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A detailed, itemized list of all the references to Transformers and the rest of popular culture that are hidden within the pages of TRANSFORMERS ANIMATED – THE ALLSPARK ALMANAC.

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Pg 9a Sorensen and Forster hail from universal stream Quadwal -3760.925 Theta. Universal streams are a means of classifying the numerous Transformers universes devised by authors Greg Sepelak and Trent Troop, which first appeared in the Transformers Collectors Club story, “Withered Hope”. But what's it mean?

Pg 9bThe amusing Reverse-Pretender technology used by Sorensen and Forster is a reference to several 1980s Transformers toy commercials, which featured a child leaping into the air and transforming into Ultra Magnus.

Pg 9cThe number on Sorenson's mugshot card, 214-782, is the Auschwitz concentration camp number of X-Men villain, Magneto. Forster's mugshot number, 356-325 was supposed to read “356-323”, the birth and death dates of Alexander the Great (356-323 AD), but got changed by accident. This was in reference to the Iron Maiden song, “Alexander the Great”; Forster is a huge fan of the band, and this was going to be the first of numerous references to them in the book. The snake looming over his shoulder is one of his real-life pets.

Pg 15Optimus Prime's axe is identifed as a Solitarium ultra-axe. Solitarium is a mysterious and powerful element featured in the Japanese Robot Masters storyline.

Pg 20aRatchet is a Protihex Medical Mechanical graduate. Protihex is one of Cybertron's city-states, which first appeared in Dreamwave's original The War Within mini-series.

Pg 20b Lockdown refers to Ratchet with the nickname “Cool Hand Lube. This was an epithet coined for the original Generation 1 Ratchet by writer Bob Budiansky, who included it in his original Transformers Universe bio. While it didn't make it into the finished Universe profile, it did appear in an early version printed in Marvel's Transformers Comics Magazine digest collection.

Pg 34 – Unnamed in the Animated cartoon, the alien planet visited by the young Optimus, Sentinel and Elita-1 populated by giant spiders is here given the named Archa Seven. Presumably, this puts it in the same system as Archa Nine, from the BotCon 2002 comic story, “Betrayal”.

Pg 35Sentinel Prime's shield is dubbed a Skyboom shield, after the Mini-Con weapon from Armada. It is described as being “nigh-invulnerable,” a term frequently used to describe the superhero, the Tick, upon whom Sentinel Prime was visually based. Check pg 135 for more Tickishenss!

Pg 33 – Ultra Magnus's hammer is here given the name Stormbreaker, after the hammer possessed by comic book super hero and Thor analog, Beta Ray Bill. Alas, both the toy's packaging bio and the cartoon itself would give the hammer different names: “Stormbringer” and “the Magnus Hammer”, respectively.

Pg 37Jazz is a master of Metallikato and Circuit-Su, classic Cybertronian martial arts originally introduced in the Tech Specs of Generation 1 Bludgeon and Bugly, respectively.

Pg 44Ratchet recalls an old flame from Crystal City, a Cybertronian city that originally appeared in the Generation 1 cartoon episode, “The Secret of Omega Supreme”.

Pg 46 – Ratchet speculates that Wreck-Gar must have “27,000 gags” hidden in his trash bin. The number 27 is a running gag in the songs of Weird Al Yankovic, the parody singer who provides Wreck-Gar's voice.

Pg 55 – Omega Supreme's profile contains numerous references.

Pg 60 Mentioned here and restated on pg 127, Megatron's swords are forged from tironium, an extremely tough metal mentioned in the Beast Wars episode “Power Surge”. As noted in his tech specs, his armour can deflect anti-proton lasers; anti-proton weapons were wielded by Cybertron Unicron and Classics Megatron.

Pg 66As on his toy packaging, Lugnut is referred to with the nicknamed, the “Kaon Krusher”. Kaon is a Decepticon city-state on Cybertron, which first appeared in Dreamwave's War Within: The Dark Ages mini-series. Lugnut's explosive punch was nicknamed the “Punch of Kill Everythingby fan Beastbot X. Writer Marty Isenberg took a shine to the name and canonized it in the pages of The Arrival comic book, and The AllSpark Almanac carries on its use. Blitzwing calls Lugnut a “five-eyed, no-brained, flying purple people eater,” paraphrasing the 1958 Sheb Wooley song, “Purple People Eater”.

