through hell and back and wasn't going to let three girls ruin her thankfully good mood. The two girls, one with long raven hair and the other with brown hair in a ponytail, seemed to come to a decision about her, and smiled. "Pleased to meet you, my name is Hino Rei." The raven haired girl nodded her head slightly along with the greeting. "And I'm Kino Makoto, also pleased to meet you." The one with the ponytail said with a pleasant smile. The blonde seemed to shake herself out of her thoughts, and offered a hand to Maria, which she tentatively took. "I've heard sooo much about you Maria-chan, I'm Tsukino Usagi." The blonde gave the sweetest smile Maria had ever seen. It was the equivalent to eating a box of Cosmic Brownies. "Hey Maria-chan! Have you ever played Sailor V?" Usagi asked her. "I... um, I've heard of it." Maria responded, never having had someone speak to her so happily before. "Well, now you're going to play it! I'll teach it to you and then you can have something to occupy your time!" "Better watch it Maria-chan, or she'll suck you into the world of procrastination." Rei said teasingly. "Hey, I may procrastinate, but that didn't stop me from getting into college." Usagi shot back. "That's what I like about you Usagi-chan, you can admit your tragic flaws." Rei grinned. "You're lucky Maria-chan. A few years ago, that would have turned into a nuclear war." Makoto laughed. "Nah, just a small civil war that would be resolved by something going wrong, or Mamoru-kun coming by to draw Usagi-chan's attention away." Rei laughed. "Let us all be grateful for good and bad distractions then." A blue haired girl said amusedly as she and a beautiful blonde that could have been Usagi's sister came over to the group. "Hey, who's your new friend?" The new blonde chirped. Usagi took Maria's arm and brought her forward from where she had been unconsciously (and unsuccessfully) trying to blend into the background. "This is the American exchange student that Hotaru told us would be living with them. Maria-chan, this is Aino Minako and Mizuno Ami, two of my very best friends." Maria felt very nervous and uncomfortable meeting so many different people in so short a time, but swallowing nervously, she managed to get out, "Umm nice to meet you." "Hey! No need to be shy around us Maria-chan!" Minako laughed. Though Maria was nervous and wary at first, Hotaru and the five girls gradually drew her out of her shell. They literally dragged her to different places, like the park, the mall, and the school she would be going to with Hotaru, and when they finally settled down, they ended up at a temple on a hill that was called the Hikawa Shrine. End Chapter Two AN: Well, that part is done. I had this finished a long while back, but the disk that I had it saved on got messed up. I had stupidly forgotten to make a backup of it on my computer, so I had to write it again from a printout of it I had. Anyway, Maria's finally getting a life! Some unanswered questions you have will probably be answered in the next chapter, so stay tuned. Oh, and thanks for all the feedback you've sent me guys, it really helps :) Until next time readers.