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Ranma 1/2 GT

Main Characters

Jewel, #17 and Kumon

Updates: 8/9/2003- Comic Book version of Jobs coming shortly.

*NOTE: Dont complain to us if the characters in these stories arent like they are in the anime.
The fact is these stories are NOTHING like the anime. Everything is different. Everything was changed in order to give it comedic value.


Fanfics are rated R due to a lot of vulgarity.
This series takes place after volume 38 of the Ranma 1/2 manga.

Episode one It all started here.

Nihao My Concubine Once Again A slightly different version of Nihao My Concubine.

Mishima Nihao My Concubine part 2.

Jobs A few people get some cool... and not so cool jobs.

Temporary Insanity Ranma goes a little insane, but's it's VERY funny!

Resturant This is what happens when all the characters get together for dinner

Trojan War Ranma needs a condom and he just cant get a break.

Lime Fanfiction

(adult situations)

An Evening at Akane's Apartment There is nothing on TV so Ranma and Akane find better things to do.

After Hours Ukyo just closed up Ucchans for the night. Since there is nothing to do why no just fool around with Ryoga?

Goten's House When Chichi's away, Goten will play.

When The House is a'rockin' dont come a'knockin' A story about Sakura and Shinnosuke just being themselves.

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The World of Videogame Fanfiction My Resident Evil fanfiction site.


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