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Gypsys' Page

Another one of our English Mastiffs

Pleasant Hills' Gypsy

Gypsy is the first Brindle born here as a product of outcross breeding between our 'foundation' bitch Reba and DeMotts Spartacus, of Burns Hall and Zachery B Lines. Next month will mark her second birthday and hopefully soon after we will plan a breeding with Hero. I believe their babies will be beautiful.


If you are in anyway interested in any of us please email me.

Some links about the others


Heros' Page

Rebas' Page

Simons' Page

My Page - Gypsy

Cane Corsos

Loadies' Page

Miahs' Page

Puppys Page

Paint/Quarter Horses

Paint/Quarter Horses

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Page is created by:KH email@:
Or visit my NEW Homepage: 
03/06/99.....If you'd like to link or borrow some ideas feel free.