Pg 74 – Shockwave's cannon can fire blasts from anywhere in the electromagnetic spectrum, just like Generation 1 Shockwave could.

Pg 77 Swindle's gyro gun and scatter blaster are named after the weapons of the original Generation 1 Swindle.

Pg 81 Starscream claims to be the handsomest 'bot “this side of the Benzuli Expanse, a region of space introduced in IDW Publishing's Spotlight: Galvatron.

Pg 82 – Starscream's first sycophantic clone is given the numerical designation 2716057, the serial number of hard-drinking robot Bender from Futurama. The first cowardly clone, meanwhile, is marked 3370318, the serial number of Bender's identical duplicate, Flexo.

Pg 83Thundercracker exults in the traits he got from Starscream by exclaiming “Aces High!, after the song of the same name by Iron Maiden.

Pg 83-84 Having gone unnamed in the Animated cartoon, Thundercracker, Sunstorm and Skywarp were all given names and powers derived from their Generation 1 counterparts when they were released as toys. The liar and female clones did not get toys, but The AllSpark Almanac carries on the trend; the liar clone is named Ramjet and is noted to have a reinforced nosecone for mid-air collisions, while the female clone gets the brand new name of Slipstream (which was previously revealed at TFCon 2009).

Pg 88 Numerous weapons used by Lockdown in the Animated cartoon are here given the names of similar weapons from other corners of the Transformers multiverse. He is armed with sleep nets (from the Generation 1 coloring book, “Bumblebee to the Rescue!”), nova spray (from the 2007 movie Glu mobile phone game), and a lightning whip (the personal weapon of the G1 Pretender Cloudburst). His sonic javelins do not appear to be an obvious reference to anything (it was a weapon in the video game Legend of Legaia, but I'm not convinced its an intentional ref). His chainsaw is also described as being “micro-serrated”, language frequently used to describe the beak of Generation 1 Buzzsaw.

Pg 94 Swindle plans to imitate Angry Archer's antiquated dialect to help facilitate his next deal with the Darkling Lords of Prysmos. This is a reference to the 1987 Hasbro toyline, Visionaries; Prysmos was the planet upon which that series was set, and the Darkling Lords were the villains of the franchise.

Pg 97 Slo-Mo is here given the first name of Samantha, and on pg 143, the surname of Lomow. So hey, it turns out that her real name is the same as Hasbro Senior Vice President of Global Marketing Samantha Lomow, on whom she was based.

Pg 101 The name of Prometheus Black's company is given as Biotech Unbound, referring to the Greek poem, “Prometheus Unbound”, which was also the title of a Beast Machines episode.

Pg 103 In the Animated cartoon, the bat-monster is noted as having formerly been Meltdown's lawyer. Here, Captain Fanzone notes that the shark-monster was his stock broker. In addition, he calls it a “Seafood Louis creature, after the crab salad notable among Transformers fans for having been served at several BotCons, and says it “kicks some serious fin, one of the numerous catchphrases of the titular characters in the cartoon series,Street Sharks”.

Pg 105 Ming-Li is named after author Jim Sorenson's wife, Ming-Li Wang, and derives her nickname, “The Surgeon”, from the fact that the real Ming-Li is a real surgeon. Shana Story is named for a friend of author Bill Forster, Shana Storey, who is credited in the acknowledgements section of their previous book, The Ark II. Solon Kitakaze is named after Deathsaurus's cyborg son from the infamously kooky Victory manga. Roxy Sparkles is not one anyone could have easily figured out: the name was coined by Bill Forster several years ago when trying to remember the name of a deceased musician (Hanoi Rocks drummer Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley). It evolved into a running in-joke between him and a friend, and he slipped into into the Almanac as a gag.

Pg 106 Porter C. Powell's limousine is branded as a “TUX model, named for the Tonka GoBot it was designed to resemble.

Pg 108a The events of “Transform and Roll Out,” Part 1, are given the timecode 9521.6. This was the stardate for the Star Trek movie, The Undiscovered Country.

Pg 108b - The space bridge being repaired by Prime's crew in the series pilot movie is given the designation RA-678, the same alpha-numerical designation as the E-Frame shared by Nara Burns and Marsala in the animated series Exosquad. The bridge is located in the Azazel Asteroid Belt, which you might think is a reference to something (beyond the obvious reference to the fallen angel), but the name is a pre-existing one, having been given to the belt in the first issue of The Arrival comic book.

