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"The Mastiffs Page"

A little bit about the Mastiff

Click on the little feet and it will take you there.


Ok.......Now here is a few pictures that I have selected to show you and will continually be updated.

Last updated on:09/13/99 at 7:00 p.m.

One of our English Mastiffs

McCrays' Hero

Hero came to live with us when he was 6 weeks old and since he was our first mastiff, he could do no wrong. Raising Hero was a wonderful learning experience and was instrumental in our decision to start a breeding program. At 3 years of age, he has developed depth that contributes to his 220lb weight and enhances his 33" wither weight. He produces fine babies which is evident in his 6 month old son 'Simon Peter'.



That is our Hero........Now on to some of our others!

Email us for more Information


Heros' Page

Rebas' Page

Simons' Page

Gypsys' Page

Canes Corsos

Loadies' Page

Miahs' Page

Puppys' Page

Paint/Quarter Horses

Paint/Quarter Horses


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Updated on 1/15/00.....If you'd like to link or borrow some ideas feel free.