Welcome to Ultimate Anime. this site is based on Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Tenchi, Street Fighter,Saber Marionette J, Trigun, Evangelion, Gundam, and X. I Hope to have the site up very soon and a lot of pictures added in a matter of time. So I hope that you enjoy this site.
Site Updates
- Last Updated 2/3/01
- ~Im also adding a few sound and movie clips.
- ~I just finished reformatting the site and I expect to have all the galleries back up in a few weeks.
| News |
No news yet im workin on the rest of the site but I will start adding news regularly starting next month.
| Disclaimer |
Ultimate Anime is a website intended only to show pictures and information to those who are interested. Therefore we have had no part in creating the pictures or sounds that are on the website with the exception of the Fan Art gallery. Also please do not copy any of the information or html on this site without consent from the Owner.