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Gundam N


Gundam No Plot

Episode 1: Death to Everything

Episode 2: The Cult of Ritalin

This is the biggest project of the century. I, AnimeKamiSama, will be writing my own Gundam series! It is called "Gundam N" for "No plot!" It combines the explosive action that ritalin induced 8-year-olds love along with wacthing any Gundam series half way through and not knowing what the FUCK is going on! I'll also be designing the Mecha myself (which will basically happen by me stiching bits and pieces of Mobile Suit Pictures).

The story has something to do with an organization called Evil Leauge that likes wars and killing stuff. Apperntally they are "Supporting Human Nature" by killing things. There are three Gundams. Beyond that I really can't make much of it.


Yu Hachigo: Piliot of the Gundam No Plot. His suit kills everything. EVERYTHING. It has two cannons, a million-trillion missles, A beam rifle which never runs out of ammo, and a sword that cuts thourgh ANYTHING. His rival is Nakuda. He is fighting for peace. So he kills stuff. Yeah.

Lt. Nakuda Daiku: He is the top ranking soldier for the Evil Leauge. He has ADD. His Gundam is the Spiffy Gundam. It can do cool manuvers and he can make weapons appear at will. He says he's figthing for the poor, deprived, ritalin induced colonly children desperate for something explosive. He thinks he can save the world by destroying colonies. Wait a minute...

Mark Hypocrit: Mark is perhaps the most reasonable of the Gundam Piliots. He tries to make the Gundams their own, separte faction, and to remain neutral and truelly make peace a reality. He tries to keep the other two piliots from fighting so they can all get peace. Oh, and he makes things blow up REAL good with his Super Gundam. The Super Gundam has similar functions to both Gundams. The way he fights is with his Beam Saber or by pointing to stuff and they die. Yes, definattly the most reasonable.

King Hypocrit: He is the leader of Evil Leauge. He goes around colonies trying to convince locals that Wars are good, and will make learning history more interesting to people in the future, making a generation of smarter, more knowlageble people (which obviously, he isn't). Basically, he's there so everyone gets really bored so everyone will get exicted when a fight starts. Little does he know, he's realated to Mark! AH!!!

Random Soldiers: They die.
