Welcome to the Anime Obsessive Guild! If you are a member, stay and do
all of the fun stuff! If you're not a member, you might wanna consider joining ou fabulous club *snicker*
Currently we are under construction, and there's not much here, but it's gettin' bigger every day!
If you have feedback, ideas, suggestions, rants, flames, death threats, etc. etc. etc... there's a link to my e-mail at the bottom of the page.
Or if you wanna go back to neopets and neomessage me, my name is Lone_Emu_Farmer.
This is a spiffy place for spiffy people who like spiffy anime which is spiffy for the spif... oh forget
it, this is getting silly. If you like anime and are an outcast to the world, here is a place where you can find
many more people just like you. And you will no longer be shunned for your love of anime
and fuzzy bath towels.
This is our Monthly Anime Character Feature Anime Feature
This is the Member Fanfiction Page, where anyone can have their fanfiction put up. Member Fanfiction Page
This is the anime links page, with all of the best anime sites! Anime Links page