Lucrezia Noin
Identity/Background: Baronet, Officer of OZ
Age: 21
Nationality: Mediterranean
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Italy
Height: 165cm
Weight: 47kg
Eyes: Dark Purple
Hair: Platinum Black
At the beginning of the series she was the OZ officer. Noin was also the only other person besides Treize who initially known of Zechs' true identity. Personality-wise, Noin was calm, strong-minded, steadfast, quiet and loyal. She once said, "Even if I must play dirty, I will still protect Relena-sama. I'll live as a shadow for this kingdom!"
Noin was not jealous of the affection Zechs showed toward his sister, she accepted Zechs' request to protect Relena and in doing so was attracted to Relena's idealism toward peace, which enabled her to be loyal and worked for Relena. She understood the minds and hardships of the five pilots and in the OVA she played an important role in aiding them.