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Isthian finally realized who he had just bounced over to. He looked at Chris for a few moments, seemingly calm. Then he started screaming at the top of his lungs. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!" He grabbed Fiona and Taira by the hands and dragged them along with him as he ran full-speed off through the halls of the gigantic... thing.

"Oh, no..." Fiona muttered as Isthian drug her away. "Not this again." She sighed, took her free hand, and promptly dug her nails into Thian's wrist.

"What's going on? We're getting off-topic here, people!" commented Christo. However, she did notice that Isthian was hyper... Again. "Are you still King... or whatever... of the buttermoths, 'Thi?" she asked, pretending innocence.


It's rather fortunate for the other two girls -- that is, Fiona and Taira, since there are rather a lot of girls -- that they were being dragged BEHIND Isthian. Otherwise, they would have smashed right into that stone wall with Thian, and that would've hurt. I guess that just goes to show that you should always watch where you're going when running panicked through hallways, huh?

Fiona sighed and muttered some vaguely disturbing things about Isthian and some sharp, pointy objects. She wrenched her hand away from his and rolled her eyes. "He really needs some mental help, doesn't he?"

Kyrainia sighed. "I believe that's the understatement of the year..."

"You said it." agreed Christo.

Kamika sweatdropped and shook her head. "How in the world do these people get hyper without even eating?" She asked herself, mumbling it slightly.

Isthian basically had a couple of choices. He could shake it off, and continue running. He could use the impact to shock himself back to sanity. Or he could pass out.

You shouldn't even think to know which he'd do. This is ISTHIAN, remember.

So he decided to faint.

Tsafmon, having been sensible enough to stay well back from Isthian (or perhaps just having short legs), had managed to avoid the wall that so suddenly loomed up in front of his partner. He winced as he watched the boy topple over backwards, and said, in a wholly sincere fashion, "That's gotta hurt."

Chris wondered what the hell everyone was doing, running around and screaming. He dragged everyone that was in the room out to the hall where Thian, Fi, and Taira were. His next course of action?

What would be the most logical thing he could do at the moment?

He conked Thian on the head.

While Thian fell over unconscious, he put his finger to his lips and went "SHH! There's still this freaky giant digimon running around here, and believe me, we do NOT want to meet up with him..."

"Shouldn't we be getting out of here? I mean, if there's still freaky giant digimon running around, we don't want to be here when one comes looking for its lunch," said Christo, looking at Isthian, "When he wakes up, I mean."

Kamika blinked. She sighed as she looked around. "Big monster equals big trouble. . ." She mumbled.

"This is pathetic. There's some big giant thing most likely with the complete ability to kill us all running around. And we're stuck here because Thian is an idiot! Who in their right mind just runs into walls and knocks them self out! Crimady!" Kyrainia exclaimed.

Chris twitched at the fact that he had hit Thian when he was already unconscious. Ah well. Hitting him was fun. He fought the impulse to do it again, and sighed. "Guys, we really should be getting out of here... I DO NOT want that Machinedramon to find us. Someone help me pick the idiot up."

"How about we just slap him and wake him up?" questioned Kyrainia. "That way we wouldn't have to bother carrying him."

Tsafmon coughed nervously a few times and would have wrung out his hat if he had one... and could. "Uh, I'm not really sure that, um, you should REALLY be hitting my partner, unless it's, you know, actually NECESSARY. I mean, if you must, then that's okay, but, um... ...what was I saying?" The little lizard blinked his bulbous eyes a few times, and looked utterly confused, and a bit concerned.

"Good point." remarked Christo, walking over to Thi-boy. "WAAAAAAAAKKE UUUUUUUUUUUUPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled, picking him up and violently shaking him.

Kyrainia leaned against the wall and chuckled slightly. "Well that's one way of going about it."