Pg 108c - The symbol writing that decorates this and many subsequent pages is Cybertronix, the coded writing used in the Beast Wars animated series. In this book, as in the cartoon, translating it reveals many secret messages! This page, and all those presented as “Autobot incident reports”, use the “Maximal” font.

Pg 109 – This page is Entry 1.21 from Isaac Sumdac's journal. 1.21 was the number of gigawatts of electricity needed to activate the flux capacitor in Back to the Future.

Pg 110 - “Transform and Roll Out,” Part 2, is dated to 46379.1, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Emissary,” Part 1. Cybertronix on this page translates as:

Pg 111 – “Transform and Roll Out,” Part 3, is dated to 46423.7, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “Babel”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 112An observation of the events of the first issue of the Animated comic by the trans-dimensional Vector Prime, one of the original 13 Transformers, introduced in the Transformers: Cybertron series. He uses the aforementioned Universal Stream classification system to catalogue this manuscript, identifying the Animated cartoon universe as “Malgus 1207.26 Alpha”. The designation is later used again on pg 117.

Pg 113 - “Home Is Where The Spark Is” is time-coded 46461.3, the stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Aquiel”. Prime's clash with the Angry Archer early in the episode is noted as being logged under a different file, dated 46424.1, the stardate of the Next Generation episode “Ship in a Bottle”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 114 - “Total Meltdown” is time-coded 46477.5, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “Captive Pursuit”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 115Cybertronix on this page, and all others rendered as various Decepticons' “internal logs” are written in the “Predacon” font. On this page:

Pg 116 Presumably, the trans-dimensional magazine Venus is named for Beast Wars Blackarachnia's voice actor, Venus Terzo. Whatever currency its cover price is in, its represented with a “B” in Predacon Cybertronix! In addition to the large illustration of Animated Blackarachnia wearing the crown, shoulderpads and cape donned by Generation 1 Starscream for his coronation in The Transformers: The Movie, the cover contains numerous references, many of them to some very obscure characters and concepts. Further, each page reference on the cover leads to a related page within the AllSpark Almanac itself.

Pg 118 The events of “The Thrill of the Hunt” are timecoded 46531.2, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Q-Less”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 119a Most of the weapons Swindle sells Lugnut and Blitzwing, and the planets he gets them from, are established, if obscure, Transformers items and locales. Most of them were named in the comic story this page covers, “Everthing Must Go” but a few more things are named here, and they all get serial numbers that are references to other shows, movies and suchlike. The full list includes:

Pg 119b Optimus's evaluation form is rendered in the style of classic Transformers Tech Specs, but not any one particular design. The training exercise from the comic story “Survival Skills” is revealed to have taken place on Kaiba-5, a planet mentioned in the 2007 live-action movie video game as having been destroyed by Ironhide. The exercise is time-coded 8130.3, stardate of the Star Trek movie, The Wrath of Khan.

Pg 120The events of “Nanosec” are timecoded 46579.2, stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Birthright,” Part II. The apprehension of Nino Sexton from the start of the episode is noted to be a separate file, coded 46578.4, the stardate of “Birthright,” Part I. Cybertonix on this page:

Pg 121The events of “Along Came a Spider” are dated to 46682.4, the stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Starship Mine”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 122Professor Princess's recollection of the comic story “Whatever Happened to Whatsisname?” is written on stationery produced by “Seventh Son Industries, a reference to the Iron Maiden album, “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.”

Pg 123 - “Sound and Fury” is dated to 46731.5, stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “The Chase”. Sari and Bulkhead's clash with Professor Princess from the start of the episode is given a separate reference, 46729.1, stardate of the Deep Space Nine episode, “The Storyteller”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 124The events of “Attention Surplus Disorder” from The Arrival #2 are rendered as an issue of the Detroit Powell Press, the newspaper which appeared in the Animated episode, “Three's A Crowd”. The lead story is written by Irwin Spoon, a journalist who appeared in a three-part story in Marvel UK's Generation 1 comic. The article contains several references to numerous other characters and concepts of varying obscurity.

The sidebar on the page also makes numerous references:

Pg 125 Adverts on this page refer to:

Pg 126 Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 127aCybertronix in the summary of “Stiletto” includes:

Pg 127b Unnamed in the original comic that debuted it, “Bots of Science”, Ratchet here notes that he has dubbed the cure for Cosmic Rust “Corrostop, which was, of course, the name of the cure invented in the Generation 1 episode that originally introduced the disease. Its ingredients include Ingredient X (also a component of Corrostop in the G1 episode in question) and razon gas, from the Kid Stuff storybook “When Continents Collide”.

