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undefined Rebas' Page

Rebas' Page

Sit back and enjoy your stay!


Reba was purchased to fill the role of our Mastiff 'Foundation' bitch. Her lineage is Greco with more than 30 English Champions in her pedigree going back 5 generations to the great Threebee's Friar of Copenone. Greco is noted for the massive bone structure and beautiful head in which Reba possesses both. She is the mother of 'Simon'.

Reba and her buddy Hero........

Reba and a litter of her puppies....

Now on to other Mastiffs.......

If you are interested or have questions about our Dogs, email us.....



Heros' Page

Rebas' Page

Simons' Page


Canes Corsos

Loadies' Page

Miahs' Page

Puppys' Page

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Paint/Quarter Horses

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03/06/99.....If you'd like to link or borrow some ideas feel free.