Zechs Marquize

Age: 21
Sex: Male
Identity: Count
Race: Northern European
Birthplace: Sank Kingdom
Family: Relena
Height: 184cm
Weight: 76kg
His real name is Milliardo Peacecraft. Due to the fact that he felt that his hands had been stained with blood, he felt unqualified to be the successor of the Sank Kingdom. In the past he hid his true identity in the OZ and did so by wearing a mask. He was known as the "Lightning Count".

Zechs is often compared with by other Gundam fans to Char. This may be have been the similarity in both looks as well as the aura of tragedy that surrounds both of them. In Zechs' case, tragedy is referred to the events that are brought on by his own actions, not because of his past.

Most GW fans had expressed that they didn't know what he was thinking most of the time. But his point and rationale behind his actions and thinking were made clear in episode 46.