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welcome to the supersite animation homepage

the supersite of animation e Super Site Forums. Music, Anime, TV/Movies and General Chat general main-news releace dates and reviews the board animes covered transformers car robots: robots in disguise yugio king of games dewl monsters moncolleknights dragon ball z the digimon page cardcaptors/cardcaptor sakura the big O gundam lotos digimon frontear links the are not my sites cyns site namek hq swear to it run by Katari pjms new site i work on it pjms anime photo gallery joeokis weird lil site those abouve were friends sites below are sites i like cnx toonami revolution great toonami news site the digimon fandub project a a asum sorce for media anime on dvd get caught up on all the latest anime releaces to dvd animeintro archive a site with lots of anime media when it works my main site all my other sites are linked up through it and it is where i post main news updates my other sirte stuff lol contact me email me aim im mysticwarior abouve email also works on msn messenger aim Saturday June 29 2002 Well looks like i've incountered a road blcck. Angelfire is decreasing aloted space to 20 mb. So i gota shrink/move this pisses me off. What to do now i had a lot to report but i am not in the mood now and dont reaally have the time. If anyone wants to host us please email me who can make quality wavs and video thanks hey welcome to my new layout hope ya like improving soon Sunday April 21 wow it was only 10 days a go i updated felt like way more well i'm gona start doin as i promised a long long time ago. Adding nonanime pages like justice league samarai jack batman beyond maybe and more well i've been havin a whole bunch' of computer issues so thas my excuse for not updaiting for those who dont know the main page has a short url now anyway i either am gona have to use multiple acounts or find more space else where cause now angelfire i have found is restricting bandwith to 1 gb hopefully per day or week cause this sites visiting is ggetting better i'm really impressed with the way things are moving. I encourage anyone who visits this site to email me at or aim mysticwarior87 i'd love to hear from any of you with coments or questions or what ever. So continueing with this update ummm what else ok well the links area has been suveerly depleted if you didnt notice because many of the sites ther planetnamek megchan desenchu ex have all closed i am going to post a lil editorial with more info and opinions well the animecon season is upon the world unfortunately i probably wont be at any unless it is axny anime expo new york or big apple anime fest we shall see lol with some anime fans friends commin back i might just end up there but i doubt it but with the season comes lots of anouncements i've never been the type of site to post all the lisencing stuff but i am considdering as i personally delve deeper in to anime fandom expanding this site. I will use the news page to post releace dates i feel are important no not by volumes more just releaces and what-not and reviews ahh yes i will also rveview disks there ok i think that raps it up well i will now go and write stuff links will apear here see ya oohhh somethin else digimon frontear on my frontear page i'll be posting my thaughts on what i've seen thsus far what isnt much and more toonami to expand this has been known for a month but s as of June 8 y toonami will return to 3 hours a day the line up will be at 3 30 not part of toonami but still of relavence sailormoon 4 Hamtaro a new aquisiton about hamsters looks kinda kidish but i'll give it a shot 4.5 Zoids dont know which seeing as the clasic zoids seasons 1 and 2 have bbeen on at 6 weekday mornings 5 batman beyond 5-5 ppg powerpuffgirls ahhhh no wwell i think ist just to promote for the movie 6 dragonball 6-.5 dbz and the rising sun returns 10 justice league 10 30 Samarai Jack 11 to 1 dbz 1 to 2 hour of d dragonball 2 to 3 Mac steal and Zoids only concern is the fact i dont see the midnightr run anywhere And they got the rights for a second season of big o which will air on toonami in america first and transformers amarda which will return to the original plot and a new series of a old 80s clasic called heman masters of the universe know 0 about it b Thursday april 11 Been a while ehhh well check out the beginings of my frontear digimon page here ok whats coming down well a lot more sond files now in mp3 for the dbz ones FCyn over at namekhq gets first dibs lol and then i will try and get stuff up no promises and a gundam page as well as record of lotas war and a bunch of reviews And i gota do sometin i thaught i'd never do give saban credit digimon season 3 is looking great wonder whats gona happen next esason s see yas Friday march 8 im redoin all the pages should be interesting got banners and am learnin java Sunday