"Nnngggggg..." Isthian's head flopped pointlessly around on his neck and his eyelids fluttered slightly, but he didn't wake up. Perhaps that bonk Chris gave him wasn't actually well-advised. Tsafmon, for his part, continued to look very nervous, and backed away from the group beating up his 'destined, so that there would be no chance of him being accused of anything.

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Really," she said. "What a stupid git. Who can run straight into a wall? And a very large one, at that."

Taira sat blinking as Thian simply pulled her along the halls. Then he ran straight into a wall. Being so graceful Taira just backed away and skidded before hitting the back of Thian. She glanced down at him and gave a sympathetic look. Once she realized he fainted she started to freak. "YOU KILLED THE BUTTERMOTH KING!" And promptly started tackling Chris, throwing a few well placed punches. "NOW WHO AM I TO MARRY!" Then she noticed Christo shaking Thian. "Is he alive?" She whimpered leaving Chris behind. She poked Thian getting a slight groan. "HE'S ALIVE!" Then, Taira realized what Christo was doing before "HOW DARE YOU SHAKE HIM SO ROUGHLY! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM LIZARD MOTH!" She said looking at his digimon.

Foxmon sweatdropped and sighed "I give up on her...Let me know when she is her normal self...And for the record ....THEY'RE INSANE NOT HYPER!" Foxmon gave a slight snort and walked away.

Taira cradled her love in her lap "Come on wake up..." She spoke suddenly as if normal. "You must return to me and rule along my side.." She sniffled and burst into wails of cries (Sorta like a widow at her husbands funeral) "I LOVE YOU! YOU MUST WAKE!" She gave him a kiss and wailed again. "WHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! OF ALL GREAT BUTTERMOTHS....." She became quiet. "Why..." and gave a few sniffles..

Kamika blinked then with all the insanity in her head, she walked up to Taira and. . . and bonked her against the head with her mallet? "SHUT UP WILL YOU??!!" She shook her head in exasperation and walked away.

Chris was sweating profusely now. All the noise that everyone was making was sure to attract Guardromon to them, let alone that Machinedramon, and he was sure they'd be defeated for sure, with how.... insane.... everyone was acting. He was also hurting from Taira's abuse. Even if she was mentally unbalanced, she still knew how to punch.

It was useless trying to shut them up- they just got louder and louder. He backed away a few feet down the corridor and attempted to calm himself down.

Tsafmon shook and cowered over in his corner. Taira had freaked him out so much that he couldn't think of a single thing to say. Of course, it's not like he's usually the smartest thing in the world, but still.

Isthian, however, fluttered his eyelashes as well as any southern belle's -- not that he'd ever seen one, or would favor a comparison to one if he had. He groaned slightly and opened his eyes... then totally freaked out when he saw his love's face. He leapt to his feet and fled around the corner, screaming apologies to the dæmon women.

Taira was suddenly bonked on the side of the head by Kamika and her Mallet of Amnesia. She gave a small little smile. "I've been hit...Avenge me my love!" She yelled before briefly fainting onto the floor with a large thud.

Isthian, of course, didn't hear Taira's plea because he was running fast and away. Tsafmon, however, did, and he loped over and gave his partner's paramour a little lick on the forehead, which was rather daring for him. He turned and chased after his 'destined to relay the message -- and get away from the possible dangers of the group, which seemed far more likely to be harmful than the potential dangers the other, relatively indigenous, creatures that might be inhabiting the building presented.

Chris sighed watching Thian run off around the corner. He moved to the nearest person, not even noticing who it was, and said conversationally, "We're all going to die."

Kyrainia looked over at Chris. "No, we're not going to die. We're all just going to go horribly insane, think we're pink fluffy bunnies, and then we're going to die."

Chris blinked, noticing who he was talking to. "Oh, it's you. Heck, at this point, I don't care anymore. Everyone's being insane, and I have this horrible premonition of looming disaster... but I don't know, it could be just from talking to you."

