Author's Note: Hi! Me again (Nauta Luna). I get to write this one as well!! ^_^ Anywho, enough about me! ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Disclaimer: PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZE don't sue us. We're not making money off of this.

It Is Your Destiny

Gayle finished packing her backpack, and reached for her cat, Luna, "C'mon, they'll be here any second," It was the beginning of summer vacation and time to head back to the Jedi Academy for more training (and possibly a little mayhem).

Robin, Gayle's younger sister, came into Gayle's poster-plastered room and smirked, "Ahh, another summer without you around," she stretched luxuriously, "I hope these days never end."

Gayle smiled at her sister, "I'll miss you too, Robin." The doorbell rang, and Gayle shouldered her pack as Luna found her usual perch across Gayle's neck, "Well, gotta go. Seeya in the fall. I'll bring you back something cool this time, I promise."

Gayle moved down the hall of her green bungalow and opened the door. Julia and Chrisy stood on the other side, waiting impatiently. Julia motioned for Gayle to hurry as she slipped her shoes on, "Come ooooonnnn, lets get this party started already!"

Closing the door behind her, Gayle followed her friends down to Whitehaven park, where the Shadow Chaser was to take them back to Yavin 4. Along the way, Gayle told Julia and Chrisy about Kunzite's attempts to take the Guinshinsho from her, along with the now-evil Prince Darien. She sighed heavily, "I haven't a clue what to do about him," she stated as they rounded the last bend, "I can't fight him, can I?"

Julia shrugged, "If he's being an ass, just smack him around a bit. I dunno."

They reached the bottom of the ramp as Artemis came bounding down it. Luna leapt from Gayle's shoulders and nuzzled him in greeting. Artemis glanced at the girls before whispering to Luna, "We've picked up some strange readings from that school over there," he nodded in the direction of a building just beyond the trees.

Julia shot the cat a wry smile, "And we're surprised why?"

"We'll go check it out. I've told Master Skywalker not to wait for us," Artemis continued, ignoring his charge. He and Luna sped across the field towards Woodroffe High School.

Julia, Chrisy and Gayle boarded the Shadow Chaser. Master Skywalker greeted Gayle as she came into the cockpit, "How's school going?"

Gayle shrugged, "Okay, except for the part where Zekk keeps trying to attack me."

Luke said nothing. They lifted off, and conversation shifted back to the technical as Jaina was driving, so Gayle just sat in the common room of the ship. They passed through the inner atmosphere unnoticed, but the time they were entering the ionosphere, they had two fighter-jets on their tail.

The comm crackled to life as Leanne (who was riding shotgun) flipped the appropriate switch, "This is the US. Air Force, we come in peace. Please state your name and purpose here. Failure to do so will result in an attack on your vessel. I repeat, state your name and purpose or so help me God, we'll blow you out of the sky."

Master Skywalker leaned over the mike as Gayle and Julia entered the cockpit, "This is the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker aboard the Shadow Chaser. I'm here to pick up one of my students."

On the other end, he could barely make out a snort and a series of stifled snickers. The voice came on again, the pilot's tone mocking this time, "Uh-huh, right. And where's R2-D2, might I ask?"

"He's right--"

Gayle covered the mike before Luke could do more damage, "May I?" she asked. Luke shrugged and nodded. Gayle turned to the mike, "US pilot, I was wondering," she said, "Is your name Fred?"

"How the hell did you know that?!" the pilot demanded. Behind Gayle, Julia covered her mouth in a vain attempt to hide her laughter.

Gayle smiled and continued, "Your name tag," Julia lost control completely and stumbled from the room in order to collapse on the floor in hysterics. Gayle tried to ignore her, "Anyway, this is Gayle Parrot of Ottawa, Ontario Canada; you can verify that with my parents Glenda and Bob. There's really no need for all this. You might as well know this sort of thing is going to occur for another four years, so there's really no point in doing this. Unless the US. has expanded outwards without our knowledge, you're out of your jurisdiction, so bye!"

"Hey, wait a minute!" The pilot exclaimed, outraged, "I ain't wearing a name tag!"

Leanne flipped a switch that cut the connection and they sped away at top sublight speed. Gayle walked calmly from the cockpit to the main room of the ship and promptly fell to the floor in a fit of nervous giggles.

She recovered just as Master Skywalker came aft to check on them. "Better strap in," he said, "We'll make the jump to light speed once we're past your moon."

No sooner had the statement passed his lips than all the systems on the Shadow Chaser started to go berserk. Gayle's backpack started to heat up. She unzipped it and spilled the contents on the deck to find the source: The Imperium Silver Crystal, nestled in the crook of the Moon Stick was glowing white-hot. Gayle reached down and picked it up. In a flash of light, she and all the other Sailor Warriors were in their suits.

Venus and Moon looked at each other, "How'd that happen?" Moon wanted to know.

"Well," Master Skywalker said resignedly, "Looks like we're going to pay a little visit to your planet's only natural satellite," he stopped when he caught sight of the two Warriors, "What's the problem?" he asked worriedly, fingering his lightsaber. Moon showed him the Moon Stick, "Oh," he sighed, "I don't suppose you know how to turn that thing off."

"Brace for impact!" Jaina's voice barked through the intercom. They touched down on the sandy surface of the Moon with relative gentleness. Although there was a slight crunch.

