Weight: .....Unable to claim information..... ( Heh... )
Races ( Known ): Adornian, Demon, Archangel
Special Attributes: A sophisticated and seductive personality, being
Characteristics: Stubborn ( highly ), Beautiful ( In her own way ), Tough ( Or tries to be ), Sophisticated ( When she wants to be.. ), and Seductive ( Usually with her victums...heh. )
Known Friends and/or Has been Seen with: Ramoth, a golden/maroon dragon, Mnementh, a bronze dragon, Shin Sanqui, Curlyono Musiyki, Parisan, and Tyreal Ruah
Weapons ( Full line-up/weapon(s) carried ): Twin swords, swinging axe, three daggers, 5 & 3 foot magic enchanted sword, and a miniature flame thrower.
Elemental/Magic Powers: Lightning, fire, ice, time, gravity, water, and the undead.
Family: Artemis Kino (sister)= deceased, Leeana Ratioe (mother; woman of fire)= deceased, Father=unknown.
Martial Status: Unsure...
Blacklists(?): That's a bit personal, but you'll know if you're on it when you see a bolt of extatic lightning....