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The Editorials Page

Editorial for July 13, 2000
Austraila. I went there. And you're probably wondering, "What the hell is so important about Austraila?" Reasonable question.

Ah, Austriala. Home of name changes. They take so much stuff out of America but give them different names. Fries=Chips, Burger King=Hungry Jack's (yes, doesn't bring a tear to your eye?), Chips=Crisps, Candy=Lolly, Spirte=Lemonade, Lemonade=Lemon Squash (I could go on.) I'm really not kidding about the Hungry Jack's thing. I saw the burger king logo with the words "Hungry Jack's" inside the two buns and I'm like "What the hell?" Commericials, too. "Hungry Jack's, home of the Whopper!" Most of their movies are American movies but thank god they don't change the titles!!! But what you probably care about is what the Anime and Videogames sitiuation is like in Austraila.

People in Austraila love Dragon Ball Z, but are blissfully unaware of what FUNimation has messed around with in the series. Also, all the mainstream anime shows seem to be on one Network. DBZ, Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Ronin Warriors and the like all appear on TEN (did I mention that all Austrialian Networks are named after numbers? TEN was channel fifty in port douglas...). The hosts of the block where they show Anime usually has them opening fan mail but talking thourgh Goku and Vegeto action figrues. The most popular show amongst the younger crowd is unmistakeabley Digimon. I personally hate that show, but oh well.

Austraila just loves Video Games. Playstation, N64 and Dreamcast are just as big there as they are here, though Dreamcast's launch here was much more successful then the Austrailain one. Since Austraila runs on a different power system, you will not be able to play Austrailian games on your American system. Don't worry, though. Austraila gets most of it's games out of here and Japan. The only games they really make themselves are Cricket and Rugby games.

Because I got back from the flight when I wrote this, I have serious Jetlag. So I won't go into details about the trip. Boohoo for you.

Editorial for June 23, 2000
I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese.

I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. I like cheese. FBHHJKdhJDHkajdkhADKJ KAhdjk a HUHkfhjHFJADHFJAHJFHZDJFHJASDFJADS HFJKDHAFJADHSJKFJADFHJAHJFHJDFHJKAS D F LADHJFADFHJDASHFJDASH JFKHDASJKFHJKDSHFJK SDHJFDHSJFHDJASHFJKLDAHFJDK

Any Questions?

Editorial fir June 20, 2000
Now, a tradition we at the Unknown Dungeon just LOVE, posting boring, but somewhat funny IM conversations with inside jokes viewers NEVER understand, is back! For the first time in...I don't know, like...a month.

Background Info: Me, along with a group of friends, totally whooped this person along with her friends in a waterfight a month ago. Even so, since then the only conversation they ever have with us is "We tottally beat you!"

Pbandj451: hey jordan, we totaly beat you! ha ha!
PrinceVegeta999: Who are you?
Pbandj451: mel
Pbandj451: who else
PrinceVegeta999: Are you still going on about that stupid water fight?
Pbandj451: i wanted to know your website's address
PrinceVegeta999: ok
Pbandj451: so what is it
PrinceVegeta999: click The Unknown Dungeon
Pbandj451: cool
Pbandj451: why are you on line
PrinceVegeta999: Browsing DBZ pages, talking to my 33-some friends...there is stuff
PrinceVegeta999: Do I have to have a reason?
PrinceVegeta999: I spend a good hunk of time online
Pbandj451: me too
Pbandj451: 33 friends who are they?
PrinceVegeta999: Let's see....
PrinceVegeta999: There are to many to name
PrinceVegeta999: I'll name a few
Pbandj451: ok
PrinceVegeta999: goku1768, SSJBardock99, BejeetaSS4, RorrimLife, SmashMNKY, vegeta1768, SuperSayon21163, andmorph, machanlee2000...
PrinceVegeta999: megaslayer1, lordfrieza1, nosoup4you6...
Pbandj451: wow are they all fans of your web site?
PrinceVegeta999: Yes, but I met most of them before I started my site
PrinceVegeta999: My site is visitied by about ten different people worldwide EVERY SINGLE DAY
PrinceVegeta999: But I have about 40 fans
Pbandj451: wow
Pbandj451: you should get adds on your site
Pbandj451: and make money
PrinceVegeta999: I already have too many ads. My page hoster sucks and in exchange for hosting my page they put ads every where
Pbandj451: oh
Pbandj451: but you can get money by going to
PrinceVegeta999: really...
Pbandj451: and letting them put an add on your site
PrinceVegeta999: I think you have to be hosted by AOL for that to happen
Pbandj451: you can get up to $500
Pbandj451: i don't know
Pbandj451: g2g
PrinceVegeta999: AOL only gives you 2MB of space, so it's not worth it just for a little cash
PrinceVegeta999: bye
Pbandj451: say bye to pickachu for me

