"The Mastiffs Page"
A little bit about the Mastiff
Click on the little feet and it will take you there.
Ok.......Now here is a few pictures that I have selected to show you and will continually be updated.
Last updated on:09/13/99 at 7:00 p.m.
One of our English Mastiffs
McCrays' Hero
Hero came to live with us when he was 6 weeks old and since he was our first mastiff, he could do no wrong. Raising Hero was a wonderful learning experience and was instrumental in our decision to start a breeding program. At 3 years of age, he has developed depth that contributes to his 220lb weight and enhances his 33" wither weight. He produces fine babies which is evident in his 6 month old son 'Simon Peter'.
That is our Hero........Now on to some of our others!
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Updated on 1/15/00.....If you'd like to link or borrow some ideas feel free.