Sailors Mars and Jupiter came out of the cockpit and Mars called up an image on the screen. Jacen poked his head over her shoulder to see. Sailor Moon jumped when she saw him, "Where'd you come from?"

He scratched his shaggy head, "Oh, sorry, I was in the cargobay convincing a family of woolimanders that moving in was a bad idea."

"Where are they now?" Mercury asked, returning from the galley with a snack.

"In one of Jaina's sweaters under my bunk," he stated easily. Mars looked horrified. He blinked, "What? I made sure it was clean and dry. They'll be nice and warm."

Shaking her head, Sailor Jupiter sighed, "Anyway, back to reality: We've landed here, on the edge of this crater," she pointed to a large dark spot on the image of the moon.

"Mare Serenitas," Moon identified.

Mars nodded, "Right, anyway I did a scan of the area to see what caused us to crash," she tapped a couple of switches and the image zoomed in on the crater, "When my scan touched the centre of the crater, all I got was a big black nothing. I'm guessing whatever brought us down is there."

Sailor Moon turned to Master Skywalker, "Are we all going, or just some of us?"

Luke scratched his cheek, "I think we might as well all go. It's not like someone's going to steal the ship."

The group suited up and extended the boarding ramp. One by one, they stepped out onto the sandy surface of the Moon. Moon Stick in hand, Sailor Moon followed the pull of the Imperium Silver Crystal, navigating slowly towards the centre of the crater known as Mare Serenitas, or "Sea of Serenity".

The group paused as they caught sight of what appeared to be a fallen tree-trunk. Moving forward, Sailor Venus dusted it off. It was a grayish-white stone pillar, similar to the ones used in ancient Greek temples. Climbing over it, Sailor Venus gasped, "Ohmigod!"

"What..." Sailor Moon trailed off as she peered around her friend and understood. Beyond the first pillar lay the remains of a once-large building. Pillars and chunks of stone littered the ground around a large platform topped with a crest and what looked like a broken antenna right behind it.

Something glinted on the far side of the ruins, catching Sailor Moon's attention. Leaving the others to explore, she followed the winking light to where a silver object lay partially buried in the sand. Sailor Moon gently brushed the sand off it and caught her breath, "My God."

There in the sand lay the skull of a unicorn. Sailor Moon's eyes flooded with tears, "No."

"What?" Venus asked leaning over her friend's shoulder to see what the trouble was.

Sailor Moon looked over to where the others were moving about among the ruins. Getting up and brushing off the knees of her pressure suit, she walked towards the centre of the ruins to the platform. Climbing onto it, she looked around, "What is this place?"

"Three guesses and the first two don't count," Venus quipped.

"Why is this spot so familiar, though?" Sailor Moon asked, studying the pillar and the crest in front of it, "Hey, what's that?" she asked, pointing to something sticking out of the ground between the crest and the pillar.

Sailor Venus climbed onto the crest, followed by the other Warriors, "It looks like the hilt of a sword."

"Sword in the Stone?" Mercury asked, excited.

"Let's pull it out," Mars suggested. Sailor Moon stood back as the other four Warriors grasped the hilt and pulled on it. It didn't budge.

"Well, that worked well," Jupiter commented, massaging her biceps.

"Maybe if you guys pool all your power," Master Skywalker suggested.

"Could work," Mercury agreed. So the four Warriors tried again. This time, as they grasped the handle, they cried:

"Mercury Power!"

"Mars Power!"

"Jupiter Power!"

"Venus Power!"

Slowly at first, the sword slid out of the stone, scraping noisily along the edges of its prison. Once it was free, a buttery-gold stream of light filtered down from an unseen source to light on the crest and the spire.

An echoing female voice called out, "Welcome, Princess Serenity, and Sailor Senshi. It has been a long time."

Everyone looked up in surprise as the tiny figure of a woman with silver hair floated down to land on the crest. Her hair was done in meatballs, the same as Sailor Moon's, and she had on a tight-fitting white dress. Sailor Moon drew closer, "Who are you?"

"Don't you even remember your own mother?" the woman sounded hurt.

"My mother?"

The woman's eyes softened with recognition, "Wait, of course not. That's how it was meant to be," She addressed everyone, "I am Queen Serenity, the embodiment of the goddess of the moon, and the former ruler of the Silver Millennium. I have been waiting for you. I can imagine that you all must have many questions."

Sailor Venus stepped forward, the strange sword hefted with difficulty, "What is this?" she struggled to hold it up for inspection. She glanced at the reactions of the other soldiers, "It's frikkin' heavy, OKAY!!"

"That is the Holy Sword," Serenity explained, "It belongs to the protectors of the princess. Like everything else here, it has been encased in stone."

"Which is highly toxic," Mercury commented, her computer open and focused on the sword. Sailor Venus looked at the sword, put it down gingerly and backed away.

Serenity continued, "I know you must have a number of questions about what happened here. I'll take you back..." the light from the crest intensified and flooded the entire ruin. The Sailor Warriors shielded their eyes as the light enveloped them, " the final days of the Silver Millennium."

The light vanished, leaving only Master Skywalker and Jacen staring in alarm, "What happened?" Jacen demanded, scrambling up the platform to the crest, "Where's my sister?"

Luke followed close behind him, "What was that light?"

Only Serenity's voice remained, "They have gone back a thousand years, to witness the fall of the Silver Millennium, in the hope that they will learn what it is that they don't understand," the crest lit up and an image formed on its surface, 'Watch, Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo."

That's the end of Part one, see you again in part two!