Jan 27 2002 Hi update first of 2k2 this is my first update since 2k2 began im sorry but i have lots of stuff comming i lots of dvd reviews and hope fully wavs and who know shat else will apear on this site news ok cn has anounced a anime block for saturday evening its 11 Yuyuhakasho 11 30 Cowboy Bebop 12 oclock is pilot candidate 12.5 gundam 0083 1 is tenc chi 1.5 oultawstar well that might be off theres 3 premears yuy sonds great nelvana and 4kids news 4kids has aquired the rights to program foxkkids on saturdays some deffinate shows will be kinikuman ultraman unfortunately for them pokmeon and yugio and cuvix remain on wb Nelvanas newest show is a series called beyblade it is a show about people who battle spinning tops. The winner is the one whos top is last on the small arena. It is based off a toy line. Spinners insert a top in a shooter and launch them in to a arena they have sperates inside them or so the legend goes. The series will deffinately be on ytv in Canade but the american home is unknown as of now. I await that anouncement. I have seen clips and was suprised it apears to be a good series/. Unfortunately the first thing about this show to catch my atention the music will be replaced. They will have a big name group perform the theme. and bgm li,me in medabots where the music is performed by Limpbiscut i had no clue 4kids has shown interest in aquiring Kurbey anime for american distribution i know verry little about this title except it deals witht hte nintendo charector Kurby. 4 kids has a contract to be in charge of all nintendo properties outside Japan. I am really enjoying uyugioh. This is a deep show. Feb. 16 will bring the first new epsoof digimon tamers since before christmas. A interesting thing is that when the digimon go to mega the tamers murge with them and are newd but there are light around them wonder what saban will do. Finally last big news is that funimation has baught a nother new series named Fruits Basket which tells the funny tail of a young orphan who moves in to ahouse with men who when hugged by a member of the oposite sex become members of the chinese zodiak. Its a funny series from what ive heard. Dirrected by the man who braught the world Jubeychan and a few others and i beleive had a hand in Kadamo no Omacha or CHilds toy and as my friend put it "sucks for them they'll be vergins for life" lol The big news here is it marks a suprising shock in the change of genra that funi has been working with in the past Ive been watching the shows on reactor and thoruhgly enjoyin Loddos and Harlock stargblazer is ok. omg so long i havent updated in Tuesday Dec 11 2 months omg and longer on the other site i am incredibley sorry but between highschool and things i havent. Christmas break aproaching i should try to work more. Well im planning a change in the site. Im not sure how im going to pull this off but i hope by summer of 2002 to have a surver and a .com or sometin adress and a network of me and my friends sites on a surver and a vb and stuff like that if your interested in helping email me here im probably gettin cable online after the holidays so yaya to that better uploads and more on the site if anyone has surver space and would like to host us for a while im gettin sick of all the limitations im under i would be so glad wellon to anime news ok first off saw dbz 4 lord slug it was well done no doubt about that but the plot itself was subpar movie 5 promises to be better with its releice in Jan. Yugioh the dewl monsters cardgame is supposed to be comming out soon more soon more contact with nelvana there are no plans to bring the cardcaptor sakura games to america or the medabots/medarots games to america. Darn hope they change there minds. What ever I did a interview with laura baily of funimation its here has some interesting points kk umm the board is kinda barin but hopefully when i get a regular surver space ill get a vb and that will be better im getting sick of the pop ups and actually ill propose to the upn ppl using my surver heres a nother ausum board the upn and there site is the upn and finally Phill digimon site kk see yas Mon Aug 26 tman Friday oct 19 angelfire upload still failing well first id like to apoligize for the lack of updating it is atributed to school and i keep tryin to upload and i get can not find surver im not sure what im gona do i might need a nother acount well see ms 8 team is great i like this series a lot its really cool rebute is returning to toonami once a week i know little about this series so ill see what i think toonami has aquired zoyds which is based on a old toy line details are sketchy no anoncement this was on the cnx toonami board now something unanime related nickelodian the kids network is reportedly planning to dclose there animation departmant which has produced such thins as invader zim rugrats hey arnold and spungebob which