Inside Joke: She does this all the time just to piss me off, even though I have made a public statement declarling war againist the yellow demon.

PrinceVegeta999: ::shoots gun multiple times::
PrinceVegeta999: DIE!!!!!!
Pbandj451: ha ha
PrinceVegeta999: YOU SHALL BE BURNED!!!!!
PrinceVegeta999: ::Ties her up::
Pbandj451: just try
PrinceVegeta999: People Scream: BURN BURN BURN!!!
PrinceVegeta999: ::Sets her on fire::
PrinceVegeta999: HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Pbandj451: pickachu want to be
PrinceVegeta999: ::Sets Nucleur Missle off::
PrinceVegeta999: ::flys away::
PrinceVegeta999: DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pbandj451: see ya later pickachu wanto be
PrinceVegeta999: SHUT UP YOU'RE DEAD!!!!

When I wrote that last line, she had signed off.

Editorial for June 6, 2000
By Icanrunforhours
Edited by Anime Kami-Sama


My name is Icanrunforhours and I would like every person in the world to give something called Comic Books a chance. Everybody knows what comic books are but they seem to be taken for granted in today’s society. Stories like Spider-Man and X-MEN are all amazing. They may not be the most well written things ever but they are certainly fun to read. It’s like hearing a story that never ends. It is unlike television because in every thirty minute episode there is a new plot and a new story. There is nothing else like comic books in today’s world. So next time you're at a news stand or something pick up Amazing Spider-Man #19.

I will be in the Spider’s Web section of issue #22 signed with the name dittofreakdude.

Editorial for May 28, 2000
I was eating lunch one day at school. Out of no where, these Third Graders tell me to leave my table. Logically, I ask them why. Confused, an army of third graders started to appear. "Move! Move!" They say. I felt like whooping their asses, but I decided to leave.

Why did they want me to leave my table? I watched as they played what looked a combination of Pokémon and Air Hockey. When they were finished, I asked one of them, "What the hell was that?" He said "We were playing Crazy Bones."

The things they were playing with were called Crazy Bones. Weird. They were small hardened gelating toys. They threw them at other Crazy Bones, and appearntly they "play for keeps." Me and Icanrunforhours tried to figure the strange things out. He did not care what they were, but he said he would try to get some from the third graders.

While attemping to get Crazy Bones, Icanrunforhours made a joke every time he tried. "My grandpa had his Crazy Bones stolen eight years ago by a crook named E.D." Do you get it? Hehe.

Anyway, this was the only thing the third graders ever did during lunch. It had become emmenselly popular. One day a third grader walked up to me and said "Wanna play for keeps?" My natural reaction was "What the hell are you talking about?" Then he sighed, and said "Never mind." Then, it hit me! He was talking about those damn Crazy Bones!!!

What is it that these third graders love so much about these little gelatin crappilly made figrueines? Well, it's not just third graders that are obbessed with them. FuzzumMaster showed me his DBZ shaped Crazy Bones. I was horrified. There I saw gelatin replicas of Radditsu, Vegeta, Goku, Chaotsu, Kame and a Cybaman. They had gone too far.

I knew these things would get banned just like Pokémon Cards. And I was right. The next week, a third grader stole a fifth grader's Crazy Bones. They got in a fistfight, and the next day they were banned. Yet third graders continue to play with them. Why, oh why do they persist? My friends, Crazy Bones MUST BE STOPPED!

