In the Pokemon Gold and Silver versions there are some Pokemon that Sparkle. They have the wrong colors as most Pokemon and are rather difficult to find.

1. Q: "Where do I get them?"

A: You can find them anywhere where you could normally find Pokemon such as tall grass, caves, and water. (They normally appear every one hundreth hour of play time!)

2. Q: "How do I tell when I find one?"

A: When they first appear stars will flash over them, the colors of the Pokemon will be slightly or greatly noticeable, and when you check it's stats there will be three small stars after the Pokemon's gender.

Colored Pokemon that I've caught:

Red Gyarados
Pink Sneasel
Colored Pokemon my friends have caught:
Shiny Lugia
Shiny Bellsprout
Shiny Doduo
Gold Pidgey
Gold Pidgeotto
Gold Pidgeot
Gold Hoothoot
Blue Swinub
Grey Houndour
Shiny Ursaring
Blue Corsola
Brown Paras
Green Hoothoot
Purple Charizard
If you catch one e-mail me who it was and what color!

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