has already been canned fox has anounced there airing of slayers has been delayed to April 2002 and this hasnt been anou nced but new cardcaptors can be caught on Mondays on kids wb and also dbz wwill be shown all the new eps from that week in a 2 hour block on saturdays from 1 to 3 starting tromoro yugioh gets good ratings it is the top show on network tvv in the 11 30 timeslot and dbz acording to ratings for the week of sept 24 to 30 on has been the number 2 show weekdays on cable tv only show bringing in higher ratings is wwf raw on monday wow pretty impressivve and 2 over all only show averagely higher is nfl today on espn nt to shabby meanwhile nick claims that anime is on the fall and spanish animation is on the rise ahemm right what ever you say at least we dont have to close are anime department cause the company who owns us is about to crash and burn lol and what else is going on sailormoon movies to air well toonami inflight movies are back this week is deadzone but the following 3 weeks will bring the premears of sm r sm s and sm ss in that order so thats good for sm who knows maybe sm ss will come in its foot stepps i saw yugioh and its ok well what is being shown is the second series yugioh dule monsters it seems a bit to centered around one concept i mean its ok but ive heard the first series was better but what ever maybe it will improve one can hope the dubbing seems good the music is good the voices are cool just i think it is a little to blantently based on the cardgame where as its usually the cardgames are based on a anime but who knows i mean a more human side got revealed last week as Joeys family we found out was devorced and the reason he is going to the tornament is to try and get money to help his family ill make a yugioh page i still need to make a gundam page ok well im out Sunday Oct7 well i said id hold off but i didnt think we'd still be waiting well do to school im gona have less time to do stuff and i still havent had the time nor energy to upload the transformers stuff i have more wavs of dbz dragonball and loads more i should slowly be doing stuff but sadly most will have to wait till like thanksgiving and christmas some will get done before that but we'l see sry ppl moncolle knights will air on foxkids at 10 30 starting Oct. 20 ms 8 team began wow i like this series more each day nice music enjoyable plot traditional gundam just great well more soon Saturday Sept. 8 angel fire doesnt love me:( edit below i state i should have wavs up today well it doesnt look like its gona happen cause after about 3 hours of trying angelfire upload is failing me so i might have to hold off on that transformers thing and the digimon thing and medabots they will all except for digimon have there own pages if anyone has good pics of this email them to me this adresss and ill be verry thankfull and if you have a site send that and ill link it next item of buisness staff is needed still link submitions are still open as are fanfic and fan art submitions im gona make a fanfic rules page and fanart ok there you go see yas on the other side lol i need a catchfraze haha Well got to see medabot digimon season 3 and transformers and some other stuff ill talk about on this site like mulabeach first transformers ausum dub verry true to the original i think i dont know that mouch about it. i have some clips comming there being uploaded ill talk more about it there Next is digimon season 3 well a great dub for digimon i was impressed by it and can see the writer change. I hope it stays Nemoi Free. The voices were all good except for guillmon more on my editorrial that will have wavs then medabots was a decent show ill write about it later Sunday Sept 2 Cartoon Network changing the animation world twice in 1 month July 27 cn premears my new favorite american cartoon Samari Jack a ground breaking series something new original amazing I love this show faboulous action scenes great plot line the music... the music is just great. I dont know what to say this show just blew me away the day i saw it. The depth i havent seen a show with this depth in a while. Atleast not american. Sept. 2 Adult swim proves that cartoons arent just for little kids including Birdman cartoon aturnehy a show with cartoon court cases like Scubby and Shaggy get charged with drug posetion then other shows are sealab 2021 which i know nothing about home movies same cowboybebop a great action anime which will be shown pretty mouch unedited only edits will be to newdity and a few others this will change views of animation digimon tamers premear i missed and missed medabot missed looked stupid ne way digimon page redisigned im out well so mouch sorry havent updated been busy putting up the new layout and stuff lots of behind the scenes work been going on here well dragonball premeared great great dub i loved it rules msg is ok decent good animation