Pg 129 The events of “Headmaster” are dated to 46778.1, stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Frame of Mind”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 130 - “The Insincerest Form of Flattery” is time-coded 46830.1, the stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Suspicions”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 131 - “Nature Calls” is dated to 46844.3, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “Progress”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 132 Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 133 The events of “Megatron Rising, Pt II” are time-coded 46853.2, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “If Wishes Were Horses”. The events of Pt I are noted to have been logged in a separate incident report, dated 46852.2, stardate of the Next Generation episode, “Rightful Heir”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 134 The events of “The Elite Guard” are dated to 46910.1, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “Dax”. The Elite Guard ship is here given the name the Steelhaven, after the craft commanded by Fortress Maximus in the Generation 1 Marvel comic. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 135All three pieces of Cybertronix on this page translate into quotes from The Tick. This is, of course, nothing if not fitting: this page is from Sentinel Prime's private journal. The quotes are, from top to bottom:

Pg 136 Sari's notebook paper is decorated with an illustration of Hello Nekomimi Pop-Star”, a chibified, “Hello Kitty”-style version of Nekomimi A from the Energon episode, “Distribution”. Nekomimi B appears on pg 147 in a similar fashion.

Pg 137Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 138 Garbage-O's are a product of Extensive Enterprises, the evil corporation run by Cobra operatives Xamot and Tomax in G.I. Joe. Also, check out the brand of tyre used for the “O” in Garbage-O's – Wheeljack Tyres! Most of the garbage in the illustration is either a model from Animated or an original drawing by Forster, but snuck in on the left of the page is the cover of the Derek and the Dominos album, “Layla”.

Pg 139References on the back of the Garbage-O's pack are copious.

Pg 140 - “Velocity” is dated to 46915.2, stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “Second Chances” (note the gaffe in which Bumbleebe gives the wrong timecode for “Nanosec,” instead giving the code for “Total Meltdown”). The sole piece of Cybertronix on this page is part of a quote from Exosquad; in full, the quote reads: “Gravity is the response matter makes to the loneliness of space.”

Pg 141 The events of “Rise of the Constructicons” are time-coded 46925.1, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “The Forsaken”. The skirmish with Blitzwing and Lugnut at the start of the episode is coded 46922.3, stardate of the DS9 episode “Dramatis Personae”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 142 Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 143 – The evidence reference number X-LN247 is another reference from Max Headroom, where it appeared as a project code on a video tape. This particular bit of information is nowhere to be found on the internet, and eluded me until Bill Forster coughed up the goods! The scrawled-out note below, meanwhile, isn't an easter egg, and just refers to where the machine was found.

Pg 144 This entry from Shockwave's personal log notes that he created his Autobot persona using data stolen from historical files, a fact originally established by the toy's on-package bio. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 145Ultra Magnus's memoir is prefaced with a haiku from “Sky-Byte, Decepticon poet, referencing the loveable haiku-writing Predacon Sky-Byte from Robots in Disguise. He has to be Decepticon here, of course, because there are no Predacons in the Animated universe. In the course of this page, Magnus mentions mitotic sparks, a term from Magmatron's Beast Machines toy bio, the Angarix Sector, a region of space introduced in the Generation 1 episode, “The Quintesson Journal”.

Pg 146The events of “Black Friday” are time-coded 47025.4, stardate of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “The Descent,” Part II. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 148 Megatron refers to the act of branding the Constructicons with the Decepticon symbol as the Rite of the Deceptibrand,” after the Autobot equivalent, the “Rite of the Autobrand”, from issue #14 of the Marvel Generation 1 comic. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 149The events of “A Bridge Too Close, Part II” are dated 47182.1, stardate of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode, “Invasive Procedures”. Part I is dated 471711.2, stardate of the DS9 episode “Cardassians”. Cybertronix on this page:

Pg 161Starscream uses the expression “a few lipoles short of a nest”, referring to the metal-eating bat-creatures native to Jupiter's moon Io, from the Generation 1 multi-part episode, “Five Faces of Darkness”.