Kyrainia rolled her eyes. "Oh yes like talking to you is a walk in the park. Though I don't suppose I have any alternative. Half our party is insane, and the other half is making so much bloody noise that we're bound to attract the attention of some monster thing that's going to kill us, and I figure before I die, I might as well have a nice little insulting conversation with the person I like the least."

Chris shrugged. "Hmm, works for me. Especially the 'person I like the least' bit." He smirked. "Are you sure you're not in the half of the party that's insane?"

"Oh you are right. I must be insane. Or this must be hell. Because I am resulting to talking to you, and having you be the last person I talk to before I die. I always thought that the moments before I died would be a bit... well... more enjoyable to say the least."

Chris laughed. "Good shot. Right to the heart. Well, then, death will be a release for you... although it will be a bit hot."

Kyrainia rolled her eyes. "Is this honestly the best you can do? I mean we're all going to die, and it's completely your fault, though no, don't bother feeling any guilt that you're going to get us all killed...but if I'm going to hell, you're certainly going down there with me."

"Excuse me? How is this my fault? The damned Machinedramon took control of me!" He smirked. "And are you sure that you want to be stuck with me for all eternity?"

"Well, seeing you suffer would be completely worth it. And it was still you who we followed and had to get you out of here! Just thank god they didn't completely get rid of your clothes, because if they we would've all died from sheer horror."

"What? You cared that much about my almost-nekkidness? Heh. That's almost.... funny."

"Well excuse me for not wanting to go blind. Now, if you actually had say, a decent body, then that wouldn't have been a problem, but you don't."

"What, now you have to insult my looks? And that remark implies that you actually saw enough of it to deem it not decent. Hmm? Wandering eyes?" He laughed.

Kyrainia smirked slightly. "Heh, not if my life depended on it. And face it, you're not exactly Prince Charming."

"Hmph. As if you had the power to make that sort of judgement."

"Are you implying that I'm not exactly what one would call pretty? Because if you are, then you should really be telling me things that I don't already know."

"Heh! Very good point, that. What I would call you is an evil fire-breathing person with a tongue that needs to be nailed to a cross somewhere. How's that suit you?"

Kyrainia laughed at this. "Evil fire-breathing person? Oh COME ON!"

Chris got peeved at her laughter. "What? It's a perfectly usable insult!"

"A perfectly pathetic one that a 7 year old might use. That's right up there with 'I won't be your best friend anymore' and 'You can't come to my birthday party' I mean really!"

"Hmph. Well, I suppose you would be the expert, being a complete shooperer, eh?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh brilliant, throwing out languages that the other doesn't understand. That's just so mature."

"Well, I thought it would be a word that YOU would know, as it fits you perfectly. Shooperer is an African word, specifically the Shona language, and it means a person who loves to fight, and always says just the right thing to get people fighting, and when they're tired and want to make up, says the one thing calculated to have them at each other's throats again. Sound familiar?"

"Hmm wow, you know, that really does sound like me." Kyrainia smiled slightly.

Chris shrugged. "It seemed appropriate."

"It is."

Kamika frowned as she leaned against the wall. She turned around to see Chris and Kyrainia fighting. "They REALLY don't like each other do they?" She mumbled to herself.

"Hmph. My brilliant insult seems to have backfired.... do you notice we actually just agreed on something?" He turned and looked down the hall.

"Oh well I suppose the world is going to come to an end now." Kyrainia paused as she noticed that Chris was seemingly looking for something. "May I ask what the heck you're looking for?"

"Looking for the Four Horsemen.... I figure with us agreeing, they're bound to show up..." He realized what she had just said and blinked. "STOP THAT! It's bad enough with just anyone reading my mind, but with YOU doing it... EVEN WORSE!"

"Did it not occur to you that I just might be perceptive? Oh well, I guess not. You'd actually have to be intelligent to tell that."

Chris grumbled. "Oh, now you insult the intelligence... never figured you to be the one to go for the easy shots."