Editorial for May 6, 2000
Bored...convo with staff member Frieza. Here you go, pathetic monkeys:

Super Sayon21163: are you a comp geek?
PrinceVegeta999: No
Super Sayon21163: me needer
PrinceVegeta999: I just REALLY REALLY like Computers
PrinceVegeta999: You've seen my pic
Super Sayon21163: yea
PrinceVegeta999: Hello?
Super Sayon21163: you've seen mine right?
PrinceVegeta999: Yea
PrinceVegeta999: Why don't you make an About Me page?
Super Sayon21163: i dunno
Super Sayon21163: i might pretty soon
PrinceVegeta999: kool
Super Sayon21163: after i get the builder you will be jealous of me
PrinceVegeta999: I could use a builder if I wanted to.
Super Sayon21163: do you have one?
PrinceVegeta999: The comp camp idiots said page builders are inferior to HTML.
Super Sayon21163: lol
PrinceVegeta999: I could use FortuneCity's.

At this point, Frieza sent me everything we had said so far with the subject "Editorial." We countined.

PrinceVegeta999: How is this interesting.
Super Sayon21163: i dunno
Super Sayon21163: it just is
PrinceVegeta999: Frankly, I don't see how this would entertain brainless savage apes.
Super Sayon21163: lol
Super Sayon21163: we have stuff to add to it
Super Sayon21163: llike what we just sed
PrinceVegeta999: I guess.
PrinceVegeta999: Thanks, now I have a new Editorial.

Ok, brainless savage apes, move along!

Editorial for April 28, 2000
Something has come to my attention that has been pissing me off lately. It's about people insulting people on the web that are "too young."

This angers me most when I go into Pokémon Chats. They say something like "Everyone stats." I don't like to lie on the internet, so I say "12/m." Everyone else says someting pretty close to that. Then the guy says "You little kids! Get outta here!"

The truth is, if you're much older than twelve, YOU SHOULDN'T LIKE POKéMON. It's the sad truth, everyone. This is what makes me pissed at Jaxel of UPN and Pokeabodeman of PA. They are both like what, 15? It's sad that people their age actually remotely enjoy Pokémon!

Jaxel also made fun of the ten-year-old winner of the "Be a Poke Webmaster" contest. He says "Ten-year-olds shouldn't be on the web. And Webmaster? I don't even call myself a Webmaster. I'm a Webpubliser!" Sure, all the kid did was have his own little quote on the main page of the site, but at his age that's all he's capable of. Of course, I was perfect at HTML by the age of 9 1/2. You can't expect EVERYONE to learn that fast. Be happy for the kid, Jaxel.

You can't expect everyone on the web to be in High School or College. Many pages insult any people in a grade lower than 8. These pages really suck, take it from me. So really, don't insult little kids on the net. They're people to!

Editorial for April 4, 2000:
I am bored. Real bored. So, I've decided to post an IM conversation I had with staff member SuperSayon21163. Well, here it is:

PrinceVegeta999: How's the banner going?
Super Sayon21163: i dunno
Super Sayon21163: it is wierd
Super Sayon21163: i could make it vegeta then it stops and on his beam it sez wan it?
PrinceVegeta999: Sounds cool
PrinceVegeta999: Thanks
PrinceVegeta999: You copied the code to make the game
PrinceVegeta999: You got it from
Super Sayon21163: so i made some of it
PrinceVegeta999: I think I'll make a game too...
Super Sayon21163: rrrrmmmmmmmmm pikaaaaaaaaaaaaa
PrinceVegeta999: Nani?
Super Sayon21163: ur anime spotlight
PrinceVegeta999: That is my voice
Super Sayon21163: i know
PrinceVegeta999: It's funny huh?
Super Sayon21163: u sound like finishfirst1
Super Sayon21163: that is scary
PrinceVegeta999: WHHHHOoooooooooa
Super Sayon21163: that is scary
PrinceVegeta999: I know
Super Sayon21163: i might get a cable modem
PrinceVegeta999: cool
Super Sayon21163: write an editorial on how u sound like finishfirst1 lol
PrinceVegeta999: Maybe at some point
Super Sayon21163: and say how he stole ur pass and crap
PrinceVegeta999: I might do that
Super Sayon21163: and say damn that f***er to hell
Super Sayon21163: can i see anti heroe"s page?
PrinceVegeta999: He won't tell me
Super Sayon21163: damn!
Super Sayon21163: what his s/n?
PrinceVegeta999: He has Yahoo
Super Sayon21163: oh
Super Sayon21163:
Super Sayon21163:
PrinceVegeta999: I think
Super Sayon21163: o
PrinceVegeta999: I'm not sure though
PrinceVegeta999: He keeps changing
Super Sayon21163: o
Super Sayon21163: i like how u post convos thats cool
Super Sayon21163: i finally have been posted! praise the lord!
Super Sayon21163: lol
PrinceVegeta999: lol Super Sayon21163: on the editorial post our convo about it
Super Sayon21163: k? PrinceVegeta999: I've already closed the window several times
PrinceVegeta999: Won't work
Super Sayon21163: i have it
PrinceVegeta999: You do? Because I am playing pong right now and I keep closing the window!


