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I dunno if it's her lovely, teal-tinted hair, her wonderful personality, or her overall "down to Earth" sexiness...but I just can't get enough of Kiyone! Beyond fellow Tenchi Muyo-ites, Ryoko & Li'l Washyuu, and Evangelion's own "angel", Misato Katsuragi, she's my fave woman in ALL of anime. From the minute I first laid eyes on the series, Tenchi Muyo!, I was hooked on Kiyone, so I felt this shrine was a MUST to create!

Kiyone is a first-class detective for the Galaxy Police. She would have probably had a much higher rank within the GP, if not for being paired with the incompetent, airheaded Mihoshi. She absolutely despises being paired with Mihoshi, but she does care for her and even admits that her life would be too dull without Mihoshi around to screw things up. Heck, if it weren't for Mihoshi, Kiyone would have never come to Earth!

Kiyone is best described as quiet, calm, fearless, ambitious...and unlucky, as she can never seem to get a break in life (though most of that is due to Mihoshi's clumsiness). She also seems to be the only one of the 6 women who never shows much "emotion" towards Tenchi Masaki, and sees him more as a companion and friend than as someone to lust after. She often also acts as the "collective conscience" of the group when in times of trouble (along with Yosho & Washyuu).

Kiyone is dedicated to her work, and early on when the troubles surrounding Aeka, Ryoko, and the Jurai Government (in the Tenchi Muyo! TV series) get their worst, all Kiyone can think about is her position in the GP. However, her job doesn't completely own her life. She does have hobbies and things she does to pass the time. One of her favorite things to do is swing by the local karaoke club and let that wonderful voice of hers loose.

Kiyone is, in my opinion, one of the all-around loveliest of the Tenchi Muyo! characters. At 5 feet, 8 inches, she is the tallest of all the main characters in the series, with wonderful, long, teal-colored hair that she prefers to wear in a rather casual style. Her face and body are seamlessly beautiful and her personality is the best of any anime character. Basically put...I LOVE KIYONE!!!

For the curious: How I came to love Kiyone.


Full Name: Kiyone Makibi
Age: 23
Blood Type: A
Height: 174 cm./5' 8"
Measurements: 88-65-90
Family: Mihoshi (partner)
Occupation: First-Class Detective with the Galaxy Police
Hobbies/Interests: Karaoke, Fishing
Special Powers/Qualities: Ability to put up with Mihoshi, Arguably the most intelligent of the main characters aside from Yosho & (obviously) Washyuu, Just being Kiyone Makibi ^_^

Image Gallery

Awww...isn't she just the cutest?
Kiyone's beauty far surpasses that of any rose
God help us, I think Mihoshi just screwed something up!
::drools:: She's so KAWAII!!!
Kiyone: Galaxy Police GODDESS!
Damn...Kiyone's hot even when she doesn't TRY to be!
Who says 'you don't look your best in the morning'?
All hail Kiyonus Makibus!
A soul in the squall...
Kiyone's FIRST appearance in the her skivvies!
Kiyone's worst nitemare...everyone acting like Mihoshi!!!
So kawaii it HURTS!!!
Super Deformed Kiyone Makibi!!!
The ever-infamous EVIL KIYONE from the Pretty Sammy OVA's.
She's just...she's just so CUTE!
The cutest set of eyes in all of anime!!!
Yet more gratuitous Kiyone footage...she looks sad here.
Is that...FAN SERVICE I see!?
Kiyone Again.
Yes, Kiyone was in the OVA, it wasn't her best appearance.
Hey, I have this image as part of a Winamp skin I'm using. ^_^
An ultra-kawaii Kiyone collage that I created myself! ^_^


These are links to other awesome Kiyone shrines and some other random Kiyone-related sites.

Anime Marriage Prospects
::cries:: Me & Kiyo would've been great together! If only she were REAL! ::breaks down into sobs::
Geno's Kickass Kiyone Shrine
Kiyone's Castle
Kiyone's House
Kiyone's Kiyone Shrine
The Temple Of The Teal-Tressed Goddess


The song you are hearing is the "Tenchi Muyo!" TV intro. theme.
<BGSOUND SRC="ten_tv2.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite WIDTH=144 HEIGHT=74>

Tenchi Muyo! and its characters copyrighted by Hayashi Hiroki, AIC/Pioneer, and Viz Communications.