Kyrainia rolled her eyes. "I never figured you'd be an obnoxious jerk, but you obviously are."

Chris frowned. "Well, the one thing I have to say to that is-" He stopped suddenly, feeling a now-familiar intrusion in his mind. His face tightened, and sweat started to appear as he attempted to fight it off. "No.... no! Not again....aaargh!"

Kyrainia looked at him in slight confusion. "What the...Chris...?"

Chris was gritting his teeth together, still trying to fight it. His hair started to glow faintly, and his eyes clenched shut. "Kyrainia...ungh... you need to....aargh...get away from me...AAAGH!" Chris screamed loudly once, and went completely limp, collapsing, his hair still glowing faintly.

Backing up considerably, Kyrainia looked over at the other insane members of the group. "Umm, guys?" she yelled. "We've got a bit of an issue here!"

A few seconds passed, then Chris stood up easily, eyes still closed. He turned toward Kyrainia, and opened his eyes. They were now a flat, glassy silver color. Inside his head, a triumphant voice rang out. "HAHAHA.... Your pitiful mind is too easy to control. Using your powers and your....worthless partner, I will destroy the rest of the humans!" The real Chris railed against the Machinedramon's control (for that was who had taken a grip on his mind) but could do nothing. As the others watched, Chris smirked, and stretched out one of his hands towards Tekumon, who had been leaning against a wall recharging. "Tekumon." Tekumon blinked and opened his eyes "What, Chris?" Then he grunted as Machinedramon's mental control reached him, through Chris's powers. His eyes closed, and then reopened, bright red. "What is your command, master?" Chris smirked again and turned back to the rest of the kids. "Digivolve.... and destroy them all."

Kyrainia just looked at Chris in amazement. "Oh bloody hell, not this again..."

A blackness enveloped Tekumon... "TEKUMON DARK DIGIVOLVE TO.... DARKSAIBDRAMON!" The newly digivolved metallic dragon, this time with darkened and corroded metal, laughed evilly. "I will destroy them all, Master." He started to suck in breath for his attack.

Kyrainia looked at Mushroomon. "Looks like you're going to have to do something." She looked back at Chris. "Umm, guys?! I don't care about your mental states...we've got an issue here, and I need your help...NOW!" Kyrainia yelled backing away a bit more.

Kamika gaped in surprise. "What the. ." She muttered out and yelled, "Puttimon!" Her digimon came straight to her side.

"What's wrong with them?" Puttimon asked.

"Trouble. . . That's what. . ." She said softly, not believing that this was possible. "Chris. . ." She added.

A few halls over, Isthian and Tsafmon were completely unaware of the goings-on back with the group. They had, after all, fled from the (potential) ravages of Taira and Kamika, respectively.

...yes, they had run from a pair of girls. Your point?

"Thian, Thian, I really think we should be heading back," panted Tsafmon as he scurried behind his partner.

Isthian didn't stop running. "Why would we do that?! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US!!!"

"WHAT?!" Tsafmon almost panicked, but fortunately regained control of himself at the last second. "No, no, you've got it all wrong! Taira loves you! She wants you to avenge her! You've got to go back, for her!"

That changed Thi's mindset completely. He did a quick pivot-turn without even slowing and was soon shooting back the way he'd come. "Yes! I must avenge my love! I'll make that crazed buttermoth PAY!"

Tsafmon skidded to a stop, turned more laboriously around, and then scrambled to follow his partner with two thoughts running through his mind: 'I hope he doesn't attack the wrong person,' and, 'I hope he has a clue where we're going, 'cause I sure don't...'

Fiona tapped her foot impatiently. "You know, I'm really starting to think we should get out of here... like, BEFORE we get eaten."

Kyrainia looked over at Chris, backing up a bit more to put some definite distance between herself and the possessed jerk. "Chris...?" she called, her tone more gentle than usual. As much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, this sudden attack on Chris was beginning to scare her a bit.

Devi-Chris turned toward Kyrainia, and suddenly flashed an evil grin. "Ah, Kyrainia... the so-called tough, "argumentative" Brit... Perfect."

Kyrainia merely glared back at Chris, standing her ground. Though a long stream of creative swearing was running through her thoughts.

Devi-Chris laughed. "Oh, come now. Surely you can think of better than THAT... I've heard better from you. Much better." He laughed. "After all, you're the self-styled 'queen of arguments and bitchiness!'"

Kyrainia looked at Chris in wonder. 'How can't...there's no possible way he could...' she thought slightly panicked. "Better the 'queen of arguments and bitchiness' than the resident bastard of the world." she muttered.

"Come now, Kyra, you really think a little thing like that's gonna affect me?" He shook his head.

Kyrainia flinched at the nickname as all the memories came flooding back. The screeching of the tires...the look on Jason's face...him lying on the ground...the crimson blood covering the streets... Ramming her fist into the wall, she tried to clear her mind. 'I'm not going to let him get to me...'

Devi-Chris smiled cruelly as he watched her tormented face. "Yes... that feels good, doesn't it? Remembering the good old happy days, with...Jason. What was that last thing that he said to you, now? 'Kyra...I'm sorry Kyra. I'm so sorry. Don't forget me. Baby please. I love you.' Awww... isn't that sweet?"

Kyrainia's eyes flashed with anger as she struggled to clear her mind. Forgetting that anyone else was there, she flung herself at Chris, attempting to beat him into a little pulp.

Devi-Chris grinned as he easily blocked her punches and tossed her back against a wall. "Now you resort to physical attacks... Pitiful. Really pitiful. You were the one I had the most hope for. Now look at you, Queen Tough! Crumpled against a wall, crying..." He laughed.

Kyrainia stood up; ignoring any physical pain she was in. "You obviously don't know what crying is if you think I'm doing it..." Moving forward she bit her lip, trying to keep from crying out. "Whatever you're trying to's not going to work, I've been through too much to let the likes of you get to me." she spat out bitterly.

"Ah, is that true? Hm. You know, I don't think you realize something. Nobody cares about you." He grinned at the look on her face. "Yup, that's right. And you know it, too. Nobody in this little group cares about you, Mushroomon doesn't care about you, and Jason doesn't, didn't, and never did care about you. You're worthless, Kyra."

Stopping in her place, she ran her hand through her hair, her signature nervous habit, then looked up and locked eyes with Chris. She smiled bitterly in slight defeat. "You are right. If you thought for one second that I didn't know that I was worthless, then you're crazy. I KNOW NOBODY CARES GOD DAMN IT!! I've been living with that realization for my entire life." Never breaking eye contact she used every ounce of strength she had to approach Chris. "Go ahead. You've won. Do whatever you want. I don't bloody care anymore."

Devi-Chris sneered. "With all your reputed toughness, you were probably one of the easiest to break, after seeing how fast you crumpled... Foolish wretch." He laughed. "I don't need to deal with you anymore... not now that you're broken. Soon, I'll do the same to all the rest of this sad little gang... and then you will all die."

Kyrainia laughed. "You're absolutely pathetic."

Devi-Chris grunted and spun toward her. "Hm. I see you're not as broken as I thought you were. I'll have to resort to simpler measures to do this... though this'll be just as fun, too."

"Lives of innocent people mean nothing to you do they? No guilt, no nothing? Are you really this emotionless? Wake up Chris! You may be pathetic, but you're not a killer. Fight this and come back..."

"Chris is gone forever. He's dead." Devi-Chris shrugged. "He was weak. He didn't deserve to live. Neither do you, now that I think about it." He charged Kyrainia, and knocked her into a wall, much harder this time.

"You deserve to live far less than I do." She whispered with the last bit of strength she had before the area around her blurred and finally went black.

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