Editorial for March 25, 2000:
You know, I've never written an Editorial about Pokémon specificaly. This is no exception. You could call this Editorial a suck up to True Anti Hero so he won't corrupt my page. Well, here it goes.

First of all, like the begining of my Editorial says, this is not just a Pokémon site. In fact, I'm not really the biggest fan of the Pokémon Anime. I just LOOOOOVE the game. There is so much better Anime out there, like DBZ, Akira, Gundam, Serial Experiments Lain, and all of Miyazaki's work, especially Princess Mononoke. When I asked Anti Hero for a link to his site, he said "No way, man. We are againist people like you." Well, I am not who you think I am. I don't love Pokémon, and I don't hate it. I'm not your enemy, I'm a fellow Anime lover. A fan of a common interest. Nothing more.


Editorial for March 22, 2000:
I was watching Gundam Wing today (and believe me, the dubbing is great!), when all of a sudden, during a commericial break, I WAS BARAGED with Anime Commericials! First, there was a Commericial for Gundam Wing Uncut and DBZ. Then, there was a Commericial for the Pokémon Big Kids Meal at Burger King. And after that, there was a Commericial for the new Irwin DBZ Action figrues (in which they played the crappy "Rock the Dragon" music). And yet again, after that, there was a Commericial for the Pokémon Movie on VHS and DVD! THAT'S FOUR ANIME COMMERICIALS IN A ROW!!!!

TV isn't the only place Anime is hot. Pokémon takes the number one place on the Lycos Top Fifty most used search words, followed by DragonBall at 3, Gundam Wing at 14, and Sailor Moon at 29! Of course, this is subject to change, but one can not argue with this statement:


People are becoming more aware of what most adults would simply view as kids entertainment, patrictually because of Pokémon. But if we expose our friends and family to REAL Anime, well, THE FUTURE LOOKS EVEN BETTER FOR ANIME!

Editorial for March 20, 2000:
I can't come up with an Editorial topic, so I will post an IM Conversation.

Background Info: I was in a chatroom and some girl named Meowth said she new everything about Pokémon. So I ask her who the fastest Pokémon is and she says Rapidash. IT'S JOLTEON! DUH! So as punishment I sent her to hell. Then she IMed me:

Meowth2087: i'm sorry if i sound mean
PrinceVegeta999: Your not mean just stupid
Meowth2087: stup up
PrinceVegeta999: stup up? Learn to spell
Meowth2087: i didn't know u were talking about the game
PrinceVegeta999: Ok I guess that's fair
PrinceVegeta999: ::gets the dragonballs::
Meowth2087: what
PrinceVegeta999: Dragon: Your wish will be granted
Meowth2087: F*** U goodbye

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! I aggred with her that it was not her fault she didn't know the answer. So I offer to revive her and she SAYS "F*** U?" HOW UNGRATEFUL IS SHE!

