*Revised* ====================================================== A story based on the characters of Sailor Moon. The Side Less Seen (PG-13) by Christina Anton (daylin@sailorsenshi.i-p.com) aka Hydrophobic http://angelfire.com/anime2/dayanjell/antons/home.html ====================================================== This is a side of me that few ever see. The gentler side of me has made few appearances in my sixteen years of life. Usagi and I have our share of fights and can really get on each other's nerves sometimes, but over the time we've known each other, we've come to understand one another. I tease her about being a crybaby and call her Odango Atama, she cries and whines for me to stop, I keep doing it and then we get into a shouting match. Our friends don't seem to know what to do with us during out fights and generally try to stay out of them. What they don't know is that Usagi and I had a little chat about a year ago. It was a little while after the defeat of Pharaoh 90. To this day I don't exactly know what started the fight between Usagi and I that day. Everyone was here at the shrine, going over the events of the battle. The next thing I knew, Usagi and I were yelling at each other and both of us were truly pissed off. Now fights between Odango Atama and I weren't that uncommon and still aren't today. But fights between _Usagi_ and I were. You see, it is very hard to get Usagi truly angry, but day I had seemed to strike a nerve. I don't even know we yelled at each other, but when we calmed down enough to notice the room around us, everyone had left. Apparently, they had decided to let us settle our differences by ourselves that time. One thing that I do remember from that shouting match was that the last thing I said had shocked us both into silence. Now that I think about it, Usagi may well have blocked my memories of what had been said somehow. For a few moments we just stared at each other. I had tears in my eyes and noticed that Usagi had a few running down her own cheeks. On any other day, I would have teased her about them, but that time I knew that our arguing had gotten serious. The things that we said had made us so angry that even our friends had to leave the room. In one of the few times in my life, I gave a sincere apology to Usagi. Usually, my apologies to her were from glares and pokes from the other girls, or just the need to get her to quiet down. But that time I truly _was_ sorry. I knew what I said had been totally out of line. "Gomen, Usagi-chan," I whispered. By then, the anger was completely drained out of me, and looking at Usagi's weary face, hers was gone too. "Oh Rei-chan," she said, "why do we do this?" "I don't know." I was still whispering. My throat had felt raw from yelling, and somehow it didn't seem right to raise my voice any higher. I closed my eyes, damning myself to any hell that would take me and thinking that I shouldn't have the right to even _look_ at my princess ever again in this lifetime nor any other. But, at the same time a little angry fire was building in my soul, ranting about how irresponsible she was, how she took risks that could easily get her killed, how hard she made it for me to protect her when she disregarded all the dangers of the world-- "Rei-chan." Her saying my name in such a gentle way stopped my mind's ranting, and made me remember that I had just gotten into the worst argument I ever had with her. With my princess. The one I was supposed to protect. And I had SCREAMED at her. Why the hell was she always so nice to me? I treated her like crap and she's still nice to me. I didn't deserve it, and still don't. My legs refused to support me and dropped me to my knees on the floor. My hands were between my knees and a few tears had gotten past my eyelids. And then that gentle voice came again, reminding me of all the reasons why I protected her. She was PURE. She had a heart that would embrace _anyone_, trust _anyone_, and be damned if that person rejected her because it would be HER soul that suffered. "Rei-chan, open your eyes." And, for the reason that I _never_ wanted that pure soul to suffer by my actions least of all, I opened them. It was times like those that I could see the future queen in her. She was kneeling before me, looking straight into my eyes. She reached out and wiped the tears from my face with her hands. I wanted to scream at her again. I didn't deserve her forgiveness! She should have been hating me. She should have been turning away from me and shoving me out of her life! But, she didn't, and my tears started again. She wordlessly gathered me in her arms and put my head on her shoulder, just letting me cry. They were tears of guilt and frustration. I had rarely ever let those tears fall, and then only in the company of the fire or the sheets of my bed. Usagi waited until my sobs subsided to sniffles before speaking. She left my head on her tear-soaked shoulder. "Feel better now Rei-chan?" she said softly. I nodded slightly against her shoulder in response. "Good, you needed that." Usagi paused, but continued rubbing my back as she had been throughout my bout of crying. "We need to talk about why we're always arguing. Today, we both over stepped bounds we shouldn't have." "Gomen, I--" She didn't let me finish, making a hushing sound. "You have no reason to apologize, Rei-chan. We've both been having a stressful last couple of days." That was true. Everyone had been scrambling to catch up on missed schoolwork. All of us had also been having nightmares about what had happened at Mugen Gakuen. I should know, they had come to me often enough to work through them. "Can you answer a question for me?" she asked me. Again I nodded, still too sick of myself to be able to refuse her anything. "What makes you so angry with me all the time?" Oh, and there was the question. The one that would bare my heart and soul to her. Maybe it was time, I thought to myself, that she knew that I was so protective of her that I couldn't control myself when she acted, quite frankly, stupidly. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head from her shoulder and looked her in the face. At that moment, she looked just like her mother except for the missing silver hair. "I get so angry with you because . . ." I trailed off, agonizing over how to say it without it sounding angry again. I had no right to ever get angry with her ever again, I-- It was then that something within me finally had enough. Coming to a decision, I grabbed that annoying thing that made me feel like I wasn't doing my job, shoved it into a convenient closet, and slammed the door behind it. "Because damn it, you don't take care of yourself! How am I and the others supposed to protect you when you won't even protect yourself! Always tripping over this or that, then wasting time crying about it! And then you decide to get so stubborn sometimes that you won't listen to us!" Usagi's eyebrows rose, but I was on a roll. Nothing was going to stop me from telling her how I felt and why I felt that way, the consequences be damned! "You use your heart too much and don't listen to your head. You want to know why I get so angry with you!?! Because I'm freaking SCARED for you! Do you know how worried I get when you trip in battle or follow your damn heart when we're fighting? By God, Usa, you're so brave when you follow that heart of yours that you don't listen to common sense! The way you disregard your own safety sometimes makes me feel useless!" I broke down into tears again, except these were tears of both frustration and relief. I finally got it out, and felt the better for it. Taking me in her arms again, Usagi rocked me back and forth, murmuring things I can't remember in a soothing tone. She waited until I'd calmed down before addressing the situation again. "I'm sorry I don't act the way you think I should, Rei-chan, but following my heart is instinct. It's who I am. I know I get myself into trouble doing it, but I can't go against who I am. I see someone hurting and I have to help them; it doesn't matter if they've been deemed an enemy or not. And you want to know why I take as many risks as I do? I do it because I'd rather do it by myself rather than have you or the others get hurt. I have complete and utter trust in you all that you'll do your best for me, but I can't help but worry that your best will get yourselves killed. And I really can't help being clumsy, I guess that's who I am too." Usagi laughed at the last part. "But all we want, all _I_ want to do is protect--" She had cut me off again, this time with words. "I know, and I still want and expect you to. I still expect you to yell at me for being stupid and taking risks I don't need to. In case you hadn't noticed, your yelling has gotten through, albeit slowly. Am I as bad as I was when you first met me?" She had had a point there. She _had_ gotten a little better than when I had first met her. The way she was acting that day was proof of that. I didn't have to say anything, Usagi knew that I had realized it. "So," she paused to move me so she could look me in the eye. "Now that we understand each other, I want you to keep yelling at me to shape up. I understand why you do it now, so it won't hurt my feelings as much anymore. In fact, I'll probably listen to you more. But you can't change me overnight, and probably a thousand years from now I'll still be childish. But just maybe, due to you and the others, I might know when it's time for being childish and when it's time for being a queen." "Usagi-chan, if it's the only way to get you from being hurt or killed, I'll keep doing it. I just want you to know that I don't always _like_ yelling at you. And sometimes it truly does make me feel useless. And the thing is, your being childish and happy all the time is what I and the others love about you. I guess part of what makes me angry is jealousy. I can't be happy like you all the time. There's this need to protect you for the very reason of wanting to see you happy, but also not wanting to see you dead." The smile that blossomed on her face was brighter than a thousand moons. "Thank you Rei-chan, for trying to keep me on the right track. Let's agree to try and get along a little better from now on, ne?" At my smile and nod she continued. "Let's also forget whatever we said to each other earlier too. Neither of us meant any of it anyway." That day has been etched into my memory forever. That was the day that Usagi and I realized that we cared about each other more than words could say. Since that day, we have been the best of friends, even though we do get into the same old arguments as we always have. Our friends have noticed a change in us, and Mina-chan has even asked me about it. All I told her was: "We talked." As for what I'm doing right now . . . This is something I wouldn't have done before our little talk. You see, Usagi is really afraid of thunderstorms. I'm sure there's a name for the phobia, but it escapes me. At the moment, it's pouring rain outside and thunder is shaking the whole temple. Every flash of light and every peal of thunder has her jumping and wailing, and clinging to any warm body she can get her hands on. Namely me. But, I don't mind at all. Though for prides sake, if any of the others were here I wouldn't have been letting her do this. But, we're alone here in my room, and I'm protecting her. That's all I really care about. End Hope you all enjoyed that. I'm not usually one to write Rei stories, but I've read so many of them that this popped into my little noggin. Remember, feedback is always welcome. Revised: 7/18/02