Pg 164 Lockdown's spaceship is named the Death's Head, after the bounty hunter from the Marvel UK Generation 1 comics, for obvious reasons, given Lockdown's profession. It used to be an “IG-2000class ship, referring to the Star Wars ship that bore that name (piloted by another bounty hunter, 1G-88) but has been upgraded using parts obtained from the planets Jormungandr (from the Beast Wars Neo manga issue,A Battle Fought Alone”) and Taxxon (a world of alien centipedes from Animorphs), and the Jabbi-Ko (aliens mentioned in the Marvel Generation 2 comics). It is outfitted with Deckard cannons (named for Rick Deckard from Blade Runner, yet another bounty hunter), Samus-blasters (named for Samus Aran from Metroid, our fourth and final bounty hunter reference), Vandarian holographic technology (from the same planet as the Vandarian fuzz-worms mentioned in a “Mini-Mayhem” strip on the Transformers Collectors Club website) and cybertitanium cables (made from the metal introduced in the Japanese Generation 2 storyline). The ship has isomorphic controls preventing anyone other than Lockdown from piloting it, as does Doctor Who's TARDIS. Lockdown rounds out the paragraph by saying a bot's got to know his limitations”, paraphrasing Clint Eastwood in Magnum Force.

Pg 165 - “A three hour tour!” cackles Blitzwing, quoting the theme tune of Gilligan's Island.

Pg 170 Bulkhead describes candy as being like Ultra-Energon for kids, referring to the super-charged form of the Transformers' customary fuel that first appears in IDW Publishing's Infiltration series.

Pg 171Halloween costumes seen on this page include G.I. Joe characters Cobra Commander, Destro and Flint, and an incarnation of Strawberry Shortcake, albeit with a cherry theme, rather than a strawberry one. While I'm only really listing references that are created for this book, rather than ones that originated with the show, these designs don't appear to have made it into the finished cartoon, so they're debuting here, and worth making a note of!

Pg 174Newscaster Lester Black is revealed to be the great-nephew of Hector Ramirez, the news reporter created by Sunbow writer Buzz Dixon, who appeared in G.I. Joe, The Inhumanoids, Jem and the Holograms and the Transformers episode “Prime Target”.

Pg 178Mayor Edsel is revealed to be the nephew of famous actor Harold Edsel, who appeared in the Generation 1 episode “Hoist Goes Hollywood”.

Pg 183The Sidney Biggles-Jones Memorial Solar Fusion Plant is named after the scientist from the Marvel Comics G.I. Joe storyline that led into the Generation 2 comic. Scientists named as working on solar fusion are Brian Jones (from Energon), Daichi Onishi (the Japanese name of Doctor Kenneth Onishi from Robots in Disguise), Peter Morris (from the Marvel UK Generation 1 comics) and Felix Adle (named after Professor Adle from the Stargate Battles manga, who did not have a given first name).

Pg 185 – In the top right, an Animated version of Bobby Bolivia from the live-action Transformers movie appears, in another example of a design that was created but never implemented before this book.

Pg 189 Jeff Litvack is a friend of Jim Sorenson's, who he credits in the acknowledgements of this book. Krista Kohlhausen is Bill Forster's “favourite person,” according to the acknowledgements of The Ark.

Pg 200 The generic Sumdac Systems technicians are named Eddie Fairchild and Matt Conroy. These are the names of two prototypical characters who existed in the development phase of the Generation 1 cartoon, who eventually evolved into Spike Witwicky and Chip Chase.

Pg 203 Noted architect George R. Apple. G.R.Apple? Anybody? Anybody? C'mooon!

Pg 206 The Nemesis is equipped with a Grand Mal class force field, named after the Grand Mal, the giant fortress-cum-giant head occupied by Beast Wars Megatron in the latter stages of the Beast Machines cartoon. It has a cybertroid alloy star drive (just like the Generation 1 Nemesis, as mentioned in the G1 episode “Microbots”), and has the most sophisticated sensor array this side of the Eshems Nebula, a region of space introduced in IDW Publishing's live-action movie-based Defiance series.

Pg 207To escape the damaged Nemesis, the Decepticons used Devolan escape pods. The planet Devola was the site of a huge victory for the Decepticon Tidal Wave in the Armada universe.

Pg 211 The crashed Decepticon ship on Archa Seven is named the Twilight, after the flagship from the Marvel Generation 2 comics.

Pg 219 – In his “thanks to” section, Bill Forster declaures “Up the Irons!”, another reference to Iron Maiden. All of his thanks, meanwhile, are anagrams. Most can be solved by consulting the acknowledgements section of the two Ark books:

Unsolved anagrams:
