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Cameos, Mistakes and just neat things spotted in the movies


In "Unico in the Island of Magic" when Unico comes to challenge Kuruku after Cherry was changed into a puppet, Kuruku shoots his magic at Unico, and he jumps off from his place, and falls. As he falls, he straightens up and goes into flying position with his little wings sprouting forth. During that sequence, for a split second his horn disappears.


In "The Fantastic Adventures of Unico" when Katy is performing her "Katy the Kitty Witch" song, Hello Kitty is sitting on a rocket behind Katy.


In "Unico in the Island of Magic", Unico hears Toby's flute as well as all the other forest animals, and they all come to listen to Toby who is perched on top of a tree. Unico walks up to the tree, and calmly sits down. But, look again. To the right, and a little in front of Unico, a small creature is sitting there that looks like a mouse if you just barely glanced at it. But it isn't a rodent. It is the blue penguin character, complete with tie and hat from Hello Kitty, whose name I believe is Tuxedo Sam. (I think it's that one. It's still a Hello Kitty character anyway.)


At the beginning of "Unico in the Island of Magic" When Toby's face is first seen, his neck color is wrong. His costume covers his neck, but his neck is his flesh color.


When Kuruku is playing with his toys in "Unico in the Island of Magic" he lights up the walls with their cross shaped pieces. When Cherry and Unico are brought forth, the edges between the pieces light up, showing that there is light behind the wall, and the wall breaks forward and out come Cherry and Unico. But when the cracks/edges light up, a small section didn't light up like it was suppose to. Maybe it was suppose to do that, but that doesn't make sense. After all, when Toby came to get Cherry and Unico later, everything lit up like it was suppose to.


When the brown cat in "Unico in the Island of Magic" is turned into a puppet, you hear off screen the sound the puppets make when they fall and hit the ground, namely the cat hitting the ground as he is turned into a puppet. But the transformed cat as a puppet is still standing as Melvin hides behind him.


If you watch Toby in "Unico in the Island of Magic" get turned into a puppet in slow motion, you can actually see the magic power beam from Kuruku literally rip through him as it hits him, hitting the wall in front of him. No wonder he was moaning in the place he was standing before he fully became a puppet.


At the end of "Unico in the Island of Magic" when Unico is carried off, there is one line on West Wind that keeps changing colors from blue to white.


When Katy and Beezel are crying over Unico's body in "The Fantastic Adventure of Unico", and Katy is holding Unico's head next to her's, Unico's inside mouth keeps changing from dark to light.


When the title of "Fantastic Adventures of Unico" is displayed at the beginning of the film, there is no second t in "Fantastic" and is spelled "Fantasic"


In "Fantastic Adventures of Unico" when Beezel crawls up West Wind to her arms, the special effect that makes the West Wind seem transparent, affects Beezel too, making him blurry.


There's a reason why Toby's pancho/cape is so big and rounded around the shoulders in "Unico in the Island of Magic". It's not that he doesn't have broad shoulders, but there are poofs at the top of his sleeves that can just barely can be seen when he throws his cape up in frustration inside his family's house. Kinda like the puffs Disney's Snow White has, except with extended long sleeves.


One of the sounds that is used for the Baron DeGhost monster in "Fantastic Adventures of Unico" is a classic sound used through the years, a recognizable elephant roar. The elephant roar is intermingled with other sounds to make the monster's roar, but is noticeable, about the second time DeGhost roars, and pulls back to strike.


The Unico movies were acutally made in the '70s, "Unico in the Island of Magic" realeased in 1977, and the others if not earilier, and they weren't dubbed into English until the 80's, arouond 1983.


In "Unico in the Island of Magic", Unico makes the funniest faces when being smaked by Melvin, which can be seen is slow motion.


In "Fantastic Adventures of Unico", in the scene when West Wind is taking Unico away from his family, and during the scene when she is slightly green and yellow, there is an interesting background, one of clouds. Maybe these clouds are a real life picture made into animation, by the looks of it, plus they liked it good enough to use it later as water instead of sky when Unico wakes up and looks to see the ocean.


In "Fantastic Adventures of Unico", when West Wind first puts Unico down on the Island of the Devil of Solitude, there is a scene that shows him laying there, and he moves a little bit in his sleep. During that scene, his mane likes to change colors, to red to dark red.


In "Fantastic Adventures of Unico", in Katy's Kitty Witch Song, the makers of the film liked using "rabbits" (or rabbit head symbols) in a lot of scenes of her songs, especially when she's in the sky or near the moon, in obvious reference to the Japanese story about the "Rabbit in the Moon", just like Sailor Moon has similar refrence to this story with Usagi's (Serena) name meaning "rabbit" or "bunny" because she's Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity, the Moon Princess.


In "Fantastic Adventures of Unico", during Katy's Kitty Witch Song, in the same scene where there is Hello Kitty, there is a yellow flying saucer in the background with bunnies on it.


PG-13 fact. Don't read unless you are mature enough to do so.


Are you a fan of Sailor Moon? Then you should know that Naoko-chan wasn't the first to come up with mythology characters who are not the gender they are in the actual, original mythology, that their character and names are based on.

Here are examples of what I mean:

Sailor Mars/Rei is the reincarnation of the Roman god Mars, just like Sailor Venus/Minako is of the goddess Venus and just like everyone else. But Mars is male not female in the actual mythology, and Sailor Mars/Rei is very much a female. So was Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Artimes the cat is the opposite: now a guy instead of a female goddess.

The Unico point? So is Zephyrus (or know just as well as Zephyr). Who is Zephyrus? The West Wind. Even though her name is Nishikaze in Japanese (which means west wind), it is apparent that she is Zephyrus from Greek Mythology since her and Unico came from Ancient Greece obviously. In the original mythology, Zephyrus is male, but in the Unico movies, Zephyrus is very much potrayed as female and definitly is.


Ever notice the creaking, creepy sounds used around the villans in the Unico movies, specifically Baron DeGhost and Toby? Or the weird sound that doesn't seem there, a kind of undertone, but is in the Baron's house, like in the scenes in his bedroom and on the stairway? (Lord Kuruku doesn't have these sounds; he seems to have his own set of almost squishy, popping sounds that are different from the other creepy sound effects)

Here are some examples:

When Baron looks in the mirror and turns green, when he walks down to Katy on the stairs, when he walks up the stairs back to his room and the other scenes too numerous to mention.

Toby makes these sounds when he stands for the first time in the tree, when he "glides" towards Melvin to change him to a puppet at the base of the tree he had been perched on, and when he blows out the latern in his family's house. These sounds potray the stories incredibly, and are magnificent.

But here's the point:

Have you ever seen the movie, "The Shining"?

Yeah! This old '70s horror film, "The Shining" has the same sound effects for when ghosts appear or something creepy happens. Cool, eh? This is really interesting because the Unico movies were supposedly made in the 70's, (Unico's pilot film was made in 1978, relased 1989; Fantastic Adventures in 1981) and "The Shining" came out in 1980. So who used these sound effects first?


Unico sometimes appears to be various sizes, a small artist mistake, or seems to get smaller in the second film at least, but he is definitly various sizes when he's in his powerful adult form.


Unico's fur in definitly white. But when it is changed for shading or a darker scene, it doensn't change to a gray, but rather a soft light green. His tail tends to be a soft light violet also. This is more noticeable in "Unico in the Island of Magic".


Based on your own opinion, Unico's mane/hair color has been debated to be pink or red. Also the color of Unico's and Katy's eyes have been debated to be blue or green, and Baron DeGhost have been debated to be red or orange. Who knows, all are TV and computer colors and quality are different from one person to the next. Probably only looking at original animation cells from the movie in person and not on the net could determine the true colors.


I know this because I looked at Invisigoth Gypsy's site, Eschatology and the manga it contained. It looks like Unico's eyes are red (or the same color as his mane/hair) instead of blue/green in the anime.


Kuruku as a normal puppet "changes faces" so to say. Most of the time in the movie, he has a big chin that makes his mouth open as it goes up and down. But in the last scene when Cherry finds him on the cliff, he has a simple mouth instead of that chin.

This may not be an artist mistake however.

This time around, Kuruku was back to a normal puppet, but was starting his life anew, so to say, with good intentions because his spirit changed to good because of Unico. This new look at the end of the movie may have been to signify how he had changed, and was now good, or just to make him look more docile and fragile because after all he was just a little wooden puppet who had done these things.


Who else thinks it's just a cool scene when you see the overhead greenish creepy view of Beezel, Katy, and Unico fleeing down the spiraled stairs of the tower of the Baron's castle in "The Fantastic Adventures of Unico"?


A point to ponder. If Zephyrus is the name of the West Wind, where is her siblings, Boreas (or Boreus; spelling varies on these Greek names), Notus and Eurus all this time? Wouldn't they all be female too?


There is one type of bird that appears in the Unico movies in both English dubbed ones. Owls! Funshine guessed that one!


I didn't realize this until recently; it has to do with the part when Toby starts playing his flute again after Kuruku sees him watching him play with his toys.

When Toby jumped from the high tower window to go retrieve Cherry, his flute is still going even though he's not playing it. For the longest time I just thought that was how the movie went, that the music just kept playing even though he wasn't playing his flute at that moment. But then I realized something.

Before you see the part when Toby's perched in the window to retrieve Cherry, you see Melvin dancing around mimicing Toby's flute playing. But that's what Melvin is doing, playing his flute! It's hard to see, but Melvin is playing Toby's flute, keeping the living puppets moving (Toby obviously has Melvin do this to cover for him so Kuruku doesn't know he's left the island to go free Cherry). The flute is there, and he is playing it, but it's hard to see since Toby's flute is so thin and small anyway.

So Melvin is useful to Toby in the movie! And furthermore, if Toby didn't use his magic on Melvin, Melvin either caught on to Toby's flute playing or he already knew how to play the flute!



On "Unico in the Island of Magic," there's several scenes of wild chases, and the animation is speeded up, making it more realistic, and detailed. For example, when Toby is riding the log motorcycle, with Melvin on the rear, right after Unico falls into the water, Toby kind of hits the gas, and the beam on the back of the log shoots out into the water wildly, this is when the animaters speeded up their animation frames, to make it more realistic. (This is part when Melvin screams, "C'mon, shoot him, shoot him! C'mon! Wahhhhh!") Another example, is when Melvin is trying to convince Toby not to zap him, in trade for his headphones, and when he says, "Yahhhhh! Wait, at least let me explain it to ya!" When he says, "Yahhhhh!" That's when he shakes his head with rapid speed, making it look more like detailed animation. Just like when he runs off, after he asks Toby if he speaks different languages, and when Mars screamed, "Run for your lives!" and ran off with incredible speed. I noticed that the movement of characters is mostly done in slow frames, kind of like a slow strobe light effect. But during intense times, the animation frames speed up. ONE OTHER example is when the West Wind is talking to Unico in the begining of the movie, her hair goes in a slow pattern, and then it speeds up when she says, "But I cannot do it." And the exact same thing happens when Cherry was walking in the desert saying, "For mother and father's sake." Her hair movement pattern in the wind speeds up the same way. I just thought that was very interesting. It's a pity that the movie's animation speed isn't mostly like that. The animation would be more bold and vivid. I think it's the style of Japanimation. They mostly do slow frames, and during intense actions, they speed it up. Isn't that interesting?


Hey, ever wonder how the hell they do that weird crap with Kuruku's voice? Well, I always wondered until I found out about it. Back in the 70's and 80's as you all might know, disco, drugs, bright flickering lights, and weird music and sounds was the 'thing,' back then. So, they made a extremely trippy special effect with Kuruku's voice. Now, I have a video game on my Playstation called, "MTV Music Generator," which is an amazing music creating game, with pretty much everything. As soon as I learned how to edit Riff Paletts (Those are like boxes and squares indicating sounds, music melodies, vocals, etc.) I found out how to add the "Octive effect," or at least that's what I think it's called. What it is, is the voice actor for Lord Kuruku would just record his original British voice, and they would use a meconism to add more and more sounds of his voice in different tones, and pitches. For example, when he would say, "Tobyyyyy," he would just say "Toby", and they would record it on a computer, and add the highest to the lowest pitches of him saying, "Toby," leaving it in the same tempo (Speed) so it sounds all jacked up and bizarre, as if he had a million voices. In other words, he was recorded saying, "Toby," and they played his voice in a chicmunck pitch, to a lowwwww pitch all at the same time. HOWEVER, they would make his original voice at the highest volume so you could at least understand what he was saying. It's hard to explain, but I discovered how to do that by my video game editing. It's really fun! I'm hoping to be a sound effect editor, 'cause I lovvvvveee messin' with sounds, and fiddling with music.