PrinceVegeta999: ::meowth returns::
PrinceVegeta999: There we are even
PrinceVegeta999: Remember I killed you in the chat?
PrinceVegeta999: Guess you weren't watching
PrinceVegeta999: I wished you back you should thank me
Meowth2087: nver
Meowth2087: never*
PrinceVegeta999: Then I shall send you back to hell
PrinceVegeta999: ::gets in fighting stance::
PrinceVegeta999: Here we go again!!!!
PrinceVegeta999: ::SCREAMS LOUDLY::
PrinceVegeta999: ::POWERS UP TO SSJ2::
PrinceVegeta999: YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PrinceVegeta999: ::POINTS HANDS AT MEOWTH::
PrinceVegeta999: BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meowth2087: how old are you asshole?
PrinceVegeta999: ATTTTTTTTTTTACCCCCCCCCK!!!!!!!!!!
Meowth2087: this is her mom and you better stop
PrinceVegeta999: ::sends meowth back to hell::
PrinceVegeta999: There you should have thanked me. I wished you back with the Dragon Balls and this is how you thank me?
PrinceVegeta999: A 'thanks' would have been nice
PrinceVegeta999: Back to the dead world, I guess
PrinceVegeta999: I was agreeing with you that you didn't know I was talking about the Game and not the Anime. So I thought that was fair.
PrinceVegeta999: I got the DB's to wish you back and then you say "f*** you"
PrinceVegeta999: How ungrateful are you?
PrinceVegeta999: I was doing you a favor
PrinceVegeta999: You deserved to die again
PrinceVegeta999: I guess there is nothing left for me to do...
PrinceVegeta999: Your dead, so I guess this is over
PrinceVegeta999: ::stares at the bits of dust left of Meowth's body::
PrinceVegeta999: Guess Vegeta's done his job.
PrinceVegeta999: The ungrateful one is dead once and for all. I tried to help him and did not except my offers of peace. I guess I had a reason to do this.
PrinceVegeta999: Are you gonna talk or except your deafeat?
PrinceVegeta999: Not one for talking, huh?
PrinceVegeta999: If you don't say something I am posting this on my website you ignorant fool.
PrinceVegeta999: Then the world will see your stupidity.
PrinceVegeta999: You say you are sorry and when I offer to wish you back from the dead you YELL at me? Makes one think you don't actually want peace.
PrinceVegeta999: Explain your reasoning
PrinceVegeta999: Do you want peace or war?
PrinceVegeta999: By not excepting my gift of rivival you have cost you life once again.
PrinceVegeta999: How stupid of you.
PrinceVegeta999: Maybe you don't know what DBZ is, and you are confused by all this.
PrinceVegeta999: Well, I don't care
PrinceVegeta999: I've done my job, puny human
PrinceVegeta999: And I hope you like returning to hell. If you flipped me off after rescuing you, it seems that you LIKE hell.
PrinceVegeta999: Make up your mind damnit
PrinceVegeta999: You can't be in hell and NOT be in hell at the same time
PrinceVegeta999: It's just not logical
PrinceVegeta999: So it is you, not me that is the enemy here
PrinceVegeta999: I bid you adieu

Pretty damn funny, huh?

Editorial for March 12, 2000:
If you haven't realized by now, this site is designed for AOL users. If you are looking at this on Netscape, you are probably seeing alot of blank images. The font also probably looks HUGE! I consider myself a good Webmaster because I have both AOL and Netscape, so I can compare browser compatiablites. But after viewing a certain webpage, a question came to mind:

Does AOL really suck?

The webpage I was refering to was The brought up some good points. One of the things I noticed most was that they said that AOL was designed to hold 33,000 people at a time and now holds millions, causing many busy signals.

However, this little problem only applies to some people.

I am lucky enough to have a Cable Modem. It requires no phone line what so ever. I can even talk on the phone and be online at the same time! I have no busy signals ever. The page also states that AOL is to slow in loading things. Well, Mr. Cable Modem solves that problem!

BOTTOM LINE: Get a damn cable modem! I promise you will LOVE it!

Editorial for March 5, 2000:
You know, having a website is not all high and jolly. It requires work ethic, dedication, and knowledge (at least if you want a good one!). I spend about 4 hours, YES HOURS, updating this page for YOU! This is me after a typical work day:



YOU SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO ME!? You are probably saying, "Damn man, if dis page is causing yo so much trouble, THEN SHUT IT THE HELL DOWN!" Well, life is really a series of work and breaks anyway. So, to make me accept this rule, I've dedicated my free-time to becoming an INTERNET CELEBRITY. What I'm really trying to say though, is have SYMPATHY for my pathetic site.


Editorial for Feb. 27, 2000:

Hello, everybody! This is the first day of my site's existence! I was inspired by DBZ Uncensored to create this section. He has editorials on his page, and they are a great read. Check them out. Anyway, topics I plan to have for this page are: AOL Pokémon Chat Rooms, The Dubbed Mewtwo Strikes Back, and Pokémon that very good but are unpopular. Look forward to those and more!