Deception - Chapter Six (PG-13) by Christina Anton Disclaimer: See the first few chapters. It was six o'clock in the morning on a Saturday, and Maria was walking up the steps to the Hikawa Shrine. She knew that Rei and her grandfather were awake already because of hearing Rei's complaining about having to get up so early. Maria wasn't sure if Rei or her grandfather would help her with this. She had seen a room with mats and weaponry along the walls when she had been in the shrine her first time. She could have been mistaken, but it looked to her like a practice room. Anyway, she didn't feel like she would be uncomfortable learning under either of them if they agreed to it, even though Rei's grandfather was a bit... odd. She was half way up the stairs now. Usagi had said that she had counted them once, but she couldn't remember the exact number. Somewhere around a hundred and fifty she said. Maria kept trying to remind herself to count whenever she came up here with the other girls, but forgot to every time. Her new friends were always trying to get her to open up and talk, and more often than not, they succeeded. It was strange. Less than three weeks ago, she had had no friends. Now she had what, nine? There Usagi and the others, Hotaru, Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna, and then there was Shiroh. Yes, she could call Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna friends. They were more that than anything else. They did act like parents in the capacity of telling her to not stay out late and such, but they weren't really like parents. She could talk with them, watch TV, things that friends do. Now Shiroh... yes, he was a friend too. The first day that she had met him, he had walked over and had lunch with Hotaru and her. Maria knew he liked her in a different way than just friendship, but he was willing to just be friends. He and Hotaru seemed to know each other, and since Hotaru trusted him, Maria saw no reason to be wary of him. Over the next few weeks after that, they had hung around each other and become good friends. He wasn't wasn't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree in school, but he honestly did try. Most of the times they had gotten together was so Maria could help him with his school work. He was fine in history, but everything else gave him some trouble, especially math. He could do basic problems such as addition, subtraction, etc., but once you got into algebraic equations, he was wondering where the 'c' came from. They had fun anyway. However, she also had learned why Kayano-sensei had warned Shiroh to not disturb her that day. Shiroh had a curiosity that got him in trouble quite often. He couldn't just let things go. If you left a loose end of string trailing through a doorway, he'd follow it to see where it lead. Maria wasn't blind to the fact that his curiosity could hurt her given her situation. But she was willing to befriend him anyway since most of the other students seemed to stear clear of him except for Hotaru. Maria could hear someone humming up ahead. Must be Rei-san, she thought. When she got to the top of the steps, she could see Rei in her priestess' robes sweeping leaves into a pile in the yard. Phobos and Deimos announced her presence from their perches on top of the shrine itself. Rei looked over at her and waved a greeting. "Maria-chan, what brings you here this morning? I would have thought you'd still be asleep. I know I would be." Rei sighed. "Well, I sort of have something to ask you." Rei nodded and leaned against her broom. "Ask away." Well, can't back out now. "Umm, I was wondering if anyone here at the temple taught some form of martial arts." There, I've said it. Now she can say no and I'll go back to the house and get some more sleep. Don't know why I'm doing this anywa-- her thoughts were interrupted by Rei's answer. "Hai, we do. It's only for those who ask though. It's not like we post it all around the city." Rei studied her for a moment. "May I ask why you've asked this?" Maria wasn't sure if she should be relieved or horrified that they did teach martial arts there. She had to know how to defend herself though, and this was probably the best place for her to learn. Perhaps the most comfortable place for her too. Looking at Rei, Maria didn't think it would be wise to lie to her. Plus, it wouldn't be fair. "It's just important to me. I'd really like to learn." So, she'd just hedge around the truth. Rei looked at her for a moment again, and then smiled and nodded her head. "I'd have to ask my ojii-san, but I'm sure he'll agree to it." Maria looked around. "Where is your ojii-san anyway?" "He's meditating right now," Rei said but Maria could hear her say something under her breath. "Sleeping in there more likely." Maria stayed and helped Rei with her chores for a while, mostly just to talk and keep the miko company. At around seven-thirty, the aging priest came out of the temple and practically screamed his greeting into her ear, surprising her because her back had been to the door. "Ohayo, Maria-san! What's such a lovely young lady doing here so early?" Seeing that Maria was recovering from her shock, Rei answered for her. "Maria-chan want's to learn some martial arts with us. I told her it was alright with me, but that it was