Here's a blooper. When Toby was kneeling in front of Cherry hiding her, when he said, "No, Kuruku, these people are useless!" Cherry's hair is dark brown instead of dark blonde. It was dark, but looked wrong.


Here's another blooper. Why is Cherry and Toby blonde, and thier parents are both brunettes?! It doesn't make sense! There could be reasons but it doesn't seem right.

I can see Sunny's point, but I have reddish brown hair and my mom's a blonde and my dad has black hair, and no I wasn't adopted! :P So it's possible, but your right, still very rare to happen!


One more blooper. Why the hell are Cherry's hoochie boots shaped like tubes?!? What, does she have tubes for feet? They look so uncomfortable, don't you think? LMAO


When Toby's mother lifts the left side of his cape, saying, " looks like a magician's costume, Toby," you can see that Toby's hand is bare without a blue glove like he should. Yes, both of his hands are in gloves throughout the entire movie so...can we say to the artists and animators..."Whoopsies?"


When Kuruku is spinning around in that strange light beam form saying, "I had to dance when they wanted me to dance, and smile when they wanted me to smile," at that split second, when Kuruku faces the camera, hovering in front of Cherry and Unico, you'll notice they dissapear from they're standing position, right when Kuruku says, "when they wanted me to smile." Another..."Whoopsie," in this movie?!

Hmmmm...I don't see that one. Ha! I'm probably just blind!


When Katy is knelt by the creek fiddling with her hair, there is one line on her apron that likes to disappear and reappear.


In the part before Kuruku turns Cherry into a puppet and is laughing up how horrible he is, when he's squishing Cherry while scaring her, for a split second, her hand shows through his face and bubble while it is suppose to be out of sight.




When Toby is turning everyone in the village into puppets, notice that he has his tree-bike back again, even after it already crashed into a tree just before Lord Kuruku made his first appearance in the movie.


When Toby is busy turning the people in the village into living puppets, there is one house you should pay special attention to, the one where the two parents, and one child are eating at the table. Toby turns all three of them into puppets there (No mistakes so far). When he gets ready to load the ship with all the puppets by playing his flute, if you notice, in that one particular house, the two parents of the boy get up and go to the ship, but the boy just remains lying on the floor.


When Toby and Melvin are out at sea, heading to Nightmare Island (Island of Magic) after Melvin looks into the ship to look at all the puppets that are in the ship and says, "Why does your boss wanna carry all these things to Nightmare Island for?" Also notice how short the inside of the ship looks when it switches from Unico and Cheri's view to Melvin's view. Then a few scenes later, it shows the inside view of the ship with it rocking from side to side (notice how long the ship looks just by looking at how long the space appears to be, it looks like it hold a thousand puppets, but it probably only holds less than half of that) and when you look at the ship while it is sailing on the sea, the ship looks very small, when it looks very different from when Melvin looks at all the puppets.


As Toby returns Unico and Cheri back to the mainland, notice that when he uses his magic to change them back to their normal form, he zaps them while they are in mid-air. As soon as they are turned back into normal form, they are instantly on the ground, the people who made the movie did not draw them landing on the ground for some reason.

It could be that the magic did that, set them on the ground, instead of them landing, to add to the magical effects of the movie. Otherwise, I think that would have been a pretty rough landing whether Unico and Cherry were still in toy form or not! ^_^

Psyche holding Unico
The picture at left is from the Unico Pilot film that was never dubbed into English or ever reach the shores of the U.S. in any way profit wise. This picture is of Psyche and Unico and it was sent to me from Phoenix Anime Fan Subs. You can get a copy of this movie from there also.

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