up to you to decide." The priest stood on the landing that was just before the door and looked Maria up and down. He didn't seem like the doddering little old man that Maria had seen before. Instead, he looked like an incredibly wise and tired old man that was trying to determine if he really wanted to teach the young girl in front of him. Being on the landing made him come up to almost exactly Maria's height. If he had been standing on the ground right before her, he would have only been up to her breastbone. Being on the landing brought him to a height where he could look directly into Maria's eyes, and she into his. His eyes were a dark brown that were curiously shot through with a little violet; she could tell that Rei had gotten her eyes from her grandfather's side of the family. She could see in those eyes a quiet understanding and acceptance of what she had decided. Maria couldn't help the feeling that he knew more about her than she realized. Finally, the old priests' gaze ceased to hold her and she drew in a breath that she hadn't known she had been depriving herself of. "Alright," he said, "we will teach you." Phase two of Maria's plan had started as soon as the priest had said the first word. Hopefully, with the knowledge of how to defend herself, she could stop Anthony from hurting her when the time came for her to go back. She even dared to hope that she would gain enough confidence to tell someone about her problem. "Arigato, sensei, Rei-san." she said, bowing from the waist. The old man's face broke out into a wide smile, and Maria could tell that Rei was happy that her grandfather had accepted her request. "Come Maria-chan, we'll talk about how we'll go about this over tea." Maria's new teacher led her into the living part of the temple. * * * After talking about when the best time for her to come for her sessions and some other subjects, Maria thanked her friend and her grandfather again and left. Rei had offered to walk her home, but Maria had politely refused. She had decided to take a walk and think. For some reason, Rei and her other new friends seemed a bit protective of her. They always offered to drive or walk her home, but were only stubborn about it when it was getting dark out, which made some sense. But in broad daylight? Maybe they were like that because of all the weird things that she had heard of that had happened in Tokyo. For almost five years straight, Tokyo and the surrounding area had been reportedly plagued by demons of some kind. Maria had read in a Tokyo newspaper that she had been reading for practice, that young girls (or women, depending on who wrote the article) who called themselves the "Sailor Senshi" had fought the demons. Most people just thought they were rumor unless they had actually seen them. There was no tangible proof besides pictures that the young fighters for justice were actually real. The pictures of the senshi were the products of lucky bystanders that just happened to have cameras and reporters that didn't have enough sense to get the hell out of a battle area. Companies made dolls and other "bishoujo senshi" merchandise based off the pictures. There were some rumors that the Sailor Senshi had something to do with various worldwide phenomena such as the brief drop in temperature around the world, and sudden losses of energy. True to the way governments worked, the U.S. government denied that anything had happened if they couldn't explain it, or just described the phenomena as a global epidemic. In most cases, world leaders banned together to try and keep their citizens in the dark, but most people knew something extremely odd had happened and weren't swayed easily with flimsy explinations. Seating herself on a bench in the park she didn't remember entering, Maria thought about what she would do if she actually saw one of the Sailor Senshi. Actually, she hoped that she would never have to see one. She had too many problems as it was without monsters and demons for young women in sailor fuku to fight. Looking around the park, she tried to figure out what had made the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly stand on end. There were the regular people that you always saw in parks; the joggers, people walking dogs, playing frisbee, and the obligatory teenagers making out under a tree. And she couldn't forget the strollers. Those people that just walked around and took in the scene much like Maria herself had been doing before she sat down. Still studying the people in the park, her gaze fell onto a japanese man in a business suit. He was probably just walking through the park to get to his next meeting or just to relax, but what caught her eye was that he had been looking at her. His gaze moved away from her, but he had stopped at a wastebasket next to a bench about three meters away from her. Now she knew why her body was tensed up like a compressed bedspring. He had eyes like Anthony. The same deceivingly grey eyes that laughed cruelly at her whenever they landed on her. Unconsciously, her hands had grabbed hold of the bench in a white knuckled grip. The man looked at her again, and there was a knowing look in his eyes. She could almost hear him say, "I know you. I know what I can do to you. You fear me and I revel in it." And to make matters worse, he even grinned at her! Not being able to take it anymore, Maria shot up from the bench and started hurriedly walking in the opposite direction. She could still feel the man's eyes boring into her back, and it made her want to run. 'No, I will _not_ run. I'm stronger than people like him. They can hurt me, but they cannot break me.' As she went through the exit of the park and turned towards the way to her home, she couldn't help but wonder if the man had a daughter or stepdaughter that he treated like Anthony treated her. * * * Back at the Hikawa Shrine, Rei and her grandfather were talking over the leftover tea from Maria's visit. "What do you think of her, ojii-san?" Rei asked, setting her cup down on the low table in front of her. The aged priest didn't answer for a few moments, supposedly contemplating the question. After about a minute and two sips of tea, he answered, "She's a nice girl, and I think she'll make a good student." "You know that's not what I meant, ojii-san." The priest nodded. "Alright, you wish to know what I think of your young friend Maria-chan?" Rei really did try to take her irritation out of her voice, but it came out annoyed anyway. "Hai, I did ask that didn't I?" The aged priest smiled. "Ahh, my firebrand, you've learned much, but dealing with me just throws your patience out the window, ne?" Rather than let his grandaughter respond to that, he went on. "Maria-chan is a good person at heart. There is no obvious violence in her, just the violence that is in all people. However, there's fear in her which could make her violent just as easily as it could cripple her. Fear can do that to any person though. She's hiding some things, and that's the cause of her fear. Pain and fear play large parts in her life." It sometimes amazed Rei that her ojii-san could judge a person's character like this. "Michiru-san came to me a few weeks ago. She had a dream about Maria-chan which was disturbing." Rei told what Michiru had said to her about the dream, her ojii-san listening quietly. At the end of it, he nodded. "So, a dead brother. And taken right in front of the poor girl too." "I think that that accident could be the reason for her parent's divorce." Her ojii-san gave a tired sigh. "Young people such as her shouldn't have to go through such things. Divorce." he snorted disgustedly. "The things you have told me certainly fit with what I've felt from her." Standing up, which just brought him at eye level with his grandaughter, he said, "Come Rei-chan, we need to tend to our visitors. Visiting hours have started. Unless there's something else you wish to tell me?" Rei had debated telling her ojii-san about what the sacred flame had told her when she had asked what was troubling Maria. She decided that it would be prudent to tell her ojii-san everything. "A few days ago, I asked the sacred fire about what was troubling Maria-chan. It showed me the face of a man. He was handsome and black haired. Then around the face, other people's face could be seen. They didn't seem familiar, just random faces that could have been anyone on the street. The odd thing was, was that they all had the same dark grey eyes as the man in the center. I sensed an evil about them, but it... it wasn't... I'm not sure how to describe it. The most I can say is that it felt like natural evil." "Natural evil..." the old priest mused. "As much as what you've described from your vision disturbs me, I don't know what else to say about it. I couldn't interpret it any better than you have. I've taught you everything I know about fire reading, and I can honestly tell you that you're better at it than I ever was. The best advice I can give you is to go with your instincts, just like I've always told you." He smiled kindly at her. "You'll have to use your best judgement with that vision, as I can't help you. Now come on, we need to get out there before Yuuichiro bungles everything up. That boy is getting better, but I wouldn't trust him to sweep the floor without catching the broom on fire if someone isn't with him." The priest kept rambling on as he walked out the sliding door to the front of the shrine. 'Looks like I'll have to think about this sometime tonight.' Rei thought as she saw the crowd of people on the shrine's grounds through the open door. "Don't worry Maria- chan, we'll help you somehow." she whispered as she walked out. End Chapter Six AN: Let me first say that I have no idea if Rei and her grandfather would really teach any kind of martial arts. From everything I've seen of the anime, they know some form of martial arts, so I've decided that they're going to teach it to our dear girl Maria. It'll all work out for the best, you'll see ^^. Sorry this took so long guys. I just couldn't write anything for this for a while. I'm really not sure when the next chapter of Deception will be finished. It all depends on if I'm in the mood to work on this story or play my Dreamcast. I've got a lot that needs to be done for school. Why the heck did I choose advanced courses that require you to work over the summer?! I'd like to thank all of you who have told me how much you've liked this story so far. It means a lot! And give a round of applause for my beta reader extraordinaire, Kylana! She was very happy when this chapter came out :). 7/17/01